Once you know who you are and why you’re here, the days of your life begin to fall into place.
The question is, do you know who you really are? Have you become friends with this gal God created you to be? Is the gap between how you’re living and how God says you could be living growing less and less? Is your potential building within you and beginning to crowd out your doubts and fears?
That’s the journey you’re on. That’s what is happening here. You’re understanding who this girl is that God designed. You’re understanding how all of your quirky uniqueness is anything but random, but rather it is for the intentional alignment of your purpose. That’s why you’re here. You’re here to be fully who God wanted you to be, walking the divine path he has for you, living this one and only precious life as only you can.
This is what brings him glory: You being fully you, fulfilling the good plans he has for you.
And this is why anything less than this leaves you feeling unfulfilled and empty. That yuck you have at the end of a day that wasn’t lived to it’s greatest potential … yeah, that’s the way you’re supposed to feel at the end of a day like that. The yuck isn’t there to condemn you, it’s there to alert you to crappy living and remind you that you can do better.
Crappy living will not bring you to the fullness of God’s good plans for you. Crappy living simply leaves you doubting who you are, questioning your value and worth, and dismissing yourself from the goodness God has planned for you.
Does God get any glory in that? Nope … but he sure will when you let him help you turn it around!
Girl, it’s time to turn this around. It’s time to begin living your days in a way that glorifies God. That means no more playing little. No more dismissing yourself and assuming you’re not good enough. That means no more buying your own lazy, lousy excuses. There’s greatness within you. There’s an unstoppable power dwelling inside of you. You have a partnership with a mountain mover, chain breaker, wall tear-er-down-er. (yes I said that) God didn’t co-sign on your dreams, he is the author of your dreams. He put those dreams deep within you so that you would believe that’s what you’re actually capable of! And because it won’t come easy for you, you will need to continually seek him. Yip, that’s genius design there!
Imagine the glory God gets when he helps you turn this crap around! Imagine the testimony you walk away with when you and him make some impossible things happen. Yes impossible things. That’s what your partnership with the Almighty qualifies you for. Remember Jesus promised in Mathew 19:26 ” With God, all things are possible.”
Are you with God on this? Great … then it’s possible! Maybe not easy. Maybe not instant. Maybe not in any way you imagined. But when you’re with God in it, it’s possible!
Ephesians 1: 11-12 in the Message translation, “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.”
This is how we find out who we are and what we’re living for. It comes through Jesus. And before you ever even knew to get excited about this, Jesus had his eye on you and he had the designs for you to live gloriously. That means while you were still off doing your own thing, screwing things up and making a mess, Jesus still watched you to work it all together to bring you into his best plans.
This promises we haven’t missed his good plans. This promises it’s not too late for us. This promises even the messes we’ve made can be worked into his design of glorious living for us! And girls, all we have to do is continually get ourselves in Christ where we discover more and more of who we are and what we are living for.
Okay cool, so how do you get yourself IN CHRIST? Is that like a certain number of hours per week in Church? Is that a set daily scripture reading? Where is the box to check and how do I check it?
Before Jesus, there were boxes … then Jesus came and blew the boxes to heck! No more sacrifices. No more rituals. The debt was paid, and the boxes were gone.
I googled “How do you live in Christ” … the first thing that popped up was a checklist. “10 Ways To Live In Christ.” Each with a great little sketch that showed perfect little people doing perfect little things with hands always folded in prayer sitting in a pew. Crap. I’m pretty sure I’m not nailing any of those. Now they’re all great suggestions no doubt. Definitely ways to grow in your understanding of Christ. But still, they’re just boxes to check and I’m pretty sure God has proven he’s above boxes already!
In Paul’s writings, he often uses the phrase “in Christ”. He’s not referring to a list of daily tasks, rather he is referring to a sphere of power. A spiritual domain we cannot see with our human eyes, but we are directed by with the Spirit of God living within us. Living in Christ is the transformation that takes place as we become more like who he created us to be, and live the glorious life he has planned for us.
There is a transformation happening within you. Girl, you are becoming more and more like the girl Jesus always knew you could be. This transformation is a result of power in a spiritual domain you cannot fully understand, yet you are being directed by. You know what I decided to do … I decided to stop trying to figure it out and just trust it!
I trust the transformation God is directing in my life. I trust he knows exactly what he is doing. I trust Jesus has always had his eye on me and he’s always been working everything together to bring me into the glorious living he has planned.
Will you just trust that you too are being transformed? Transformed by a power that makes impossible things possible. Transformed by a power that intentionally chose you as its dwelling place. Transformed by a power that isn’t dependent on boxes to be checked and perfect living to be achieved.
Whew, thank God, because my life looks nothing like the one in the sketches of the “10 Ways To Live In Christ”, and my guess is, yours doesn’t either. Listen up Sis, you aren’t defined by the things you did wrong. You’re defined by the things Christ did right. Living in him is the transformative power that HE WORKS in your life when you decide to follow him.
So today, we decide right here and now, I’m seeking to follow Jesus. We don’t always get it right and we may stumble again today, but we’re here to live IN CHRIST, in this power we can’t see and don’t fully understand, but we trust that it is transforming us. And it’s here in Christ that we find out who we are and what we’re living for. It’s here that we step into his plans of glorious living and partner with him to see impossible things made possible!
That’s the transformation power all around us as we live in Christ! He is transforming us to become divinely who we are designed to be.
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