Think about this, anytime you’ve given your day to God, strength and joy have been certain, haven’t they? Any time you really sought God for guidance, he guided you through. Any time you made God your priority, he put everything else in order for you.
It’s true and it happens without fail. So why do we fail to give God our day? Why do we fail to seek God for guidance before we try it on our own? Why do we fail to make God our priority?
We somehow forget. How in the world do we forget what has always been true in our lives? How are we tricked into jacked up priorities, self-guided attempts and God-less days? Yes, really God-less days … days where we simply seek less God and as a result we find less God. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7 “Seek and ye shall find.” If you’re seeking God’s presence, God’s ways, God’s movement, you will find it. However, if you’re not seeking God, don’t be surprised when you feel like he’s not around. If you don’t seek him, how will you find him?
Look around Sis and check to see, is this what is happening again? Are you quickly falling into the groove of a new year and already leaving behind the God who can radically change everything for you if you just stay close to him? Are you already feeling the pull of a daily routine that demands your devotion in every other area, and the One you truly owe your devotion to gets leftovers? Leftover devotion … that’s not devotion.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
What does this mean to you? How do you seek His kingdom first and above everything else? How do you live righteously? Let’s look at the Message translation to better understand. Matthew 6: 30-34 “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”
Oh girl, there’s so much here for you today, let’s unpack it and make time to understand this.
First, do you know that God really cares about the details of your life? I mean every detail. If God has numbered the hairs on your head, and he has, then he cares about that chin hair that sprouts up overnight and humbles you each morning as you frantically search to pluck it out. He cares about the stupid choices your kids are making. He cares about you feeling unseen, unheard and unloved. He cares about the goals you’ve written down for this year, and the ones you’re too afraid to write down because you don’t want to be disappointed again. He cares about the plans you have for next weekend and the weather that’s looking unfavorable. Now I can’t promise that he’s going to make all of it instantly better, but I can promise his sheer care over it will make it work together for good. You don’t have to worry about the things, you just have to bring them to God.
Don’t you think he will attend to the details of your life? Don’t you think he will take pride in the unfolding of his good plan for you? Don’t you think he will do his best for you?
Ohhhhh, that’s the sore spot. Maybe you don’t think he will do all of that for you. Maybe you think God is too busy to be in your details. Maybe you think he’s punishing you so he’s withholding goodness and dishing out the bad. Maybe you even think God already did his best for you and you blew it, so there’s nothing left in his hand for you.
Oh, what a little box we put our great big, infinite God in. Who said these words? Who said God would attend to you? Who said God would take pride in you? Who said God would do his best for you? Yeah, that was Jesus. Jesus ain’t no liar. And he ain’t now fluffer of the truth, exaggerator. If he said it, it’s true. End of story.
THIS IS YOUR TRUTH. God is doing his best for you, and his best will prove to be better than anything you could have ever imagined in the first place.
So your job is to not be so focused on getting that you miss what God is giving. He is giving you strength, here you are able to get up out of bed today. You woke up to an abundance of already answered prayers. I bet you couldn’t even count how many details of your current reality are a result of God answering your prayers of the past. If all you do is focus on getting more, you will miss what you’ve already been given.
Jesus says “Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.”
Steep your life. Hmmmm, what does that mean? Steep is to soak. Steep surrounds and fills with a quality or influence.
Well traditionally you would steep your life in worries. Your life would be steeped in stress. Steeped in the overwhelming list of things you have to do and how little time and help you have to do it all. That’s a steeped life. Soaked in like a tea-bag. Sitting in and letting it seep into your entire cup.
So, we are to steep in God-reality. That means what God is really doing. Where he’s really working. How he’s really moving. Oh let that seep into your entire day.
Steep in God-initiative. This is God’s power to take charge. His ability to do what otherwise cannot be done. This is the “with man this is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible.” Let that seep into your entire being. Let his power pulse through your veins and rule your thoughts. Look at every detail of your life and know NONE OF IT IS IMPOSSIBLE with God.
Steep in God-provisions. This is all God has done for you. All the ways he has brought you through, provided for you and cared for you. Like a tea bag sitting in a cup of hot water, releasing it’s flavor to fill the cup, sit yourself in all of God’s provisions and let them change your entire being. Let his provisions infiltrate your thoughts. Let his provisions penetrate your feelings.
What happens when you steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative and God-provisions? You find that your everyday concerns are met. It all will work out. Yes, this is the “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Everything you need is here. You will find it when you’re seeking what God is really doing. When you’re seeking all he has already done for you. When you’re seeking his power in the impossible. You find more God when you seek more God.
Yes, the days that are given to God are certain to have strength and joy. The times we really seek God for guidance, he no doubt guides us through. When we make God our priority, he truly does put everything else in order for us. It happens without fail, and today we won’t fail to get this right.
We are here steeping our life in God-reality, God-initiative, and God-provisions, knowing everything we need has already been taken care of. Trusting God is attending to us, taking pride in us, and doing his best for us! We are here seeking what God is doing RIGHT NOW, relaxing in his presence, and not getting stressed about what may or may not happen next. We are here. Living. Fully. Steeping in God.
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