daily devotional

You have a great BIG God, not a limited God. He is the author, creator and owner of all there is and ever will be. He alone decides where the wind will blow, when the sun will rise, and how the Earth will turn. And this God, this mighty and powerful God, has decided YOU would have life, and your lifetime should be now. For such a time as this right here, you were created.

Why? Why you, and why now?

A few weeks ago I stood in the redwood forest and felt so incredibly small. Surrounded by the majesty of these ancient trees, then there’s me. Last week I stood along a river in the Rocky Mountains, once again feeling so incredibly small. To think, the God who created all of this, created me, and said I was even greater.

Honey, have you forgotten what God has said about you? Have you forgotten that you were made on purpose for a purpose? Have you allowed that small feeling to fool you into believing you don’t matter?

YOU DO MATTER. WHAT YOU DO MATTERS. If faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain, what can a girl your size with a God his size do?

It’s really not a question of what you could do because remember Jesus said in John 14:12 “whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these …”

So was Jesus just being dramatic? Was he trying to pump us up with false hope to get us in the game? Was he exaggerating when he said if we would BELIEVE in him, we will do even greater things?


Then, why don’t you believe it?

Why do we dismiss ourselves from this offering of doing such great things with our lives when Jesus said we could? Because we’ve failed in the past? Because it doesn’t seem realistic? Because we know how jacked up we really are sometimes?

Ahhhh come on, you think Jesus didn’t know how jacked up Peter was as he spoke these words to him? Just 4 chapters later Peter would completely deny even knowing Jesus. Now that’s jacked up! And yet Jesus didn’t disqualify him from his promise. It was still available to him … if you will believe in me, you will do even greater things.

You have not been disqualified. The God who made you and placed his power and potential right inside of you still knows exactly what you’re made of and what you’re capable of. He hasn’t given up on you, nor has he moved on from you. He’s right here today confirming exactly what his son Jesus said. “Yip, her belief qualifies her to do even greater things … now I hope she will dare to dream with me about those big things.”

Our God is the God of BIG dreams. His invitation has been extended to you to dream with him. Imagine all you could do with the partnership of his power. Nothing is impossible for him. And here you are with Jesus dwelling within you, empowered to do all things.

So, why couldn’t you become a nurse? If that’s your dream, why not go for it?

Why couldn’t you adopt those babies? If that’s your dream, believe it’s possible and take the next step.

Why couldn’t you start that ministry or business? Oh wait, is that too big? Are you trying to water that down and make it sizeable to reality? Are you spending your time counting up all the reasons you can’t and totally missing the fact that Jesus said actually, you CAN. You can do GREATER things when you believe in the God who created you and the One who saved you.

I have a song for you today as you have a little dream time with your mighty and powerful God. This is a new song by Jenn Bostic called “God of BIG Dreams” and of course it inspired today’s episode. Take a listen and remember who your God is and what your faith in him can do.

What’s standing in your way today? What doubt is holding you back? What obstacle has you overwhelmed? What provision seems to be lacking? This is your mountain. And what do we say to mountains? MOVE MOUNTAIN (throw that mountain into the sea). And move Spirit (let your spirit take over me).

May you be moved today. May your God given dreams be stirred once again and new life breathed into these dry bones that had given up.

Oh, it’s no accident you’re hearing this. God’s invitation awaits. Will you dream with him again? Will you have faith it’s possible through him? Will you believe you’re just the girl he has chosen?

Afterall, why wouldn’t it be you? The only qualifying factor here is your faith. Not your current resources or past track record. Nope, doesn’t matter. Will you believe Jesus and take him at his word? Awesome … now you’re ready to do greater things!