Just how safe are you playing it? I know when you’ve been let down before it’s hard to trust. I know it’s easiest to settle into accepting what is instead of seeking more. But honey, if you’re not seeking it, it’s not going to come knocking on your door. Whatever you’ve settled for in your life will surely be your destiny. Not the destiny you were created for and not the destiny God has available for you, but the one you opted for by playing it safe to avoid disappointment.
Think about this, in pursuit of the life you most desire, the one where you’re living up to your potential and stepping into your greatest purpose, who has let you down the most? Isn’t it you? As a grown woman, you’re the one steering this ship. You’re the one putting the food in your mouth. You’re the one choosing the relationships. You’re the one showing up or not showing up. You’re the one cheating a little here and a little there and halting your own progress. How you live your life now is your responsibility.
God is here today partnering with you on this journey with an invitation to rise up from the ashes, shake off past disappointment and take a risk that this time it will be different.
Are you willing to take a risk? Are you willing to try again? Are you willing to go all-in on this one life you have been given and dare to see exactly what God has placed within you? I promise it’s more than you ever imagined.
There was a risk taker in the Bible who showed us how to experience more than everyone else in the boat. One person bold enough to say “hey Jesus, I want it.” That was Peter.
Peter was in a boat with the other friends of Jesus in a storm. And up comes Jesus, just walking on top of the waves. Oh my sister, don’t ever miss that Jesus comes walking out to you in the storms of your life. If you’re in a storm right now, look around, he’s close. His eye has been on you and he’s never lost sight of you.
Now the question is, what do you do when you see Jesus in the storm? Do you beg for him to just make it all go away? Do you hold your breath until you’re safe on the shore again? Or do you take a risk?
What are you seeking here? Are you seeking the easiest, safest, quickest way out of your hardship? If that is all you seek, you may be missing your opportunity to experience more of what God has for you here. More living is HERE. More breakthrough is HERE. More strength is HERE. More potential is HERE.
Stop seeking the shore. Seek what is possible out here in the deep where you find yourself now.
Peter was a risk taker. It was his willingness to take a risk that allowed him to experience all Jesus said was possible. And you know what happened next right … what happened?
Peter sees Jesus walking on the water and says “hey Jesus, I want to do that with you.” Call me out so I can do the impossible with you. In Matthew 14:29 “Jesus said ‘Come.’ So peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.”
And now, it’s your turn. Jesus has already walked through your storm. He’s made a way for you. He has strength and provisions available for you that you’ve never tapped into yet. AND YOU WON’T SITTING THERE IN YOUR BOAT. Sitting in the safety of your boat seeking the shore you will never experience what God has made truly possible for you.
This is where you take a risk. This is where you stop playing it safe. This is where you dare to believe the almighty God has put some almighty in you.
We’re 2 weeks into this new year of life. What do you have to show for your journey of 2021 so far? Have you really been going for it, or are you sitting in your boat rowing just a little bit? I know if you row just a little bit it’s easier to handle the disappointment of not making it far. I know extreme effort and little progress can be heartbreaking … maybe that’s why you’ve been holding back.
But let me remind you, God sure didn’t hold back for you, now did he? He was taking a risk when he went after you. You with your free will and long track record of screwing things up on your own, he still went for you. He held nothing back when he gave his one and only son to save you. Now, why are you holding back on living the life he came to give you?
Seriously, WHY ARE YOU HOLDING BACK? Because you’ve let yourself down before? Because you’ve failed in the past? Because you’re not sure you can? WELL THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Are you going to get out of the boat or not my friend? Are you going to take the risk and just see what is possible with Jesus now?
Moses was chosen by God to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt to the promised land. Moses never felt like a worthy or capable leader. But because he took the risk and went, every future generation of his people were impacted. Moses witnessed the impossible like the parting of the Red Sea simply because he decided to follow God and stop playing it safe.
Deuteronomy 10:11 Moses writes “And the Lord said to me, ‘Arise, go on your journey …'”
And I believe that’s exactly what the Lord is saying to you now today. ARISE AND GO ON YOUR JOURNEY. Your journey towards the life you desire because it’s the one I created you for. Your journey towards the MORE that’s always been available for you. Arise. Rise from the ashes of your defeat. Rise from the shame and guilt of past failure. Rise from every single thing that has ever held you back in the past, and go on your journey.
What could you do this year with Jesus? Girl, what could you NOT do with Jesus this year? Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing. Not even your thing.
So now you decide. Will you dare to step out of the boat and take a risk on that water with Jesus? Will you arise and go on your journey? The invitation is here for you today.