Ephesians 6: 10-12; “God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.”
You and I are in a battle. Every day we are fighting. We’re fighting to live the life God has available for us and we’re fighting against the enemy who’s only goal is to steal, kill and destroy everything Jesus died to give us. But you and I are champions. We are more than conquerors. And understand when you are MORE THAN A CONQUEROR this means you have a habit of winning. You show up and win over and over again. You win when no one thought you would win. You win when everyone else counted you out. You win when everything was stacked against you. You win when you get knocked down because you simply won’t stay down.
Get an image of this sister, because this is who God made you to be. This is MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. A champion. You were created to be a champion in this life. Whatever battle you’re up against, may I remind you that God is for you, not against you. He has made a way for your victory.
Exodus 14:14 says “The Lord himself will fight for you, just stay calm.”
Who needs that reminder this morning? Everything in you wants to freak out right now. But God is saying, stay calm, I’m fighting for you. God is with you. You are not alone in this.
In this life you will have trouble. It’s guaranteed. We were never promised a trouble free life. But we were promised victory through Christ Jesus. We have been equipped for the battle, so suit up my friend, THE ENEMY IS ON ATTACK.
And of course he’s on attack – he only attacks that which he is threatened by. The attack you’re under right now only reveals your value. You have something precious and it’s worth fighting for. Your marriage, your health, your family, your career, your dream, your goals – they will all come under attack. Suit up.
Let’s go back to our scripture for today. “God is strong and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you.” He has given you WEAPONS to fight today. Now remember who you’re fighting. You’re not fighting flesh and blood, you’re fighting against the Devil and his angels. You’re going to need the right weapons for today’s battle. We have been given 6 weapons.
1. Belt of TRUTH – A belt holds your pants up. Your truth is what holds you up. What is your truth? Do you know who God made you to be? Do you know who your God is? Do you know he is for you?
2. Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS – A breastplate your heart – be morally right – do the right thing – you always know the right thing, just do it.
3. Shoes of PEACE – Walk in peace. Don’t stir up trouble. Don’t hang out in trouble. Don’t talk about trouble, walk in peace.
4. Shield of FAITH – Your faith will protect you from the fiery darts of the enemy. The darts will come, hold tight to what you believe in.
5. Helmet of SALVATION – Protect your mind. Jesus said you are made new in him, believe it. Remember it. You’re not who you used to be so don’t think the old thoughts you used to think.
6. Sword of GOD’S WORD – God’s word is powerful. When is the last time you prayed his word? Occasionally my kids will remind me of my own words and it moves me like nothing else. I’ll be stressed and they’ll say, “now mom you always say to not take things personally and just shake it off.” Or they’ll say “remember mom how you tell everyone to trade their have to’s for get to’s – you don’t have to bring me my forgotten homework, you GET to.” And I am moved. They spoke my own words to me. Speak God’s words to him. Pull out your bible and pray scriptures.
God, you came so that I would have life and have it more abundantly. I claim that life today. I step into that life today.
God you said you would be with me wherever I go, you would fight my battles and give me victory, I’m up against a big battle today and I’m counting on you for victory.
God you said your mercies are new each morning, I’m looking for your new mercies today.
You said your strength would be sufficient for me, give me that strength today.
You said you would provide for me and I wouldn’t have to worry about clothes or food, I’m doing my part, I’m showing up and doing everything I can, so I know you will do yours God.