D-O-U-B-T. Doubt. In the book of Genesis we see the account of God miraculously making the heavens and the earth in 6 days. The mountains, the seas, the skies. The moon, the stars, the flowers, the animals. Man and woman. All of creation, he created. What a masterpiece.
The sun is getting ready to rise here and I’m blown away by it every single day. The creation of God. In Genesis chapter 3 we see all that God created be threatened and forever changed by one thing. This one thing often goes unidentified. What was it that changed the world forever and still taints the world today? Taints your world today.
Doubt. Who did doubt come from? The enemy. Satan himself.
In Genesis chapter 3 Satan came in the form of a snake in the Garden of Eden and he planted a seed of DOUBT in Eve with the question, “Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” Now he knew exactly what God had said. There was no question about that. But he questioned Eve in such a tricky way. And Eve said, “No. We can eat from any tree in the garden except the one in the middle of the garden. If we eat the fruit from that tree, we’ll die.” Now that’s pretty clear, don’t miss that.
The enemy was crafty. He was crafty then, and he’s crafty now. His seeds of doubt will leave you questioning your own truth, questioning the good things in your life. Then the serpent said to Eve, “You will certainly not die. God knows when you eat from that tree that your eyes will be opened.” AND EVE BEGAN TO DOUBT GOD’S TRUTH.
The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy, and typically in conspicuous ways. God creates and builds and Satan just casts a stone. The enemy plants a seed of doubt and all is compromised.
Where has a seed of doubt been planted in your life? Are you questioning if God really cares about you? Are you questioning if God really has a plan for your life? Are you questioning if you’re really good enough? If your time will ever come? If this will really all work out? That is doubt.
James 1:6 – the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
Is doubt stealing your peace, confidence, dreams, and your future? Is doubt stalling your progress? Please listen to me. You are not at the mercy of every doubt that comes to your mind. And in this day and age of social media and everybody’s opinions everywhere, you are subjected to a whole lot of doubt. Doubt in everyone and everything that you know. But you are not a slave to every doubt that comes to your mind or comes up on your screen. Like the waves of the sea, doubts will come, however, you don’t have to let them undermine your faith, your peace, or your confidence.
The more you pay attention to doubt, the less you can see God. Doubt doesn’t diminish God. Doubt doesn’t make him smaller or less powerful, but it limits your view of God. Remember our scripture today, “The one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.” Winds make the sea unstable. Waves move back and forth in a constant state of disruption, stirred up and unsettled. What wind does to water is what doubt can do in your life. Doubt will keep your life in stormy turmoil. Is that where you’re at today? Things are just a mess. You don’t know what’s right, you don’t know which way to go, and you’re doubting everything. You feel all stirred up inside and unsettled? Honestly even worried sick. Yeah, that’s the seasick of doubt. Waves of doubt have you all stirred up and sick.
What do you do with doubt? We all come up against it. The enemy uses it against every one of us, in every relationship, in every circumstance. The enemy IS going to plant seeds of doubt. How do you overcome your doubt? You bring it to God. You ask God for the wisdom to identify doubt and turn away from it. Ask with the humble faith of the man who said to Jesus, “I believe. Help with my unbelief.”
Hey listen to me, God is big enough to handle your doubt. Your questions aren’t a burden to him. You don’t have to be ashamed of your seasick tummy that has been riding the waves of doubt. But you do have to ask God for help with it. God, here’s my doubt, I really don’t want it, will you help me overcome it?
Then step forward with confidence in the promises of God. What would this day of life look like for you without the seed of doubt planted by the enemy? I want to experience a day like that. How do I do it? I bring those doubts to God. I bring them all to him and ask him for wisdom to identify doubt and turn away from it. Will you join me in that today?
I will not allow the enemy to steal one more good thing from me with his stupid seeds of doubt. I’m about to get angry. No more! Do you need to get angry about those seeds of doubt and what they’re doing to your confidence, your relationships, and your happiness? Say no more! Bring your doubts to God and ask him for wisdom to identify it and turn away from it.