Who woke up today carrying a heavy load of uncertainty? Who is walking into work today unsettled? Who is at home today concerned over something specific? For some it’s something small, and for some it’s life-altering. God’s word instructs us very clearly on what to do with these worries.
1 Peter 5:7 says “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Your anxiety is the very thing causing you unease or worry. It’s not yours to hold onto. Imagine this as a game of hot potato between you and God. Stop holding onto it. Pass it. Instead we sit there examining the worry, fretting over ever detail, posting about it, talking about it all while the one thing we’re supposed to be doing is casting it on God. CAST IT ON HIM. To cast means to throw. Throw those feelings of hurt on him. Throw those feelings of nervousness on him. Throw those feelings of hopelessness on him. Frustration, overwhelm, uncertainty, confusion, hey it’s hot potato here sister, throw it!
But there’s one really important step we sometimes forget in “casting it on him”. We forget that means we actually have to let it go.
You can’t cast without loosing your grip. You can’t cast without giving up ownership.
-Analogy of throwing baseball – you will hurt yourself if you wind it up and don’t let it go –
So you’ve got this problem. Whew it’s been worrying you. It’s been keeping you up at night. It’s been so heavy it takes your breath away sometimes. Your energy has been zapped by the weight of these feelings. CAST IT ON HIM. Loosen your grip. Your problem can no longer be your identity. You must be willing to move on in your life without this. Are you really ready to give up worrying about it?
Some people are and some people aren’t. If you’re ready, God is ready. Cast all your anxiety on him because HE CARES FOR YOU.
Hebrews 4:15 – “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.”
God is touched by the FEELINGS of my problem.
The devil tells me God doesn’t care. He says I’m alone. He says something is wrong with me for feeling this way.
But let me tell you the truth, NO ONE CARES ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL MORE THAN GOD DOES.
The God who runs the whole universe watches your face. In Genesis the Lord said to Cain, “why has your countenance fallen?” In other words, why is your face sad. Girl, you think God doesn’t hear your cries? He sees your tears. You don’t even have to be crying, he sees the look of worry and sadness on your face. And get this HE CARES.
Why does the enemy work so hard on us trying to convince us God doesn’t care about our feelings? Here’s why … when you stop believing God cares, you give up on your faith.
Nothing is too big to bring to God. And nothing is too small. Cast ALL your cares. All of them.
What happens when we try to worry our way through life? What happens when we tuck it all inside and carry the weight on our own? One of 2 things. We either have a complete breakdown, or we just go numb.
Have you stopped living the BIG Life you were created for because you’ve been hurt before and you don’t want to be disappointed again? You don’t get your hopes up because that hurt isn’t worth it. So you go through life numb in robot mode. You shut off everything to manage the pain. No pain gets in, but listen to me, no pleasure gets in either. Are you just a shell of what you were supposed to be.
Today, cast ALL YOUR CARES ON HIM. God I give this to you. I release my grip. This will not become my identity. This problem does not define my life, my value or worth. I am a treasured child of the almighty.
Now listen up, this isn’t a promise that God will fix everything that worries you. I may have written a script of how I believe it should all work out, but God is not obligated to follow my script. However what this is, is a promise directly to you that God will receive your worries and he will care about them. He will carry the load for you. And you can fully trust that he will handle it in the way that is best. This is a dance of faith, God is the lead. It won’t always go your way, but you can trust God to be moved by his care for you personally.