What is one bold prayer you are praying right now?
Are all your prayers vague, surface level, timid requests? Girl, you’re missing out on the Almighty King’s invitation to partner with him in his power being unleashed in your life.
I worked in sales for many years. Honestly, I was a super crappy salesman because I lacked the boldness to ask for the sale. I felt uncomfortable potentially making someone else uncomfortable, so I rarely asked.
It began as a little girl. I had a favorite aunt with bleach blonde hair and a red hot rod with T-tops. She wasn’t married and had no children, so she spoiled me rotten. I loved bubble gum, so she often had my favorite flavor of Bubble Yum in her purse for me.
Although I knew her love for me, I was often afraid to ask for a piece of gum, because I was feared she might not have any that day. I didn’t want to make her feel bad, so I created a little system. I would wait until she was in the shower, I would sneak into her purse and check her gum supply, then after her shower, I would ask for what I knew she already had.
Well if you’re wondering if God has what you need and want, the answer is YES. YES, God has it. And yes, God wants to give you all good things in accordance with his will. Maybe God even created an extra supply of exactly what you most want, just because you’re his favorite.
1 John 5: 14-15 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”
Understand, asking God for something doesn’t make him uncomfortable. He’s not trying to avoid your request. He’s not concerned about limited resources or restricted options. So, why are you concerned about asking? Why are we, his treasured and chosen daughters, uncomfortable asking our Daddy for anything?
Yes, he has it available. Yes, he wants unimaginably good things for you. Yes, he has the ability to do ANYTHING.
God is not burdened by our requests. The one who makes us feel that way is our enemy. He tries to convince us God, in his sovereignty, sits on a throne with a big stick, bothered by our petitions. It’s quite the opposite actually.
Psalm 111:16 “Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”
Imagine Almighty God in Heaven, bending down to listen to you. I know that’s hard to envision sometimes, but every single time you pray to him, he bends down to listen. He is actively engaged, listening to you every time you call out to him. Not because he has to, not because it’s his duty or obligation … no, because he WANTS to. He designed a relationship with his creation and his desire is to be fully connected with you, his favorite masterpiece.
So again, what BOLD prayer are you praying?
Bold, in it’s original Hebrew form, means clear and distinct. It refers to a prominent, almost vertical front. So, think of that in your prayers. Make them clear and distinct, vertically positioned straight up.
We often pray surface level prayers of disengaged and disconnected boxes being checked. If you do it God, great. But if not, I wasn’t really expecting anything anyway.
That’s not bold. That’s not clear. That’s not distinct. And that’s certainly not a vertical front. A vertical front comes when you’re praying up against a rock face with no way to climb it and no other way through it. God, I know there’s no other way but you, and here I am boldly asking for a way.
To be spiritually bold requires confidence and courage. Not self-confidence, God confidence. A 100% assurance that God is who he says he is, and God can do absolutely anything he wishes to do.
Are you confident of God’s power to overcome everything you’ve been struggling with? Are you confident in his sovereignty over the very things you’ve been worried about?
Now, do you have the courage to boldly seek him with your straight up prayers? Your prayers that don’t try to make sense of it. Prayers that seek his impossible ways and his unspeakable timing.
God, I’m up against this straight up rock face without a way to climb it myself, so I’m sending my clear requests straight up to you, knowing when I do, you bend down to hear me.
Here’s the thing about vague, surface level prayers, you never really know if God answered. It’s easy to reason it out and dismiss it on our terms. But these big BOLD, straight up prayers, dang you can clearly see God’s power at work when you look around and realize you’re standing on top of that sheer rock face you could have never climbed on your own.
James 1: 6-8 MSG “If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.”
God LOVES to help you. What he doesn’t like is your back and forth way of kinda sorta believing he might do something, but just in case, you’re keeping all your options open.
STOP THAT! Pray a bold prayer, then know God responds boldly every single time. Look for it. Count on it. Expect it. And remember, it’s his timing and his way, so expect the unexpected.
Hebrews 4:16 ‘So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”
We can come boldly to the throne of God, not because of who we are, but because of who he is and how he sees us. Because we have accepted his Son, our requests come to him through the Son. We have been made whole, we have been made righteous. Our works are not even taken into consideration here, good or bad, it’s all about God’s unlimited power to respond to our requests with mercy and grace.
What will you believe BIG for? What will you pray BOLDLY over? This is what God is waiting for you to bring to him. He is already preparing his next move of power to be unleashed in response to your request of faith.
Understand this, praying big, bold prayers doesn’t force God to do anything. We pray boldly and then trust his will and his timing. If you ask wrong, God’s not burdened. He bends down, he listens, and he knows how to perfectly answer having seen what you do not see.
Vague and surface level prayers are much like us telling God, “Whatever. As a teenage girl, that was a word I would often throw out at my parents in response to their (uhmmmm, let’s say) guidance. “Whatever.” It was usually followed by me slamming a door.
It quickly became a word that would raise the hairs on the back of my Daddy’s neck because of my disrespect and attitude. I stopped using that word. Now, why would I essentially pray in a way that tells God “whatever.”
No, God wants me to boldly talk to him and be specific. He wants me to partner with him in the process of his miraculous works. He wants to show me his power in responding to my specific requests, but I must first make the specific requests so I can clearly see his response.
What bold prayer will you bring to your Father today?
What rock face mountain will you stand at with faith that your God can make a way straight up it?
What request of confidence will you make, trusting his power to respond perfectly?
You have no reason to doubt asking.
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