Today I’m sharing one of the coolest scriptures I’ve ever read. I mean this scripture is straight up awesome, a give you the holy goose bumps kinda verse. I have to wonder why it isn’t more popular and well known.
2 Chronicles 16:9 “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
I want you to imagine God is preparing for this New Year. He’s aligning blessings and opportunities. He’s creating paths and doorways to dreams that have been sought after for years. He’s planning to make a way where there has been no way.
Can’t you just see God preparing? Can’t you see him aligning the opportunities?
Now, his eyes are searching the whole earth. He is searching for the ones who will receive these opportunities. The ones who are ready to rise up to the next level of living. He’s looking for the girls who will appreciate the blessings, the girls who will seize the opportunities, the ones who will make something out of everything she receives. He’s looking for those who will take it and run with it. Those who will not delay. Those who will not complain. Those who will focus. Those who can be trusted.
Will it be you?
His eyes are looking. They are looking. And today, they are looking at you.
What will he see today when he watches you? How did you receive the gift of this day of life? You see because how you received today is a good indication on how you will receive tomorrow. It’s easy for us to believe on January 1st we will somehow miraculously wake up as a new person with more willpower and determination than we have today …. ahhhh, we will likely be disappointed. If you’re not willing to do it today, what makes you think you will do it tomorrow, or next Monday?
God knows better.
Could the very opportunity you seek be locked up and untouchable to you because you haven’t been faithful with what you already have? Yes, absolutely yes! God instructs us to be faithful with little, then more will be given to us. But if we can’t be faithful with little, we will never be faithful with more. We can’t be trusted.
Understand today God is creating paths and doorways to dreams, he’s aligning blessings beyond your wildest imagination. He’s stockpiling opportunities that would blow your mind. And he is watching you closely to see how you will respond to this day of life. How will you handle the choices you have today? What will you do with the opportunities in front of you right now. His eyes are wandering, they’re searching the whole earth, and he’s looking to strengthen the one who is fully committed to him. He WANTS to make it happen for you. He wants to partner with you in making 2019 the best year of your life. God is ready … the question is, are you?
Is your heart fully committed to him? Are you so grateful for the gift of today that you wouldn’t dare waste it? Are you all-in in living this life you have been given? Do you refuse to wish it away, sleep it away, or waste any bit of it wallowing or complaining? That’s the kind of girl God is looking for. That’s the kind of girl he wants to strengthen. Will it be you?
Now when we read the rest of 2 Chronicles 16:9, we understand why most walk away from this scripture and fear it – it says “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on you will be at war.”
There was a King who had always looked to God for guidance and he had experienced great victory. However now, when under attack again, he looked for guidance from others instead of God. This is why he is described as a fool and is now at war. He stopped looking to God. Have we too been foolish? Have we failed to seek God? Have we jumped into making grand plans and writing big goals for 2019 and failed to seek God? We’re being warned here, this is how we bring war upon ourselves. This is how we create a mess. Have we caused the turmoil we find ourselves in? Let us correct that now!
This new year of life is full of potential and possibility … don’t miss it. Decide now that you won’t waste a single opportunity that comes your way. Decide now you will do what you said you would do. Decide now you will follow through, you will show up, and this time you won’t give up. God is an ever faithful partner on this journey, and he’s asking you to be faithful too. How many times have we stood him up? We make a commitment to wake up, and we don’t. God heard your commitment and he was waiting there for you, but you didn’t show up. You said you would go to the gym. God heard that commitment. Did you leave him hanging? You said you would get that work done, did you? Will you? Because God has been waiting with everything you need to make it happen. He wants to strengthen you, enable you, equip you and move you forward … won’t you be faithful enough to show up for it?
When you fail to show up today, you lessen the opportunities you will receive tomorrow. Let God know those opportunities won’t be wasted on you! Another chance won’t go unused if it’s given to you!
God, we come to you for guidance. We are seeking your will and your way. We are fully committed to you. We trust your great plan for our lives and more than anything, we want to live up to your plan. We want to fulfill our purpose and tap into our full potential placed in us by you, our creator. As your eyes are searching the whole earth, searching for those who you can strengthen, those you can bless, those you can trust to remain fully committed to you, I pray we are found pleasing in your sight. I pray we are exactly what you’re looking for. I pray we make you proud with how we live this day of life.