Often times we’re going through life running low on power and energy because we’ve failed to plug in to the one thing our soul most needs. What is it our soul most needs? Connection with our creator. Ahhhhh yes, when is the last time you connected with your creator? He is your power source. Are you plugged in?
We’re much like a cell phone running on 3% battery power. We’re exhausted. We’re nearing our end. We’re trying to milk every last ounce of energy out of a limited resource and we wonder why it’s not getting any better. It’s not getting better because we’re seeking power in the wrong places. We’re trying to plug into someone else thinking they will recharge us. That didn’t work – what a let down. We try plugging into work seeking fulfillment in our career and we’re only more drained. And of course we try the whole “self-help” thing. I can do this on my own. I know what to do here! So we read all the self help books, we try all the tricks and we will have momentary boosts of hope, but ultimately that battery power is still sinking lower.
Sound familiar?
Why do we do this? Here’s why … we forget that first and foremost we are a soul. We are a soul with a body.
We treat life as if we’re a body and oh, our body happens to have a soul. We feel ragged and worn down so we seek to replenish our body forgetting all the while it is our soul that most needs refreshing. You are a soul. It’s not that you have a soul – YOU ARE A SOUL. And while you walk this earth, your soul gets a body.
What would happen if we started caring more about our soul? How would your life transform if the most valuable thing about you was your soul and you cared for it in that way? We will spend hours at the gym, we will spend countless dollars on pills and shakes and concoctions to try to improve our bodies, but what are we doing for our soul?
I’m throwing down a challenge today. Your challenge is to recharge your soul by plugging into your power source. Connect to your creator. How? Through prayer. Make time to talk to him and hear from him. Seek him and allow his power to flow through you.
There’s no magic formula, or pre-cleaning up required. It’s simple. Plug into your source through prayer.
Philippians 4: 6-7 (MSG) “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
Why is it we would rather have a challenge to deep clean our homes or go on a 5 mile hike than to spend time in prayer? We’re busy. We’re distracted. We’re rapid. And we’re missing the one thing we need most … we need to tap into our true power source. You can’t do that without plugging into him.
Get charged up today. Fully charged. You were never meant to go through life as half the person you were created to be. You were never meant to run so low and be so exhausted. You are meant to live in power. Perhaps we just haven’t been tapping into that power.
Understand the same power that did every miraculous act recorded in the bible is living inside of you at this moment. The power that caused the walls of Jericho to crumble and fall – the power that caused the red sea to part and stand up on it’s end – the power that caused prison chains to be broken – the power that caused water to turn to wine – the power that caused the blind to see and deaf to hear – the power that caused Jesus to walk out of that tomb after dying on the cross – YES THAT POWER IS LIVING IN YOU!
Tap into it.
Be recharged by that power.
It’s in you. In your soul resides the power of our almighty God. His name is power and nothing can stand against it.
The enemy wants you to believe you are powerless. He wants you to believe you are helpless and hopeless. Don’t buy his crap. His lie is not your truth. He trembles at the thought of you recognizing the power that is in you when you simply pray to your creator. He relentlessly insults you with his lies keeping you focused on your body so you forget that you are a soul. Why? So you sacrifice your power.
Today, will you seek God’s truth? Will you make time to connect with him? Will you fall to your knees for even a moment and just pray “help”? Will you talk to him about what worries you? Just as you would call a girlfriend and talk about the problems with your kids, will you instead talk to God about your kids. Yes, just the same exact way. That is prayer too. Look at our scripture again “Let your petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.” Will you share with him what’s on your mind? Will you ask him to guide you? Will you sit in his presence even in silence to listen for his guidance? He is there. He’s always there. He’s just been waiting for his girl to step out of the crazy and the busy and seek him.
And here’s what happens when you do … our scripture today says you will have a sense of God’s wholeness and Christ will displace worry at the center of your life. What does that mean? That means Christ will take the place of your worry. He will push it right out. How does that happen? One way … through you praying. That’s it.
Let his power be unleashed in your life. Plug into your power source today. This is how your life will be radically changed. And it happens from the inside out. When your soul is renewed and refreshed first, then everything on the outside can begin to change too. But first your soul. Why? Because you’re not a body with a soul – you’re a soul with a body.
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