The life that you can live was all first imagined by God. Look around at God’s creation and see, he doesn’t limit what he says can and cannot be.
He makes mystical creatures like the seahorse. Did you know the seahorse mates for life, and the males have the babies? All because God was feeling creative and decided to do something totally different.
He makes the spunky little hummingbird. A bird weighing in at just 1 ounce, with a heart that beats over 1,200 times per minute, and the only bird with the ability to fly backwards. All because God decided to put some whimsy in a really small package.
Then, he makes you. He makes you with your totally unique features and qualities, unmatched by anyone else. Why? Because he wanted to and because he could. Because God, in all his wisdom, felt this world needed a YOU right about now. And as he created you, he imagined all the days you could live, all you could do, and all you would become.
Pslam 139: 16 “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
Does it mean your entire life is already written and you’re here to robotically play your role? Does it mean all God had planned for your life will happen whether you sit on the couch again for the 20th day in a row, or you get up and start doing something? Does it mean you’re like a puppet on a string, playing a part you can’t control?
It means you are perfectly equipped to step into all of God’s good plans for your life. It means you are continually invited into a partnership with your creator to experience all he imagined for your lifetime. It means everything has been aligned for you, supernatural details have been put in place for you, and it’s all here for you to seize now.
Sis, you gotta know, when God formed you before a single human eye had ever seen you, and when he laid out your days before a single one had passed, he started something good. Every day that has followed that day has been an unfolding of God’s promise over your life. Philippians 1:6 “God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
Today, his good work continues in you. This day was already written in God’s book, and he’s invited you into the pages to create with him.
Listen closely, God has something specific for you today. Yes, you. Why you? Because you’re the one he knew would be listening. What does he have to say to you?
He says, “Here my girl, here’s a gift, I want to see what you will do with it. Here’s something remarkably beautiful, you can go get in the middle of it. Here’s an opportunity that will bring delight to your heart, it’s yours to seize. I hope you seize it. Here’s a decision for you to make, and whatever you decide, I will use it to guide you to the unimaginable goodness I’ve always had in store for you. Don’t be afraid to make that decision, I’ve given you the power to decide here because I can work with everything. I’ve placed my Spirit within you. It will guide you down the paths I just refuse to allow you to miss. You’re more equipped than you think and more capable than you say you are. I’m showing you that. You’re growing here.”
And Sis, there’s something else God wants to tell you today. Listen closely and receive this word. “My precious chosen daughter, I know you’re going through some hardships. I know sometimes you get frustrated and disappointed. I know you want to do it right, but sometimes you get tripped up. Don’t fret, dear one, remember, I am bigger than all of this. There’s nothing I can’t do, nor is there anything I won’t do, to show you my love. I can work with this, if you keep working with me.”
“You and I are writing a beautiful story of your life together. Don’t stop on this page. This isn’t where it ends. You haven’t seen what I have seen. You don’t know what is just around the corner. I need you to keep going because I don’t want you to miss the good plans I have for you. My girl, stay the course. Keep believing. Please don’t give up on your future. Don’t settle for the watered down offerings of what is easy. I have MORE for you. More than you can imagine. Honey, it’s so much more it would scare you if I showed you right now. So for now, it will remain a mystery, and if you keep walking with me, I’ll keep guiding you down the path that will take you there. I promise.”
I Corinthians 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
This should no doubt build your hope. But God wants to do more than that. He wants to build your hope, then stir your spirit to action. Check out the next verses because girlfriend, it doesn’t end there. Verses 10-12 “But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. And we have received God’s Spirit, so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.”
We haven’t seen it, we haven’t heard it, and before we couldn’t even imagine God’s good plans for our lives, but because God’s Spirit now lives within us, we are shown these deep secrets! Right now, don’t you feel that stirring within you saying, “this is for you!” Don’t you feel a little hope rising up in you saying “there’s something beyond this, so you have to get through this.”
Yip, that’s God stirring you to action. That’s God urging his girl to get up and keep going.
Here, on this very day, a day that was always written in God’s book of life for you, you’ve been perfectly equipped to step into the good plans designed just for you. Here, on this day, you’re being invited into that partnership with the Almighty, to experience all he has ever imagined for your lifetime.
Yes, it’s unknown to you, but it’s not unknown to God. He has already gone before you. He has aligned everything on your behalf. He is placing those supernatural details for you, but he’s so good at it you may not even realize the super that was all over that natural. You’re in it right now in fact. Everything that just looks and feels natural to you right now has God’s super all over it to make it possible for you. And his Spirit is revealing these secrets to you. He’s showing you what he can make possible. He’s whispering to you what you can do with his strength. He’s giving you glimpses of good plans for your future you once couldn’t even imagine.
Isn’t that just remarkable?!!!!
God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave you life. He started something good in you, and the fact that you’re breathing today says he’s not done with this masterpiece. He started something good and he’s gonna complete it! Now you don’t give up on this page you’re on today because there’s so much more to your story. You’re really going to want to see how this unfolds. You’re going to want to see all God has planned for you.
So Sis, don’t check out. No matter how hard it is right now, don’t you check out. Show up for this page and know you won’t be on this one forever. It’s all part of a story that goes far beyond this day, but you only get there by turning this for you!
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