If you know God has good plans for your life, what are you doing? Are you negotiating on those plans and settling for something less? Are you discounting your purpose? Are you taking detours then dismissing yourself from going further?
There’s no need to question this. There’s no point in trying to find another way. Why? A way around the BEST for your life? Why would you even want that? Why would you give a second thought to anything other than what the creator of the Universe says is for you?
Why are you trying to bargain your way through this? Yes Lord, I want that, but I’m only willing to pay this. I’ll go there, but do I have to give up here first? Let’s negotiate God.
Negotiate what? Negotiate his plans that are bigger and better than anything you could imagine? You want to negotiate on that? Girl, when the deal is right you have to learn to say SOLD!
What God is asking of you here is to be sold out on his good plans for you. He’s offering you the opportunity of a lifetime and you’re still kicking the tires wondering if you could change the color. No more test drives Sis. You’re wasting time in a life that is already guaranteed to be here one day and gone the next. TAKE THE DEAL.
What’s been offered? God gave his best for you so you could have the best. John 3:16 ““For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
Anytime you read that scripture, insert your name. For God so loved YOU. Yes, you. If you were the only person in the whole world, the exchange would have been made. His best so that you could have the best. His son for saving you. His son’s life for your eternal life. And remember, this isn’t just about goodness after this life, because Jesus said in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Once again, that means you. Insert your name. Jesus came so that YOU would have life and have it to the full.
Now, what does this full life look like? Other translations use the words rich, satisfying, overflowing, abundant. The Message translation puts it this way “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”
Your name belongs in that sentence. Jesus came so that YOU can have a better life than you ever dreamed of. Now, settle for nothing less than that!
Understand, this is God’s intention for you. His good plans are not to harm you. There is nothing hidden within his plans that you need to fear. There are no bad deals or fine print you need to be cautious of. So, why are you trying to negotiate? Why are you standing there with your hands full of all the things you’re holding on to, believing letting them go would be anything less than exhilarating when you are open to grab what God has for you next! Why are you holding back? Why are you tip toeing? Why are you still trying to present your case and make your deals?
God has THE BEST DEAL for you. No more negotiations. Sell out! God, with all of me, I’m going for all you have for me. I refuse to settle for anything less along the way. Help me not to be distracted. Guide me through these battles. Carry me on to walk in the life you always had planned for me.
He’s not offering you an easy life, but you know that, right? He never said it would be free of problems or struggles. But here’s the deal, life comes with problems and struggles no matter how you live it. You get to choose if you go through these things fighting on your own, or under the wing of the Almighty. If you want to win, girl get yourself under his wing!
Psalm 91:1 “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”
To be in the shelter of something means you must be under it. To be in the shadow means you must be near. Isn’t that what you’re doing right now at this moment? Isn’t that why you’re listening? You’re seeking to be close to God. You’re drawing near to him? You know what I love about God? I love that anytime and every time you take one step towards him, he will take one thousand steps towards you. This isn’t a 50/50 deal. This is a your one step for his thousand. This is the little you can do in exchange for his power over the impossible.
This is you, deciding you’re not holding back any longer and stopping all further negotiations.
God, I’m here and I’m available for your good plans for my life. This is my one step, meet me with your thousand. Cover me with your shadow as I seek to draw near. You promise a better life than I could have ever dreamed of … okay, I’m here for it.
Now, here’s the cool thing about that “better life than you could have ever dreamed of” … look around … aren’t you already living in that reality in so many ways? Hasn’t God already done unspeakable, miraculous things for you? Hasn’t he brought you through impossible things before? Hasn’t he saved you? Hasn’t he done a great work in you? Hasn’t he started something here that is still growing and unfolding?
Oh, yes he has!!!!! You’re waking up surrounded by miraculous things you can’t even understand. Mountains were moved to bring you to this place, and maybe you never even saw the mountains that were once in your way! Or maybe God equipped you to climb those mountains step by step to bring you here. Well sister, he’s not done with you yet and this isn’t it.
There’s a song by Passion called “Bigger Than I Thought” which says:
So I throw all my cares before You
My doubts and fears don’t scare You
You’re bigger than I thought You were
You’re bigger than I thought
I stop all negotiations
With the God of all creation
You’re bigger than I thought You were
You’re bigger than I thought You were
So much bigger than I thought
God is so much bigger than you thought. His plans for you are so much better than you thought. Stop all negotiations and just sell out to Him. Go all in with everything you have and everything you don’t. He’s got all that covered.
He’s unlimited, so he asks us to remove the limits on our own lives.
He’s unmatched, so he asks us to stop comparing and measuring and trying to figure it out.
He’s unchanging, so he asks us to stand steady and trust.
He’s unbelievable, so he asks you and I to believe WITH HIM anything is truly possible.
This deal doesn’t need to be further negotiated. Go all in. Sell out! He’s bigger than you thought!
God, I’m done now. I’m done trying to wrap my mind around this. I’m done trying to do this on my own. I’m done with settling for less, then wondering why I feel so unfulfilled and unhappy. I’m done starting then giving up. I’m done with holding back. The negotiations end here. I fully receive what you have for me and I hold nothing back. All of me for all of you. This is my one step, thank you for your thousand in return.
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