If you have a hopeless situation in your life right now, you are meant to hear this. You are not listening by accident, this is by the design of a mighty God who loves you and will stop at nothing to reach you. So gather around my friends with heavy hearts and hopeless situations, this one is for you.
Have you ever heard the story of the valley dry bones? We will be reading in Ezekiel chapter 37 today about a man named Ezekiel, a follower and prophet of God who was in a hopeless situation. God had led him to a valley of dry bones. Scripture says they were not only dry bones but they were VERY dry bones. Whew, who has not only a hopeless situation, but a VERY hopeless situation. A relationship that has no life left in it. A dream with zero breath remaining. A clock that has fully run out of time. Oh yes, those are very dry bones.
God led Ezekiel through this valley of very dry bones, skeletons without life and he said, “son of man, can these bones live?”
Ezekiel responded “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”
My sister, God is asking you if your hopeless situation can be brought back to life today. Can God breathe life into your dead spaces? Your broken spaces? Your ‘too far gone’ people. God alone knows and God alone IS ABLE.
We pick up in verse 4 – Ezekiel says: “Then he said to me, Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.’ So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them.” And then in verse 10 it says “breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.”
Imagine what Ezekiel was seeing. A situation that looked utterly hopeless. A valley full of skeletons, just a reminder of where life once was. And then the breath of God brings life into this dead, hopeless situation and it comes alive. This is exactly what God wants to do for you today. And he can! Will you invite him into your valley of dry bones?
The enemy is called a snake. Understand that he comes in like a python and wraps hopelessness around your life and your relationships, your hopes and dreams, your purpose and destiny, and takes the breath right out of you. You have been squeezed tight, maybe even unable to breathe for quite some time and all that is left is dry bones, really dry bones. There’s no sign of life in your marriage. There’s no sign of life in your dreams. There’s zero hope left in your valley. AND IN COMES GOD!
God wants to breathe life into that which is dead in your life. Imagine God is literally doing CPR right now. He is reviving and restoring. He is bringing back that which was gone. You thought it was hopeless. It was too far gone. But God says, “I’ve got this. This is not impossible for me.” If God can bring an entire valley of dry bones into an army of people on their feet, God can bring life back to your hopeless situation.
Let his breath enter you to come back to life and help you stand on your feet. See him doing CPR, fighting for you, fighting for your marriage, fighting for that relationship, fighting for your health, fighting for your children, fighting for your breakthrough, fighting for your dreams, fighting for your destiny. He’s not giving up on you. He’s pumping your chest and he’s breathing air into your lungs. RECEIVE IT. Come back to life again.
You may be in a situation that ONLY GOD can fix. Great. He is able. Fully able. This is not too hard for him. It may look and feel really darn hopeless to you, but this is not hopeless to God. This is just a valley of dry bones that he can breathe life into again and oh how he alone will receive the credit!