Where does your stability come from? When facing uncertainty, what guides you? What steers you in the right direction and anchors you in a storm? All you have and all you’ve ever known could change in an instant, so what is the one true steady that is never changing?
Your creator saw all your days before your first breath. He has pre-walked every path you could possibly take, already prepared for the journey required to reach your destiny, and planned for every wrong turn you could make along the way. There’s nothing he hasn’t already thought of, no problem he hasn’t already solved, no impossible he hasn’t already overcome.
This very day of your life, the exact place you’re in and the circumstances you face today were already considered by the Almighty when he set your life into motion. This may be surprising to you, but it is no surprise to God. He saw this coming, and whether you realize it or not, he has been equipping you for it. Step on up sister, now is your time to live this life you have been given as only you can do.
Creating fun is my spiritual gifting. Having fun is my skill set. Turning ordinary things into fun adventures is my natural talent. There’s only one problem … I’m always lost. 97% of the time I’m wandering around with no clue where I’m at or what direction I’m heading. And that’s why God gave me a partner in life like Lonnie Crim. He’s like a human compass. He has this extreme built in sense of direction and deep common sense which tells him where things will likely be. Me … I’m just fun. Him … he knows how to get us there.
Scripture tells us God created us in his own image. He made me more like the fun side of himself. He made my husband more like the GPS side.
Let me remind you, God knows how to get you where you need to go. He is right here with you today, he knows every detail concerning you and his higher perspective allows him to see every possible option before you to take you to the purpose filled destiny he created you for. It’s not too late, you’re not too far gone, and this is not hopeless. In fact, I believe maybe God would say this is perfect. This is the perfect setup for him to show up and show off his power! Girl, watch him work here. Watch him bring together connections and opportunities. Watch him bring this full circle and blow your mind. Watch him use it all together for good. Yes, all of it.
I’ve been studying Psalm 37:23. Depending on the translation you read, you may get confused about God’s guidance in your life. I sure did.
NLT: The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
NKJV: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
Amplified Bible: The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the LORD, And He delights in his way [and blesses his path].
So, I’m left to wonder, what qualifies me as good, righteous or Godly because it’s already been established that this directionally challenged, fun-loving girl needs God’s guidance to get anywhere. How do you ensure you’re good enough? What are the qualifying factors in your life to be called righteous or godly?
I will admit, I try to do good, but sometimes my flesh just gets in the way y’all. I try to be godly, but my human runs deep. I relate to Paul a whole lot in Romans 7:15 when he says “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” But wouldn’t we all agree Paul’s life was certainly directed by God? Wouldn’t we agree that God used him for a great purpose? So it wasn’t Paul’s ability to do all the right things and avoid the wrong things that qualified him. He wasn’t good or righteous or Godly in the sense we assume are qualifying factors for God’s direction and blessings.
So, that brings us to this … all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No one is righteous. We’ve all screwed this thing up along the way. Godly … I don’t quite qualify for that … do you? Does that leave us disqualified from the guidance and direction of God?
Honey, this is why we have Jesus! Not one, no not one, is righteous apart from Jesus. But with Jesus, we are good, we are righteous and we are Godly. You don’t need a perfect track record or a guarantee of never screwing this thing up again … all you need is Jesus! How do you get him? You simply seek him.
Your answer is to SEEK.
For God to guide your next steps and direct your path, you only need to SEEK. Seek and ye shall find.
God delights in the details of your life. He loves watching you live and discover his blessings and provision along the way. He has hidden treasures for you to discover and unexpected turns that lead you to destinations you can’t even imagine today. And every step of this journey he has declared you are good enough, you are righteous through Jesus, and he sees you as Godly simply because you are seeking.
Not because you are perfect. Not because you have it all figured out. Only because you are seeking.
When you seek him, he will guide you. When you seek him, he will direct you. When you seek him, he will bless you.
Where does your stability come from? When facing uncertainty, what guides you? What steers you in the right direction and anchors you in a storm? All you have and all you’ve ever known could change in an instant, so what is the one true steady that is never changing?
Your creator saw all your days before your first breath. He has pre-walked every path you could possibly take, already prepared for the journey required to reach your destiny, and planned for every wrong turn you could make along the way. There’s nothing he hasn’t already thought of, no problem he hasn’t already solved, no impossible he hasn’t already overcome.
This very day of your life, the exact place you’re in and the circumstances you face today were already considered by the Almighty when he set your life into motion. This may be surprising to you, but it is no surprise to God. He saw this coming, and whether you realize it or not, he has been equipping you for it. Step on up sister, now is your time to live this life you have been given as only you can do.
Creating fun is my spiritual gifting. Having fun is my skill set. Turning ordinary things into fun adventures is my natural talent. There’s only one problem … I’m always lost. 97% of the time I’m wandering around with no clue where I’m at or what direction I’m heading. And that’s why God gave me a partner in life like Lonnie Crim. He’s like a human compass. He has this extreme built in sense of direction and deep common sense which tells him where things will likely be. Me … I’m just fun. Him … he knows how to get us there.
Scripture tells us God created us in his own image. He made me more like the fun side of himself. He made my husband more like the GPS side.
Let me remind you, God knows how to get you where you need to go. He is right here with you today, he knows every detail concerning you and his higher perspective allows him to see every possible option before you to take you to the purpose filled destiny he created you for. It’s not too late, you’re not too far gone, and this is not hopeless. In fact, I believe maybe God would say this is perfect. This is the perfect setup for him to show up and show off his power! Girl, watch him work here. Watch him bring together connections and opportunities. Watch him bring this full circle and blow your mind. Watch him use it all together for good. Yes, all of it.
I’ve been studying Psalm 37:23. Depending on the translation you read, you may get confused about God’s guidance in your life. I sure did.
NLT: The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
NKJV: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
Amplified Bible: The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the LORD, And He delights in his way [and blesses his path].
So, I’m left to wonder, what qualifies me as good, righteous or Godly because it’s already been established that this directionally challenged, fun-loving girl needs God’s guidance to get anywhere. How do you ensure you’re good enough? What are the qualifying factors in your life to be called righteous or godly?
I will admit, I try to do good, but sometimes my flesh just gets in the way y’all. I try to be godly, but my human runs deep. I relate to Paul a whole lot in Romans 7:15 when he says “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” But wouldn’t we all agree Paul’s life was certainly directed by God? Wouldn’t we agree that God used him for a great purpose? So it wasn’t Paul’s ability to do all the right things and avoid the wrong things that qualified him. He wasn’t good or righteous or Godly in the sense we assume are qualifying factors for God’s direction and blessings.
So, that brings us to this … all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No one is righteous. We’ve all screwed this thing up along the way. Godly … I don’t quite qualify for that … do you? Does that leave us disqualified from the guidance and direction of God?
Honey, this is why we have Jesus! Not one, no not one, is righteous apart from Jesus. But with Jesus, we are good, we are righteous and we are Godly. You don’t need a perfect track record or a guarantee of never screwing this thing up again … all you need is Jesus! How do you get him? You simply seek him.
Your answer is to SEEK.
For God to guide your next steps and direct your path, you only need to SEEK. Seek and ye shall find.
God delights in the details of your life. He loves watching you live and discover his blessings and provision along the way. He has hidden treasures for you to discover and unexpected turns that lead you to destinations you can’t even imagine today. And every step of this journey he has declared you are good enough, you are righteous through Jesus, and he sees you as Godly simply because you are seeking.
Not because you are perfect. Not because you have it all figured out. Only because you are seeking.
When you seek him, he will guide you. When you seek him, he will direct you. When you seek him, he will bless you.