You are God’s girl. He created you on purpose, with a purpose. He crafted you perfectly as he wanted you, then gave you a life to live here and now as only you can live.
Proverbs 31 gives us much of an outline of the woman we were each created to be. You want to know what his intentions were … you want to know what exactly he put down deep within you? Let’s start right here:
Proverbs 31: 17 & 25
She is energetic and strong,
a hard worker.
She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.
In both of these verses, our strength is referenced. Let me tell you something, you are a STRONG woman. You are fully capable with the power of God in you. Whatever it is you are facing, YOU CAN DO THIS.
You need to hear that, understand that, and get that down in you as truth. Stop going back and forth questioning if you can. Yes girl, YOU CAN DO THIS. You can do this because the Almighty God gives you strength. You can do this because you’re not in this fight alone, the Lord fights your battles for you. You can do this because he has already gone before you and made a way. Maybe you don’t currently see the way, you don’t understand the way, or you feel like you don’t like the way, but the way is being made you just have to keep stepping in it. YOU CAN DO THIS.
The enemy wants you to believe you are weak. He strips you of your confidence and tells you that you can’t. And if you believe him, he’s right. All that God put within you will go untapped and you’ll never taste the life he intended for you if you believe you can’t.
The evil one tells you that you will fail. Misery loves company. He is miserable in his defeated pits of hell and he desires your company. Deny the invitation. When he tells you failure is in your future, remind him you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. He’s the loser here, not you.
He tells you there’s something broken in you that needs to be fixed, but remember, you don’t need to be fixed, you need to be filled. Everything you’re lacking is nothing more than space for Jesus to fill.
That slimy sucker Satan tells you you’re not good enough, but gosh that sure wasn’t the message Jesus sent when he laid down his very life for you. Hasn’t your worth and value been proven here?
The attacker of your soul tells you that you’ll never change and you will always struggle. He tells you what you did will never be forgiven. He tells you it’s too late. But the devil is a liar. I challenge you to choose carefully who you believe today. Who is the author of the thoughts you allow to dwell in your mind today?
God says you CAN because it is his power dwelling within you, so sister the bottom line is YOU CAN BECAUSE YOU ARE GOD’S GIRL.
“She is energetic and strong …”
You. You are energetic and strong. You do have energy. Energy to do exactly what you need to do today. Strength to show up and live well today. God has supplied it, now it’s up to you to use it.
Energy multiplies only when it is used. Laying around in your ‘giving up on life pants’, requires no energy. What goes unused today is considered unneeded for the next day. The supply diminishes as it is unused. The supply increases as it is proven necessary. If you used every ounce of energy you had yesterday to do all you needed to do, you went to bed empty, however today you are filled with a fresh supply and given even MORE energy because you proved you needed it. Energy goes where energy is used. Want more energy? Use all you’ve got today then even more will be given tomorrow.
Strength is much the same. It is a muscle. We only grow stronger under stress. Plain and simple, you don’t get stronger in the easy times, you get stronger in the hard times. The first half of 2020 has been your gym and you’ve been getting stronger here! Now you step into the second half with muscles of perseverance and tenacity because you’ve been strength training.
This was God’s intentions for you. You are energetic and strong!
“She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.”
I bet you have a mama or a grandma or perhaps an aunt that was a hard worker. Did you ever notice that she did more in 1 day than we do in an entire week, and yet she didn’t complain? My grandma was a single mother to 3 girls, all born right in a row, less between each baby. She woke up every morning and milked the cow and gathered eggs before she got on a bus to go to her full time job. When she came home from work she would kill, pluck and cook the chicken herself. And the laundry, all done by hand and hung on a freezing clothes line in the winter to dry as a block of ice. And every morning she would get up and do it again. Without complaint. Grandma was a hard worker.
And me … whew, do I ever have my perception of hard work tainted. Really, did I work hard yesterday? Do I have any resemblance of this kind of hard work in my days? Do you?
But it’s not just the work we do, it’s how we do it. God is calling us to be the kind of women who show up and does what needs to be done, without complaint and without resentment. Do you know why? Because hard work makes us feel good about ourselves. When you EARNED that paycheck, when you EARNED that clean house, when you EARNED that progress and success, you FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF. God designed you to NEED to work hard. He designed you to be strong and use every ounce of energy he supplies to you to do good work.
Will you do good work today without complaining about it? That’s the way God’s girl does it.
“She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”
The woman God created you to be laughs without fear. What a concept. Laughs without fear. A woman who doesn’t care what everyone else thinks. This is a woman who is confident. Confident in who she was created to be, confident in the good work she does, and confident in her mighty God.
This is God’s desire for you. He wants you to be able to find joy today, then actually ENJOY it. Enjoy it without fear that it may not last forever. You can get over that fear because girl, I can promise you, it won’t last forever. Your kids will never again be as little as they are today. You will never again be as young as you are today. So you know what, we need to laugh without fear today. We need to soak this up because one day it will all be over. How sad would it be to look back and realize we didn’t fully live this season of our life. To miss the preciousness of what we do have right now. That we were too busy complaining about all that had to be done, all the places we needed to be, all that was unfair and too hard. AND THIS IS NOT WHAT GOD WANTS FOR YOU.
You are God’s girl. Now show up for life and live it today. Live it as the strong woman you were created to be. Use the energy God has given you. Be a hard worker today – not a disgruntled worker. Meet every task with a “can do” attitude and a sense of gratitude that you GET to. Behind every burden is a big ol’ blessing. Don’t miss it.