Several years ago I gave myself a gift. A gift which cost less than $5 but it has been priceless. What was the gift? The new testament bible in The Message translation. If your want to study God’s word and understand scriptures on an applicable level, I recommend you go online to amazon right now. Just search “The Message New Testament”. You’ll find several different designs and looks. Mine was $4.62.
Today I’ll be reading from my Message translation in I Peter 1: 13-17:
“So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready… Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves… doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. You call out to God for help and he helps—he’s a good Father that way. But don’t forget, he’s also a responsible Father, and won’t let you get by with sloppy living.”
Here it is, your recipe for living well today. Don’t do only what you feel like doing. If all you do is what you feel like doing, you’ll get yourself stuck again in your old ways of living. You’ve made some progress. You’ve created good, healthy habits that are getting you somewhere … don’t you stop now. Here in BIG Life we say when you know better, you’ll do better. Before you didn’t know any better but now you do. Now you are responsible for doing better. And this is when your life gets better, when you do! You’re getting better my friend. You’re showing up for your life, you’re learning, you’re growing, there’s progress here and as a result your life is getting better.
You are closer today to your potential. You are on the path to living the life God had in mind for you when he created you. Don’t slip back now. Don’t get lazy. Isn’t it crazy how quickly we will regress back to our old ways if we don’t continually push forward? Maybe you feel your push running out. You’ve been pushing, pushing to become your best, pushing to make something of your life, pushing to move on to the next level and you’re growing tired. Deep down you have a fear that all your progress will be lost with that one slip up. But let’s look at this scripture again. It says “let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life.”
As a follower of Christ, when you are seeking him, all the pushing isn’t left up to you. As your push runs out, God steps in and does the pulling. When you seek him he pulls you into the life you were created for. He pulls you into position.
Have you asked God to keep pulling you? Have you surrendered your journey to him fully? When you feel your push wavering, when you feel your will beginning to buckle, here’s what you do, call out to God for help and he will help you. Ask him to pull you. Pull you into an energetic life. Yes, remember that’s what our scripture says “let yourself be pulled into a way of life that’s energetic and blazing with holiness.” What does that mean? A life on fire for all God created you for.
Are you on fire for the life God has planned for you? Are you on fire for his vision for your life? Are you on fire for your destiny? This is your source of energy. This is a way of living. Seek God and be pulled into living better. You don’t have to live one more sloppy day of life. That sloppy living may feel good in the moment, but a moment later it sure doesn’t, does it? God, as your responsible Father, won’t let you get by with sloppy living. No, not when he created you for so much more.
Understand this is why we don’t feel good when we’re not doing good. You’re not supposed to feel good when you’re making bad choices. You’re not supposed to feel good when you’re letting yourself slip. You’re not supposed to feel good when you’re sucking at this thing called life. That’s your loving Father saying “girl, I created you for more – snap out of it!”
Today we will be willing to do what we know we need to do, even if we don’t feel like it. We won’t slip back into our old ways of living. We will keep pushing and we will trust God to pull us in the direction of our destiny. We will keep getting better. We will live with energy and be on fire. We will be excited about this life available to us and darn it, we won’t get sloppy with it. We’re gonna clean up our act. We’re gonna show up and give today our very best effort!