Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Our God is faithful. He will do what he said he will do. Maybe not in the timing we would like, or the way we would imagine, but he is faithful. Always. You can count on his promises. And this scripture says we should hold unswervingly to our hope. Unswervingly. Oh, that’s where we’ve been getting it wrong. In one moment we have hope. We believe things are going to work out. We believe our God is for us.
And then … we swerve.
There’s an obstacle ahead. Something we weren’t expecting and we swerve to miss it. And when our hope swerves, we go into a tailspin. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? You’ve been in that tailspin of lost hope before. That tailspin of everything is falling apart and nothing is going as you planned. Spinning and spinning. And the more you spin, the more you question if God was ever really for you. The more you doubt his promises.
Why is this happening to me? Why do things never work out for me? Why can’t I ever move past this?
Could it be because we have failed to have that unswerving hope?
Unswerving hope. Here’s what I mean … There’s an obstacle ahead. I see it. This is going to be difficult. I wasn’t expecting this. But my God has gone before me and I don’t have to flip out. In the past I would make sharp turns and rapid decisions to avoid this obstacle, but now I know better. I don’t want to go into a tailspin again. Instead I will stay the course. I will overcome this obstacle. Unswervingly.
Now that is hope. Hope that if God has brought me to it, God will bring me through it. Hope that there is a way and God will show me that way. Hope that even in the darkest of times God will never leave me nor forsake me. Hope that all things are working together for my good, even when it really looks like everything is straight up falling apart.
Here’s what God reminded me of this morning. Check yourself. Are you on the right path? Are you still doing what He has called you to do? Without a good honest check, we sometimes fail to realize we have wandered off and over time we just walk in circles. Did you know without a visual point of reference, we walk in a circle. If lost in a desert or thick forest, we lose sense of what is straight ahead and we walk in a curvature, eventually bringing us full circle, right back where we started, no further along than we began.
Are you going through life without your point of reference? Could this be why you’re just walking in circles? Stop. Stop now. Look to God. God has a path for you to be on. He has somewhere he wants you to go, things he wants you to do with your life. And just in case you’re wondering, you’re not going to be miserable fulfilling those plans. Trust me when I say, you were MADE to do what you’re supposed to be doing and NOTHING is as fulfilling and rewarding as stepping into your destiny and fulfilling your purpose. That shoe fits perfectly. Stop being afraid of it. That’s just the enemy’s detour to keep you circling.
Hold unswervingly to the hope you posses. No more swerving. Keep your eyes locked on God. Continually look to him for guidance and direction. And move forward. When you’re certain you’re on the right path, obstacles no longer cause you to swerve. Straight ahead my sister. God has given you exactly what is required to go over that obstacle. Climb on. And if you can’t go over it, God will take you right through it.
I don’t know where you’re at on the journey. Maybe you’re currently climbing over the obstacle. You’re trying to overcome something. Don’t lose hope. Hold on to your hope unswervingly. There’s no need to swerve now. God has brought you here and he will equip you to climb. Hey, God’s just taking you higher so you can have a better view.
But maybe you’re currently going right through the obstacle, head first. Good for you. You didn’t swerve. In the past you avoided this very thing you’re plowing through today. That’s growth. You’re no longer avoiding it. God has equipped you to go through it and come out stronger. You’re learning things in this current struggle that will equip you for what’s ahead. Nothing is wasted here.
Straight ahead my friend. Move, keep walkin’ soldier keep movin’ on! I have a special assignment for you today. Listen to Toby Mac’s new song called “Move”. It says
He’ll get you through this
Hold on
These are the promises
I never will forget
Keep walkin’
Solider keep movin’ on
And lift your head
It ain’t over yet
No more swerving into tail spins. We have unswerving hope in God because he is faithful to his promises. And we no longer have to sit stalled out and stuck. If we look to God he will make our paths straight so we don’t keep walking in circles, literally. He is our point of reference. He keeps us moving, keep walking on. Lift your head sister, it ain’t over yet.