Wherever you are and whatever you are going through, God is right there with you my sister. He is here with you in this. He is by your side, comforting you, guiding you, providing for you, and making a way through this. You are never alone. You are never without help. You are never, not even for one moment, without the power of the Almighty in your life.
Can you see him here? Can you feel his presence? Do you notice his fingerprints on the details as they unfold?
Oh it’s good when you do, but sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you don’t hear him. Sometimes you don’t see him. Sometimes you don’t feel him. So, where the heck did he go? Where’s God now?
The truth is, sometimes it feels like you’ve been dropped in the middle of chaos like you’re Catness in the Hunger Games and you have to fight for your life with no lifeline in the fight. And maybe you’re just really tired of fighting.
Sometimes it’s just dark. Dark like the new Batman movie. Y’all the sun never shines in Gotham. It’s always dark and rainy, have you noticed that? No wonder those people are cranky and fighting, they are seriously Vitamin D deficient. But maybe that’s the way your life feels. Like the sun is never going to shine again. Like this darkness is always looming over you and it isn’t going away anytime soon.
What do you do when you can’t see God in your circumstances? Where do you turn when you can’t feel his presence in the middle of your problem? Honey, you turn to his promises.
Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
These are the words of God spoken through Moses to the Israelites and their future new leader, Joshua. Their reality presented them with insurmountable challenges, and God wanted them to know unequivocally that they could trust Him to lead them to victory.
Later, after Moses death, we read the same words in Joshua 1:9, spoken to the Israelite’s new leader Joshua. This time God says it directly to Joshua as a reminder of what he had already been told, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Now was his time to lead and God was reminding him, Joshua regardless of the challenges, I could be trusted to lead you to victory.
And now, these are the words of God spoken to YOU, in your present reality with all these challenges. Yes, God wants YOU to know unequivocally that you can trust him to lead you to victory. It’s time to insert your name into this scripture and receive your personal promise from God. Write it down with your name. The Lord himself goes before you ______, and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you _______. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
What does it mean to not be afraid and not be discouraged? It means stop worrying. Stop overthinking. Stop allowing yourself to be overwhelmed. Trust in God to lead you through. Receive his promise and claim it as your own over your circumstances.
You may not know the way, but Sis, you don’t have to know the way. You may not see how it’s all going to work out, but you don’t have to see it first. You may not understand it all, but your understanding was never a prerequisite for God’s power to be unleashed. Only your faith.
Will you let your faith in an unseen God and an unknown way lead you today? Will you allow your faith to rise up above these circumstances and declare you will no longer be afraid, and you will no longer stay down in this discouragement? Will you dare to courageously believe The Lord himself has already gone through this before you and he has made a way for you one step at a time, and your worry, your overthinking, and your overwhelm is only getting in the way. Don’t drag that along with you. Only faith and obedience is needed for this journey.
The Lord was with the Israelites as they finally stepped out of their wilderness and into their Promised Land. He had guided them to where the provisions were abundant and living would be easier. He had brought them to where they could rest and dwell in peace instead of constant struggle.
Understand, this is where God was always leading them. God was always leading them to abundance. He was always leading them to peace. He was always leading them to victory. And in the 40 years it took in the wilderness to get there, he was always with them. He was providing for them daily with mana, miraculous food from Heaven that appeared on the ground every day. And isn’t he doing the same for you too, my sister? As you walk through some of the wilderness areas of your life which you would rather avoid, isn’t he miraculously providing for you? Isn’t he giving you strength for this day? Isn’t he, even at this very moment, giving you exactly the words you needed for today?
You won’t be in this wilderness forever, God is leading you on to your victory. You can trust him in this.
No, you won’t always feel all warm and fuzzy from his presence, but nonetheless, he is here with you.
No, you won’t always recognize his miraculous provisions as such, but that doesn’t lessen the fact that what you have been given is directly from the hand of God.
You won’t always feel certain of your next step, and the path won’t always be clear, but remember God’s spirit dwells within you and it guides you from within. You can’t see that, but your thoughts can be guided by it. Your eyes can be led by it. Your perspective can be changed by it. Your choices can be influenced by it.
You’re not doing this alone, and you never were. Ever.
If you’re dwelling in your Promised Land today, on the other side of the wilderness you came from, don’t take this for granted. Seriously, what do you have today that you once prayed for? Praise God for that today! Here you are dwelling in abundance, surrounded by peace, never forget who brought you here. God has always been with you, he has never forsaken you, and you’re living in proof of his good plans for you!
But maybe you haven’t reached your Promised Land quite yet. Maybe you’re still walking in the wilderness where life is freaking hard and every day is a struggle. This is where you get to see the hand of God in your daily provision. This is where your eyes get to see what your soul already knows, and that is the fact that God is in EVERYTHING. He is in every detail. His fingerprints are on every moment of your life, and this is where he is working all things together for good because you love him and because your life is destined with a purpose.
This wilderness walking is tough, but it’s what God is bringing you through to take you to your victory. It’s the way to where you’re going. It’s where you know every step you take, you don’t take alone, you are being guided, and sometimes you are being carried.
Walk when you can Sis, let him carry you when you can’t. You’re going to get through this. Although your reality presents you with insurmountable challenges, your God wanted you to know unequivocally today, that you could trust Him to lead you to victory.
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