All the days of your life have brought you precisely to this day. It’s no accident you’re right here, right now. Your good, good Father knew this day would come before your first breath. You have a purpose here today. An intentional path with a divine destiny. Your wisdom of the path is not necessary, your willingness to walk it is.
At this very moment, your heart is beating. Ba boom, ba boom, ba boom. You are alive for a reason. Oh my goodness, what have you been spared from to just be alive today? God has moved heaven and earth to bring you here. The beating of your heart is your drum, guiding you in the beat of your purpose. An intentional rhythm of life. This is your beat. Follow it to your purpose.
Ba boom, ba boom, ba boom. In that rhythm. I-am-here-for-a-purpose. Follow-the-beat. Baboom-baboom.
And if you’re like the majority of people, instead of feeling confidence and confirmation, you were just consumed by feelings of concern and condemnation. You just started stressing out about why you’re alive, and what’s your purpose here.
Why am I alive? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing? Oh my gosh, what if I’m too late? What if I’ve missed it? What if I’m screwing it up? What if I wouldn’t even like it if I found it? What if I’m on the wrong path?
You’re not alone. That’s the way most people feel when we talk about purpose. But Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
You see, we don’t need to be all stressed and overwhelmed about why God put us on this earth and what our purpose is in life, God is telling us, “Hey, don’t be so anxious about this. Be grateful for this gift that I’ve given you. Just come to me with your requests and let my peace fill you. I will guard your heart and I will guard your mind.”
Maybe that’s exactly what you need today? You don’t need to go on some huge quest for your purpose, you need to decide not to be anxious about it and that you’re going to trust God with it.
We all know part of the serenity prayer; “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Awesome stuff written many years ago. But there’s another part very few of us have even heard. It says:
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.
Taking as he did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it, trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and extremely happy with him forever in the next.
This is the key to living well, following the beat of our own drum, and stepping in the rhythm of our purpose. It’s living this day, today. Not worrying about tomorrow, but enjoying this moment.
The way that I have found God’s greatest purposes for my life isn’t by stressing over them. It’s not even by reading a ton of books, listening to certain people, but it’s quite simply letting life flow through me.
Yes, honey, just let life flow through you. Breathe. Trust. Keep your eyes open to opportunities. Step. Keep the rhythm. Enjoy the ride and see what unfolds.
As you let life flow through you, it’s then that you begin to hear the beat of your own drum.
May you have serenity today.
May you not be anxious about anything.
And may you remember Proverbs 16:9, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
You can have a million and one plans, but trust that it is God who establishes your steps. You don’t have to have this whole things figured out. You don’t have to have a ten step plan, because guess what … even if you do, it’s likely not going to work out the way you think it will.
So, God’s invitation today is to stop stressing over your purpose and just let life flow through you.
Overthinking kills your happiness. Insecurities kill your confidence. Doubts kill your possibilities.
Stop thinking so much, stop tearing yourself down, stop playing little in your own life, stop questioning.
Today, let life flow through you. Begin to notice the beat of your drum. The heartbeat that says God has a purpose for you, you’re here for a reason. Trust God right in the middle of it. Trust God to establish your steps. Trust that he’s going to make all things right as you surrender to his will.