How comfortable is your life? Were you created for a comfortable life? Were you ever intended to seek such comfort?

In today’s world we have an opportunity to be entirely too comfortable EVERY WHERE. Movie theaters now have reclining chairs and waiters, because my goodness, it just wasn’t comfortable enough to sit in the regular chairs and get yo own popcorn.

Our cars have heated leather seats and engines that start with an app on our phone because dang it was hard going out the garage and starting that car yourself.

Have our entire lives become about comfort? Seeking to make everything easier, cushier, fluffier? And what have we sacrificed in our lives of comfort?

The Lord says in Deuteronomy 1:6 says – “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey.”

Perhaps God has been saying, “Girl, you’ve stayed here long enough. It’s time to go now. Let’s go on a journey together.” But you’ve set up shop on this mountain and leaving would be so painful. You’ve bought all your pretties and made it ever so comfortable, permanently cementing yourself to a mountain that was only ever intended to be temporary.

We’ve created a little bubble we live in filled with comfort … and it is trouble!

The Lord told the Israelites to leave Mount Sinai and move toward the land he promised them, but where they were had become far more comfortable than the unknown they would have to travel through. In fear, they remained stuck.

Is that you? Has fear caused you to stay where God has clearly told you to leave? Has fear caused you to delay your forward motion toward that which he has already promised you?

Read the story for yourself, my sister, God is not pleased with our choices of settled comfort. The Israelites forfeited their promise and settled for far less than God’s preferred future for them. They were supposed to be in their blessed and bountiful Promised Land within days … but instead, they got stuck in a wilderness for 40 years because they left that mountain, but didn’t continue going.

We create these little comfortable bubbles for ourselves, insulating us from the threat of failure and hardship. But, what are we forfeiting in our bubble?

Let me be very clear … God didn’t create you for a comfortable, predictable life in that bubble. That was NEVER his design for his masterpiece. And remember, you are his masterpiece and you have been specifically designed to live fully.

When we won’t move out of the bubble ourselves, sometimes God does the most gracious and loving thing possible, HE POPS THAT BUBBLE.

If your bubble popped, it could be for your benefit.

We lose that comfortable job and while it seems our world is falling apart we’re suddenly face to face with the opportunity to start the business we’ve always wanted to start, but were always too afraid to take that leap. The trouble was comfort kept us in that bubble, a bubble filled with boredom and little life living. And now the bubble is popped, we’re highly uncomfortable, AND TOTALLY FREE TO LIVE.

Maybe it isn’t a job that has served as a comfortable bubble for you, maybe it is where you live or where you go to Church or your circle of friends. Maybe it’s your daily routine. While it is comfortable, let’s face it, it is BORING. It isn’t stretching you or growing you. In fact, you’re losing some of your talents and passions because you simply haven’t been using them. Don’t you want to break free of that? Don’t you want to wake up and be excited about living?

God is saying “take that journey … come on, let’s go”.

May you be so confident about God’s good plan for your life that you don’t even get upset anymore when things don’t go your way.

Here’s the trouble with comfort. We become so comfortable that we can’t see the trouble on the horizon. We can’t see where our choices will lead us in 5 more years.

Think about the path you’re on right now. Will what you’re doing take you to where you want to go? If you repeat the actions of the past 7 days over and over again, where will you be in 5 months? How about 5 years? Oh what a reality check.

Comfort never leads us to the life we want, does it? So the question is, are you willing to be uncomfortable today to live a bigger, better life tomorrow?

Have you been on your mountain long enough? Is it time to turn and take your journey?

Maybe you started our journey, but you’ve stalled out and now you’re stuck. You’re not where you used to be, but you’re honestly not actively moving toward what God has offered you. You’ve settled.

I assure you, your great big God is not happy to see his girl stopping short of his promises and wandering in a wilderness. He has so much more for you!

Will you be bold enough to take the next step forward?

We can do better. We can take off the rose colored glasses. We can quit sweeping it under the rug. We can break the chains, step out of the norm, loosen the grip on all our pretties, and dare to LIVE. And living often means going. Going to new places. Starting new things. Wandering through deserts and getting lost along the way so we have to cling to God for every next step. Adventures. Changes.

You don’t want to live in a bubble. You want to live the wide open spacious life Jesus came to give you. The life described in the Message translation of I Corinthians 6: 11-13:

“I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!”

Are you ready for it? Ask yourself today where you need to step out of comfort and live bigger. Step into the wide open, spacious life Jesus bought for you.

Now ask yourself where you were once on your way to a bigger life, but you stopped and settled along the way. What’s God saying to you about that now? Is he saying, “It’s been long enough, my girl. It’s time to get going again.”

If you’re stuck in a comfortable bubble, get ready … because it might just get popped. Not to punish you, but to free you. Step into the BIG Life you were created for outside of all that is comfortable and venture into the unknown with Jesus.

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