What is it you’re waiting for? We’re all waiting for something. We’re waiting for something to change, something to improve, something to happen, someone to pick us, promote us, buy from us, help us. We’re waiting for the sign, the ah-ha, the breakthrough, the shift. Please something start clicking. Ultimately, we’re waiting for OPPORTUNITY.
We generally struggle with opportunity. We think, “If only opportunity would come my way, then I would be successful.” A job, a business, a contact, the right person, the right diet. And here’s the thing about opportunity … it’s always there waiting for us. It’s all around you waiting right now. All the opportunity in the world is currently in your life. Truly it is.
So what are we missing? Sadly, we might be missing the abundance of opportunities because we’re simply not READY. We haven’t made ourselves AVAILABLE to the opportunities. I mean geeze, we are masters at cluttering up our lives and playing so darn busy, scattered and unfocused, minds bouncing from one thing to the next like a ping pong ball, where is there available head space for opportunity?
Are you ready for opportunity? Imagine that God wants you to have that breakthrough just as much as you want it, but you haven’t done the work to be ready for it. And well, God’s not gonna force it down your throat. Like a 16 year old who wants their driver’s license but hasn’t practiced driving … they don’t deserve their driver’s license. DO YOU DESERVE THE OPPORTUNITY YOU’RE PRAYING FOR? Have you shown yourself faithful with little? We all want opportunity, but are we willing to take even the smallest step to make ourselves available to the opportunity? Opportunity only shows itself when you go out and seek it. Seek and ye shall find.
Everyone wants opportunity, but few, very very few, want to do the work necessary to be ready for the opportunities of life. “Once opportunity arrives, it’s too late to prepare.” My husband has drilled that John Wooden quote into our teens.
Our guide for seeking and seizing opportunities is found in Philippians 3:13-14 “But one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
There are things that will keep you tied to the past, keep you held back. You must let go of that crap in your life. Forget the past failures, the past hurts, the past injuries. Realize that the past does not have to equal your future and press on. What you have now are lessons, just great lessons. Perhaps a whole pile of lessons on what didn’t work and what not to do. Great. You paid a high price for those lessons, now use them … don’t allow them to hold your future hostage.
Maybe your past equals your childhood, your first marriage, or the pizza you ate yesterday. Are you willing to leave it behind you so you can strain toward what is ahead? Or will you beat yourself up again today? That’s a genuine question, one only you can answer. Will you let it go so you can move on?
What opportunity are you seeking? What goal are you working toward? What change do you desire? WILL YOU WORK FOR IT TODAY? Put on your blinders, get focused, put your head down and get to work. PRESS ON toward the GOAL to WIN the prize. Press on means keep pushing. Girl, now isn’t the time to let up. Press on. Maybe you’ve let up a bit. You’ve gotten lax in your efforts and your progress has suffered as a result. Accept responsibility here, and press on.
Focus on the mark ahead and work towards it with tenacity. The opportunities will become clear as you work. The opportunities were always there, you just weren’t ready for them.
If you are praying to God for those opportunities, he hears you. He is just waiting for you to be ready for the opportunity of a lifetime he has for you. Work. Press on toward what you want. You will grow, learn, and be ready for the opportunities that God has waiting for you. When you press toward your goals the opportunities will make themselves visible.
Today I will press on. Press on. Say that with me. Press on. Again, press on. The opportunity of a lifetime is all around me. I’m willing to work to be ready for it! And when it comes I will have the valuable of lessons of what doesn’t work so I know exactly what DOES work. I will waste nothing, and seize the opportunity because I’m finally ready!