1844 Up In the Air

    What uncertainties do you face? It is NOT uncertain to God. He knows it all. From beginning to end he knows every detail concerning you and he is taking all things in consideration for your best future. What things about your future are still up in the air? Up here in the unknown where you

    By |March 27th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1844 Up In the Air

      1843 Don’t Be Jealous

      My mentor's name was Mr. Winton. He was my mentor for the last 20 years of his life and his wisdom helped change mine. One of his greatest lessons was a lesson on envy. He told me "Pamela, you're truly successful when you can celebrate the success of others as much as you celebrate your

      By |March 26th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1843 Don’t Be Jealous

        1842 Living Well Today

        Do you want to live well today? Of course you do. No one woke up this morning and said "ya know, I want to royally jack up this day of living." No one intentionally woke up, realized it was Tuesday and said "I think I'll just waste today." No, none of us. However, many of

        By |March 25th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1842 Living Well Today

          1841 God, What Do I Do?

          Wouldn't you just love to know precisely what to do next? A clear yes or a clear no from a God who's plans are specific and promised to be good. How exactly do you get that? Can you get that? Do you remember the Magic 8 Ball back in the 80's? You could ask it

          By |March 24th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1841 God, What Do I Do?

            1840 Do Your Prayers Matter?

            Do your prayers actually make a difference? Really, do circumstances actually change because of your requests made to God? God knows everything, right? He has seen the end from the beginning and everything he plans will come to pass without a single thing able to stop him. What he wills to happen will happen. So,

            By |March 20th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1840 Do Your Prayers Matter?

              1839 Why God Stops

              God's desire is to speak to you and guide you. He has beautiful plans for your life, and his desire is in no way for you to miss those plans because you're stuck in confusion. The example of the Israelites shows us God does speak and God does guide, but when we reject what God

              By |March 19th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1839 Why God Stops

                1838 The Spoken Blessing

                Numbers 6: 24-26, "May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace." This is a very specific blessing given by God himself. The Lord told Moses to tell his brother, Aaron, and his

                By |March 17th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1838 The Spoken Blessing

                  1837 God Will Help

                  Grab your Bible, open up to the tiny book of Haggai, and join Pamela forthis unscripted Bible Study as part 2 of 'Rebuild This Temple'. Now,GOD WILL HELP! Follow Pamela on Instagram - https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life - http://biglifehq.com

                  By |March 14th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1837 God Will Help

                    1836 Rebuild This Temple

                    (Hint - This isn't just about a building, this becomes about your BODY!) This is an unscripted episode with only teaching points below Temple: God's dwelling place (Moses build God's tabernacle as the portable temporary dwelling place for God during the Israelites journey. Now they have settled in their Promised Land and it's time for

                    By |March 13th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1836 Rebuild This Temple

                      1835 God Is Doing More

                      Sometimes hearing about God's provision isn't enough, you need to experience it for yourself. Sometimes reading about God's movement, his power, and his presence isn't enough, you need to feel it for yourself. And unfortunately, experiencing and feeling these things for yourself isn't the sweet blessed moments you imagined. You find God's movement in the

                      By |March 12th, 2025|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1835 God Is Doing More