How Bad Do You Want It?
The difference between those who live the life they want and those who don’t . . . H-U-N-G-E-R
BIG Life Mentoring presents the new series, HUNGER2015. You can watch the first 2 LIVE sessions online for FREE. There’s a big difference between an “I want a candy bar” hunger and an “I want more out of life” hunger. Perhaps we’ve lived with a superficial, surface level hunger for so many years that we’ve forgotten how powerful we truly are. We don’t need another tool. We don’t need more research or another book, we simply need to WANT it. Bad. When you really want it, you make a way. When you don’t, you won’t.
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From Goal Setting to Goal Achievement
The objective is not to set some fancy butt goals or even to be inspired by the lofty list of all your dreams for 2015. The objective is to achieve your goals. It’s time to do more than dream of the life you want, it’s time to start living it. In our brand new series, HUNGER2015, we teach you how to break through the barriers that have held you back in the past. The barriers of diminishing “wants” and settling for less. Since 2008, we’ve helped thousands of people just like you tap into their inner HUNGER and get exactly what they want in life. Want a stronger marriage? Want a marathon medal? Want a tidy, organized house? Want to be debt free? How bad do you want it? In HUNGER2015, we’re breaking through the barriers so you can live the life you want. Finally.
HOPE. Hope for change, hope for a better life, hope for a breakthrough. Eventually, hope becomes enough and it’s dangerous. We settle for dreaming of the life we want instead of living the life we want. Learn the BIG Life way of hope and embrace your long awaited breakthrough.
URGENCY. Life is passing you by. Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life? How much longer will you wait for the motivation to get started? Wait for motivation and you’ll wait your entire life. Motivation shows up after you’ve started. The time is now.
NO. BIG Life requires space and resources. That means learning to say no so you can begin saying your best yes. Are you living up to your priorities or are your days filled with frivolous activities that suck the life out of you? Evaluate, eliminate, delegate and break-out-the-gate.
GRIND. Your life is a sum of your daily choices. Most of the time it’s the same darn choices over and over again. It’s a grind … but it’s the path that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. You can give up on the grind, endure the grind, or embrace the grind.
ENVIRONMENT. Who and what you surround yourself with either pulls you back into your old ways or propels you forward into the new life you want. Whether it’s breaking an addiction to sugar, carbs, credit cards, or the snooze button, if you change your environment you will change with it.
RELENTLESS. When giving up is no longer an option, your success is inevitable. When failure and delays no longer detour you, then you are on the path to living the life you want. Wake up relentless, go to bed relentless. Keep your eye on the prize, you’re in it to win it.
Two Free BIG Life Mentoring Sessions
It’s What Everyone Is Talking About
You’ve heard your friends talking about the online group that’s changed their life … here it is! Thousands of women are living the lives they always wanted after joining mentoring. As our gift to all our friends and BIG Life girls, we’re sharing 2 sessions for FREE! No strings. No commitments. Nothing. Just sit back and click play and soak in the BIG Life goodness. (Warning: Side effects of watching include, but are not limited to, a sudden burst of motivation, increased zest for life, and addiction to future mentoring sessions.)
But Wait … There’s More
We’re giving away the BIG Life Goal Setting System (and a Live Broadcast) for FREE
Holy balls … it just keeps getting better! We have a New Year’s gift for you too. The BIG Life Goal Setting System is proven to increase your odds of success by 300%! The entire system is yours to download for FREE along with a special broadcast from BIG Life Headquarters teaching you the entire system. Yip, all for FREE.
Why are we giving away two FREE sessions?
Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” Since 2008, we’ve had the blessing of helping thousands of people live the life they want and ol’ Zig was right, in return we’ve gotten everything we ever wanted in life. We live a ridiculously good life and we simply want to share it with others. Our deepest desire is to help you live the BIG Life you were meant for and we know exactly how to do it! The only question is, are you ready to experience a year of life you never dared to dream of before? If you are, we are SO ready to show you how! Yes, for FREE. It’s what we call planting good seeds.
Goal Setting is Good – Goal Achievement is Great!
Setting goals is not the point – achieving them is. 2015 can go down as the year you tapped into everything you wanted. Or it can go down as the year you didn’t want it bad enough. We’re standing by to awaken the HUNGER in you and help you grab that BIG Life by the horns.
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