What if in this New Year, you had a single mission. A focused objective to align your steps every day.

And what if that mission was solely to become who you were created to be. With each day, a little more like who God envisioned when he designed you. More and more like the authentic, whole version of you, before life came in and changed you.

Not a single one of us were created to be moody. No one was designed to be a worrier, an over-reacter, a procrastinator, a failure, a nit-picker, a nagger, a complainer, or a difficult bearcat to get along with. Those are self-learned, self-created habits that we put on like an ugly sweater and claim it to be a vital part of us. Girl, take off the sweater in 2022! It doesn’t look good on you.

The process of becoming who you were created to be looks a whole lot more like becoming less of all these other things. You see, you don’t have to become anything different than you already are. The greatest, best, purest, God designed version of you has always been inside. This is a process of dropping everything else. This is a process of stripping, peeling, sanding and removing everything you’ve picked up along the way. This is a process of letting go so you can finally go. Go on, move forward, rise up, and level the heck up to the life you are truly capable of living.

You’ve always thought you were trying to find yourself. Sometimes we arrive to this place in life where we feel we have lost ourselves. We’ve been going through the motions so long with our eyes glazed over, we don’t know how to open our eyes fully and begin living again. We don’t know who we really are and where we go to find us.

But honey, you don’t need to find yourself. You’ve always been right inside of you. You’re not lost, you’re just covered. Covered in layers of labels you were never meant to wear. Covered in layers of bad habits that stuck and now you think it’s just who you are and how you will always be. Covered in layers of regret from the things you do that you hate, but you can’t seem to make yourself stop doing them.

Oh the real you that God created is still in there, she may just be a little burdened by the heavy load of all she’s been carrying around.

I have great news for you sis, Jesus can take care of that for you. He says in Matthew 11: 28-30 ““Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.””

This New Year isn’t about finding yourself, this New Year is about discovering who God created you to be. It’s about learning the unforced rhythms of grace and living freely and lightly. It’s about removing the layers of who you thought you had to be, dropping all the extra crap you picked up along the way that somehow became part of your identity, and revealing who God designed you to be all along.

This is the unleashing. This is the wild reveal. This is the year you tap into your God-given potential. This is the year you realize who you are and who’s you are, and find your strength from the one who Created you. This is the year you declare yourself as an available vessel for the power of the Almighty to flow. This is the year you open your hands, hold nothing back, and allow everything else to just fall away as the authentic, totally unique, perfectly designed, fully equipped, and totally ready YOU is revealed.

Acts 20:24 “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus …”

Finding purpose is finding who you really are and what you are created to do. This is the ultimate fulfillment. This is living in a flow that feels right and you’ll know it when you find it. So what is this work assigned to you by God? Where do you find your fulfillment? Where is this flow for you? Let’s finish that verse. “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus — the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”

I know that sounds vague and honestly even disappointingly boring, but dig deeper here my Sister. This is actually saying if you become the authentic, best version of who you were created to be, unleashing that version of yourself, then you perfectly reflect the wonderful grace of God and you naturally tell everyone the Good News of your Creator. YOU ARE THE CREATION THAT REFLECTS YOUR CREATOR.

You, as the unleashed, free, confident, available, authentic, whole YOU you were created to be, perfectly reflects the God who created you, and this is your work. This is the assignment of God for your lifetime.

YOU TELL THE STORY WITH YOUR LIFE. With how you live this New Year. This is your mission. Every day, you strive to become more and more like who God says you are, who God designed you to be, who God envision when he knit you together in your mother’s womb.

Honey, that’s what 2022 is about for you. This isn’t about finding yourself, this is about discovering who God created you to be and stepping deeper into that every day. Oh what a journey this will be!

You’re finally ready. Every single day of every year of your life has brought you here for this purpose. Now you are ready to discover who God truly created you to be! Let the journey begin!

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