You’ve got what it takes to live a ridiculously good life. Within you is impact beyond your imagination. The ability to do great things is within you. Honey, you are lacking nothing. Nothing at all.
You may feel like you don’t have what it takes. You may feel inferior or insignificant, but the truth is, you are a powerhouse! God’s almighty power flows through you, fully equipping you for living abundantly well. Yes, guiding you in your thoughts and decisions to that which is divine. Yes, strengthening you to do things you never imagined you could do to fulfill your purpose. And yes, calling you beyond the confines of your comfort zone to things you believe are beyond your reach.
Just because I have power doesn’t mean I’ve plugged anything in. Just because the switch is there doesn’t mean I’ve flipped it and turned a dang thing on. Do you have power within you going unused?
2 Peter 1:3 (Passion Translation) “Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.”
God’s divine power has been deposited in you! The creator of the universe and all the power that formed the sun and the moon and the stars, has now come to dwell within you. You house his power. He works in you and through you. Like seriously, what COULDN’T you do? Why do you assume you’re not good enough or lacking in any way? Why would you dismiss yourself from big opportunities … have you forgotten the BIG God inside of you?
You are good enough to move forward. You do have the strength for the next step, and honey no doubt you will have the strength for all the steps that come after that. You’re not weak. You’re not helpless. You’re not lacking. You are filled to overflowing of every single thing it will ever require to live your life, and live it right. Whatever may come, you have been equipped.
Now, can I be honest with you? I love this scripture, but there’s a little part of it that’s kindof a turn off to me. This whole “godliness” part. Is that okay for me to say? I’m saying it because I know I can’t be the only one who struggles with it. The thought of this “godly” life sounds boring. It sounds very buttoned up. It sounds NOT FUN. But that’s a picture I’ve painted, maybe you have as well.
God is wildly creative. There’s an untamed whimsy about him. He does the unexpected in funky ways. He hides behind the scenes and concocts bombs of blessings like a never ending surprise party to reveal what he’s been planning for us. He’s not boring. He’s not regimented in a rigid routine. He’s not up tight. He’s not the angry bearded man on a throne who only entertains scripted prayers. He doesn’t carry a big stick to beat you with. Honey, that’s his staff. His staff protects you and it rescues you.
And Jesus, woah look at his life. He went where others wouldn’t go and did impossible things in controversial ways. He delighted in bringing in a catch so big it nearly sank the boat, and sat back and laughed. He was adventurous, walking on water in the middle of a storm. He went camping and hiking and had sleepovers. He went to a wedding, and when the wine ran out, he made more. I like him! Jesus was godly in every sense, he was literally God in the flesh, and he was anything but boring, predictable, or restricted.
A life of godliness is a life that reflects God’s true nature. God is creative. He is generous. He is untamed. He is BIG. He is wildly loving. God is not who we’ve imagined him to be, therefore living a godly life isn’t the real snoozefest we’ve secretly been avoiding. Following God is wild. It is exciting. It is journey of a lifetime leading you through uncharted territory to hidden treasures and secret missions.
I spent many years of my life fighting God. Pulling away and resisting his invitation to become more like him. I was afraid of what a godly life would require me to give up. I feared he would take all the fun and turn it into a life I would hate waking up to. Gosh, I’ve never been more wrong.
Today I welcome 26 amazing women from across the country into a gorgeous home that sits on the cliff overlooking the Pacific ocean, where we will share an adventure filled weekend of life together. We will kayak the sea caves. We will hike the coastal trail. We will jump out of an airplane for heaven’s sake! And this is the life God was always trying to lead me to. This is the life I thought would be boring when fully surrendered to him. I dreaded this? This is what I was avoiding? Woah, was I ever wrong!
And I bet you’re wrong too. You’ve been dreading it, avoiding it, delaying it, but woah girl you have no idea what you’re missing as a result. Your life lived as a godly life may be wildly adventurous. It may be crazy fun. It may be worth waking up every morning at 3 am for! I know this for sure, it will be the perfect fit for you because it’s what you were created to do. It will fan your flame and make your soul ignite because it unleashes God’s power within you to fulfill your purpose and step into your destiny. And sister, it won’t be boring for you!
Okay, I’m really glad we talked about that. It held me back for so long, and I don’t want it to hold you back too. A godly life sounds unimpressive, but its quite the opposite. God wants to show off in your life and it will be better than you could have ever imagined. Go ahead and let go of the assumption that your surrendered life will be the end of living. It will be the beginning!
This is the beginning of a greater life than your mind can possibly comprehend right now. God has only given you a glimpse of all he wants to do for you, with you and through you. It’s bigger than you think, greater than you can imagine, and pretty darn cool! And the great news is, you already have everything it takes to live this life. God has deposited everything needed to step boldly into your destiny, and honey you won’t believe how ridiculously perfect your destiny fits, using every experience you’ve ever had, every hidden talent you’ve been given, and all the things you are passionate about, rolled into one. You’re going to be so good at this!
The invitation has been extended. His hand is here to guide you. He awaits your surrender and your obedient next step. Won’t you accept the invitation to the life only you can live? Won’t you let his power flow through you and do miraculous things? Won’t you dare to believe you have been chosen as part of his great works and it’s going to be just perfect for you?
It’s all in you, start using it! Flip that switch and let his power flow! Oh dang, I can’t wait to see what God does through you! Stop dreading it and jump in sis!