God has something for you in this New Year. Something specifically and individually for you. He has a word to guide you and direct you in your best daily choices and higher perspective on the journey. It’s not a word you have to chase or dig up, it’s simply a word you must position yourself to receive.
A word for the year, paired with a clear mantra repeated daily. is a foundation on which you can build a grounded year of life. A year where you grow. A year where you become more like who you were created to be. A year where you experience the desires of your heart and God’s guidance to get there.
Now, this isn’t about choosing some fancy flashy word because you like the sound of it, or you found some super cool inspirational quote that goes with it. Don’t settle for that surface level fluff, it will never guide you through a year of life. You must dig deeper and begin the journey of discovering.
Ask yourself these 3 questions:
1. What do you want?
2. What’s been in your way?
3. What’s the truth?
By genuinely answering these 3 questions, you will begin receiving a clear direction on your word.
Personal Example:
1. What do I want? I want to go to the next level of living. I want to experience every single thing God has available for me. I want to really see what is still inside of me that has gone untapped.
2. What’s been in my way? Really, me. I’ve questioned if I’m good enough and would bigger things even be possible for me? I’ve settled for what’s right now and sacrificed what could be with deeper work, and I’ve done it for so long I’m not even sure if more is possible for me.
3. What’s the truth? The truth is, all things are possible with God. If I partner with him, nothing will be impossible. He is my strength and my guide and if he calls me to it, he will equip me for it.
Once I answered these 3 questions, I clearly see my word. Do you see it too? It’s POSSIBLE. And suddenly that word was everywhere as a confirmation of receipt.
This is the process of receiving your word for 2021. Put in the work, ask those questions, be honest with yourself, and partner with God.
Over the past few years I’ve gotten to be a voice in the lives of those who are seeking. During this time, I’ve noticed there are 3 words that seem foundational for many. I will share each of them, and you listen as you are ready to receive what God has for you.
At your core, if you feel unworthy and not good enough, you will discount every opportunity that comes your way. Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus? You are chosen, and in him you are complete. God looks at you as his beloved who he has declared worthy indeed. Receive that as your truth, then accept nothing less than your best. YOU ARE ENOUGH. You can stop tearing yourself down now.
If you will get that down deep in your bones, it will change the way you see yourself. It will change the way you eat, the way you walk and talk. It will change every relationship you have. The entire trajectory of your life is shifted the day you realize you are worthy.
Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Could 2021 be the year you see yourself for the masterpiece you were created to be? It could be … will it be? Will you receive that?
There is no guilt and shame over desiring more out of life. We feel ungrateful when we, who are already so dang blessed with good lives, decide we want more now. But where has God drawn the line and said this is all you get? Where has he ever said, okay now you’re capped out and there’s nothing more for you? You’re alive? You’re breathing? Ahhhh, then there’s more for you.
Do you want it? Seriously, do you want more? Then claim it. Declare you are willing to show up and do the work to step into the more you desire.
I Corinthians 2:9 says ““No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
This scripture tells me because God loves me, there is so much more prepared for me, and I haven’t even imagined it yet. Girl, because God loves you and you love him, he has MORE prepared for you, now all you have to do is decide you want it and take the next step.
You were created for more. You are capable of more. You are worthy of more. More is here now.
Sometimes we feel unworthy of more, because the truth is, we haven’t been faithful with what we already have. Now maybe you can hide it from the rest of the world, but you can’t hide it from yourself. You know if you haven’t been showing up and doing what you can where you are with what you have. And little by little, it eats away at you on the inside.
Piece by piece, you lose confidence in your ability to change. You sacrifice your power to rise to bigger things when you fail to be faithful with the little things.
Luke 16:10 says “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”
And this is where it begins for you. Be faithful with every opportunity. Be faithful with your commitments to others and yourself. Just be faithful. This begins a process of proving you can be trusted, and the one you really need to do the proving to is YOU. It’s darn hard to write goals for the New Year if you can’t trust yourself. Start being faithful and you will see change.
Those 3 words I have found to be the most common and greatest guide in seeking the life you were created for. If you haven’t received your word for 2021 yet, let this be the beginning for you. When you ask yourself those 3 key questions, is your answer in believing your WORTH, going for MORE, or being FAITHFUL each day?
Once you have received you word, begin working with it to create your mantra. A mantra serves as your guide to daily living in alignment with what you have received from God. It is a call to action and a filter through which everything you do can flow through.
This is my mantra for 2021 with my word POSSIBLE:
I am perfectly positioned, fully equipped and totally ready to experience all God says is POSSIBLE in my life now. Today, I move forward with courage.
These 2 sentence directly address what I want, what has been in my way, and my truth. I will memorize and repeat this mantra every morning. And at the end of each day I can ask myself, “Hey self, did you move forward with courage today towards what God says is possible?”
This is more than make me feel good with warm fuzzies, this is a guide to living your best life. This is a call to action that says don’t just think about it and talk about, freaking do something about it.
Ask yourself those 3 questions. What do you want? What’s been in your way? What’s your truth? Review your answers and receive your word. Craft a written mantra using that word as your daily guide in living the life you said you would live while becoming the person you were created to be.
You were created for more. You have been deemed worthy. Now sister, just be faithful.