I challenge you to consider this day of life as not only a gift from God, but a test from God. He will be giving you samples, little bite size pieces of opportunity, and he wants to know what you’re going to do with them.
My friend, God wants to bless you, he wants to promote you. He doesn’t want to withhold even one good thing from you, not one.
Psalms 84:11 says “The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”
Heaven is a storehouse of treasures, but our God is a good good father who won’t give promotions, he won’t give blessings, he won’t give opportunities to his children who aren’t ready for them.
For those of us who have children, we understand this well. Our own children determine the amount of privileges they enjoy by their behavior. We want to bless our kids, we want to. But sometimes we don’t get to because of the way they’re acting. We have rules in our home and if they don’t obey the rules they don’t get to enjoy the rewards. It’s pretty simple.
Well it’s the same way with our Heavenly Father. Exodus 16:4 says, “In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.” You’re being tested.
As you’re making plans for your day, writing your to-do list, considering how you will spend your time, I encourage you to view this day as a challenge to be obedient in your behavior. Be faithful with what you have been given. Take great care of that which you already have. Raise your standards. God is testing you to see if you will follow his instructions. Will you follow him? Will you trust him? Will you praise him? Will you serve him?
1 Chronicles 29:17 says, “I know my God that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity.”
God is pleased with your integrity. How will you show integrity today? Think of integrity in these 3 ways – being honest, being balanced, and being true to who He created you to be. What an outline for how we should live today. This means even when no one is watching, give your best effort. Be kinder than necessary. Go out of your way to be a blessing. And also the very practical things like make your bed and hang up the clothes. Present your best self and take pride in how you look, talk, think and act. Yes, dress with integrity.
Today we will prove that we are faithful with what we ALREADY have. We will live with integrity. We will pass the test.
God has a big plan for your life, and it’s a good plan. He wants to know if you will follow him, and it always begins with the little things. Then we get to move on to the big things. How many of us have been praying for big things? That’s okay, God likes big prayers. But big things always start with little things, always. So what are you going to do with those little things today?
How will you prove that you’re faithful?
How will you prove that you’re really ready for more?
What will you do with your time?
How will you spend your money?
How will you treat others?
How will you care for yourself?
Remember, God is going to be giving you little samples, bite size pieces of opportunities today, and he wants to know what you’re going to do with them. Oh, I know what we’re going to do with them! We’re gonna do well on this Thursday. We’re going to live intentionally, on purpose, giving our best, mindful effort in everything we do. We’re going to prove ourselves faithful today. We’re going to live with integrity today. And when God tests our hearts he’s going to be pleased with what he finds.
Big things always begin with small things and today is a series of small things for you to take care of with INTEGRITY. Prove yourself faithful and grateful.