What can God do with the absence of your perfection? What can he do with the void of your confidence in what to do next? What can he do with the nothingness of your ability to fix the messes you find yourself in?

Really, what can God do with nothing? Where can he go from the absolute bottom? What can he create when you feel like you have nothing left to start with?

Oh, let me tell you precisely what he can do with absolutely nothing … he can do everything!

That’s what he has already done, and that’s what he’s willing to do again for you.

I read a scripture last night that took my breath away. It just stopped me in my tracks. You know, I love that about God’s word. It is truly a living word. It moves and flows and meets us right where we are.

Psalm 51:10 MSG, “God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

A Genesis week. Oh, what a thought. What would a Genesis week in your life look like?

Genesis, where we find the story of God creating the entire universe and all that is in it in one week. The week of creation. The week of taking nothing and making everything. The week of speaking and it becoming.

What if God could take the chaos in your life and shape it into a week of creating things that have never been. A week of new things coming to life. A week of fresh, untouched beauty. What if God could shape a Genesis week from the chaos of your life? Oh, he can!

Think about it.

Day 1, God said, “Let there be light”, and as soon as he spoke, light appeared and separated the darkness. You may feel the confusing darkness in your life right now. You may feel stuck not knowing what to do and where to go. But with one word, God can bring his light to your life and show you things you have never seen before. You can have a completely different perspective with his light shining on your life.

Lord, bring your light to my life. I don’t want to be stuck in this darkness. I don’t want to hide in these corners. I don’t want to stumble for another day. I don’t want to be confused by the enemy. I don’t want to be tormented by his lies here in this darkness. Let there be light in my life.

Day 2, God separated the waters from the heavens and the waters from the Earth, and he called it the sky. And here, a perfect water cycle was created. Water is absorbed into the sky, then the sky releases that water back to the earth. It’s balanced perfectly to sustain life.

If your life feels out of balance, like you’re surviving more than you’re thriving, ask God to bring balanced cycles into your life. To create a give and receive cycle that flows perfectly. You give, it receives. When it receives, then it gives back to you. A balanced cycle. No rigid “have tos”. No dread. No regret. No sucking the ever loving life out of you. A balance.

Lord, I’m out of balance. Please bring me back into balance. I have relationships out of balance. My work is out of balance. My time is out of balance. Create long lasting, life giving cycles within me. Let it flow naturally, as you desire, without stress and strife.

Day 3, God moved the waters and revealed land. Imagine for a moment what that must have looked like. These waters rushing to the east, revealing massive mountains shooting up from the deep. Then these waters creating a flow to the west, unveiling islands of dry land surrounded by turquoise. They had never been seen before, but now, on day 3, there they were. Islands and mountains, valleys and fields. Dry land where there was once only the vastness of the water. Then beautiful trees began sprouting up on this land. The redwoods over there, and beautiful palms here.

My sister, if you feel like you are drowning in a sea of waters that are swallowing you whole, ask the God of creation to create dry land for you. He can provide a solid foundation on which you can stand. He will rescue you from this overwhelm. He will help you stand again. He is the one who drives back the waters. He is the one who forms the shore. And he will do it for you.

Ask him to help you dig deep and be rooted on this solid ground. Here, he will grow you, strong and steady.

Day 4, God created the sun and the moon and the stars in the sky. Stars, countless stars. Today, we know of 200 billion trillion stars. I tried to google how many zeros that number actually is, and I couldn’t find it. But let’s just say it’s a lot. God created all of these magically glowing formations in the sky, and he created them for a purpose. To sustain us. To guide us. To create balanced seasons.

Lord, if you can place 200 billion trillion stars in the sky to form our seasons and guide us in sailing a ship from one shore to the other, you can help me understand this season of my life and guide me where I’m supposed to go. Help me understand what I’m supposed to be doing here. Help me use this season of my life according to your good plan.

And today, know there is so much more God can do, and is doing. There are 3 more days in the week of creation, so even when God does all of this for you, he’s not done yet.

For now, let’s pause and recognize all he has done.

Isn’t he bringing light to your darkness? Aren’t you beginning to see things differently? Can’t you see how God is working to show you new and exciting things?

Isn’t he bringing your chaos into order? Isn’t he showing you balance? Oh how he has faithfully shown you the relationships that are only taking, and released you from those. How he has prompted you with an awareness to see where certain paths lead, and that’s not where you want to go, so he’s given you a new path. He is creating a separation so you can live in balance.

Isn’t he calming the storm and rescuing you from the waters where you have been drowning? Isn’t he bringing you out onto dry land where you can stand again? Isn’t he showing you the new things growing in your life?

And isn’t he guiding you? Isn’t he giving you signs? You see them, don’t you? Little things others dismiss as odd, but you know it’s not odd, it’s God! It’s God that you were right there at that time for that conversation. It’s God that you ended up where you were. It’s God that you were guided here. It’s not odd, it’s God! God is in those details. He is perfectly guiding you. He’s showing you where to go and what to do. You can trust him.

It seems to me, God is already at work in your life with a Genesis week. He is creating, parting, forming, and guiding. Notice what he is doing. Things are changing for you.

Let this be your prayer. Psalm 51:10 MSG, “God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

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