Ephesians 3:20 “to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”
This month in BIG Life Mentoring we begin our POWER series. By definition power is the ability to DO something. You have tremendous power in your life. You have the ability to do something. The ability to change, the ability to begin, the ability to keep going. I believe within you is the power to do things that would simply blow your mind. A work of the enemy is to make you feel incapable of doing something, but you are so powerful.
Understand this, God has given you the gift of his Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide you. While the Holy Spirit often sounds mysterious and honestly a little bit hookey, it is simply God’s power at work within you. In John chapter 14 Jesus is speaking to his disciples, preparing them for his own death and he explains that while he is going away and they will no longer see him, the Holy Spirit is coming to them to live in them. God is literally living IN them. Jesus says if you love me, the Holy Spirit will come to you and teach you all things and remind you of all he has said.
You and I don’t have to wander around like lost puppies in this world. We have a guide who is always with us. We have within us power. Power working within us. Our God, the one who created us, the one who knew us before he knit us together in our mother’s womb, the one who has a good plan for our lives, the one who can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine … yes he has placed his power within you and he is working.
You are a power house. Oh yes you are. You are housing the power of God. That power is inside of you. The power that creates, the power that heals, the power that tears down walls and moves mountains. That power is in you. You are a power house because God dwells within you.
What stronghold have you battled? Is there an addition or bad habit that has held you back? Is there something in your life you truly want to change, but feel it would be so darn hard to change? Well I’m not going to lie to you and tell you it will be easy. It likely won’t be. However, you were specifically designed to be able to handle tough things. You are not weak. No matter what the enemy tries to tell you, you are NOT WEAK. You have God himself living inside of you and NOTHING is impossible for God. Nothing.
So you bring your impossible. You bring it right to the foot of the cross and you lay it down and tell God you don’t want to pick it up again. Are you really ready to change? Are you really ready to make it happen this time? Are you really ready to step up to the next level of living and start living up to your God given potential. AWESOME – within you is the power to do all that and more.
God’s power is working in you. All you need to do is tap into it. Today, you have the ability to do something. You have the ability to make the next right choice and do the next right thing. God’s power shows up in your will power, it shows up in your passion, it shows up in the desires of your heart, it shows up in your hunger for more in life, and all you have to do is lean into that power and be willing to do something. Be willing to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit as he guides you down the right path. Be willing to show up and work darn it, this isn’t going to be easy.
But I know this, you have been given the gift of a new month of life, and within this month is the opportunity to do something. Do something about the things in your life you want to change. Do something about the dream in your heart you just can’t shake. Do something about your health. Do something about your finances. Do something about your relationships. You do have the power. You do have God guiding you.
Oh yes you do! This is your month of power. Your time has come. And know this about your powerful, almighty God … he’s not greedy. He offers you power to work in your life and he has an unlimited supply. Stop coming to the throne of the almighty and asking for to just survive the battle when God wants you to THRIVE in the battle. Ask for the power to be bold and courageous with big steps and big faith. What ever made you think God wouldn’t want to lavish his power upon his girls who are bold enough to ask for it?
We’re flipping the switch. We’re turning on our power. We’re taping into what God has already placed within us.