Where are you about to give up? Where has your hope been wavering and your resolve grown weary?
I know it looks like things are only getting worse, but God is doing something on the inside of you that cannot be seen. I know it feels like this is only getting harder, but God builds strength from within through the resistance we face.
May God renew your resolve to fight for the life he created you for.
May He restore your hope in his everlasting good plans for all your days.
And may you partner with Him in the mighty work he is doing inside of you.
2 Corinthians 4:16 MSG “So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.”
This day you woke up to is covered in God’s grace for you. Grace that renews you from the inside and gives you new strength. Won’t you receive that for this day?
If you focus on your circumstances, it’s easy to overlook his grace. If you are wrapped up in your feelings, you can often miss his strength offered here.
To the one who feels discarded and useless …
To the one who has been hiding …
To the one who questions if she can continue on …
To the one whose husband has just left …
To the one who has lost so much …
To the one who feels stuck …
To the one who made a mistake and doesn’t want to face the consequences …
To the one who questions her value and worth …
To the one who really doesn’t know how she’s going to get through this …
To the one who feels the anxiety, even at this moment, rising within …
You have to know, my sister, that God is making new life on the inside of you. You are covered by his unfolding grace, and that grace says you’re enough. That grace says you are forgiven. That grace says you are not alone. That grace says you are seen, you are valued, you are chosen, and honey, you are going to be okay.
Receive that grace and be strengthened for this day. Don’t shrink back into the dark corners and hide where the enemy whispers his debilitating lies. Get yourself into the light where God’s truth shines and feel his strength rising up within you. Strength that says “I’m not giving up!”
How is it possible that you’re hearing these exact words on this exact day? Why does it almost feel like I’ve been listening to your inner thoughts and speaking the words you couldn’t even bring yourself to say? Oh Sis, it’s because you have a loving Father who cares for you so deeply that His Spirit living within me is speaking directly to you, to stir His Spirit living within you.
He loves you that much. He cares about what you’re going through that much. He knows how you’ve been questioning. He knows how you’ve been hurting. He knows the lies the enemy has whispered to you. And now he speaks. He speaks clearly to you. Won’t you believe this is for YOU?
1 John 4:4 “Greater is he that is in me, than he who is in the world.”
God is in YOU. Yes, the one who created the entire universe, the one who knit you together in your mother’s womb, the one who holds the whole world in his hand, he lives inside of YOU. The moment you accepted Jesus as your savor, you received the permenant indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
He now guides you. He now strengthens you. And he now makes you new, from the inside out.
And everything that is happening in the world, in your life, and in your home, well those are just your circumstances. Sometimes circumstances straight up suck. However, the power within you is greater than all your circumstances. He is Lord over all that could ever happen. Jesus promised in John 16:33 that he has overcome the world. Meaning, he has already overcome the circumstances you find yourself in right now.
This problem …
This mess …
This stress …
This uncertainty …
This pain …
Victory has already been won here, Sis.
God has already made a way right through this for you. Defeat is NOT your destiny. Overwhelm is not your assignment. You are already more than a conqueror, you just might not feel like one right now. But, you are!
If you have not accepted Jesus as your savior, you do not have this power living within you. The world comes at you, and it crushes you. The circumstances overwhelm you. The darkness closes in and light is nowhere to be found. Your burdens become debilitating and the weight of it all leaves you shrinking smaller and smaller, living less and less.
That is NOT God’s plan for you, sweet girl. His plan for you is to accept his Son, receive his Spirit, and be supernaturally strengthened all the days of your life. With this power living inside of you, you can face all that life throws at you, and still not give up.
How do you not give up? Because of the unfolding grace that is making you new every day on the inside. Strengthening you. Guiding you. Encouraging you. Propelling you.
Repeat after me: God is making new life inside of me and I am covered by his unfolding grace. I will not give up.
To the one who feels discarded and useless … God says you are chosen and set apart.
To the one who has been hiding … God sees you and calls you forward.
To the one who questions if she can continue on … God offers supernatural strength for today.
To the one whose husband has just left … God will never leave or forsake you.
To the one who has lost so much … God will restore you fully.
To the one who feels stuck … God calls you on to his purposes.
To the one who made a mistake and doesn’t want to face the consequences … God’s love for you has never wavered and his good plans have not been cancelled.
To the one who questions her value and worth … God says you are worth His greatest treasure, his son.
To the one who really doesn’t know how she’s going to get through this … God has already made a way.
To the one who feels the anxiety, even at this moment, rising within … God’s peace is falling on you right here.
So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.
There is grace for you here today. Receive it now, precious one.
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