You think it’s taking too long, but actually it’s aligning for perfect timing. It feels like God has forgotten you in your wait, but actually he is saving up for the sweetest reveal just for you.
Imagine that God, in all his majesty and power, is holding on to the sweetest gift for you, hiding it for it’s perfect time and place to be revealed. He’s making you wait, not because he’s mad at you, but because he loves you so much that he says “wait for it, wait for it, wait for it … NOW!”
Oh how exciting it is to discover what God has for you. How thrilling it is to finally know what he has been aligning here. There’s so much more God has planned for you. You haven’t seen it all yet. Just wait. I promise you this, it’s always worth the wait!
May I tell you a little story today? A story that is still my favorite story of God’s undeniable sweetness towards his prized and precious children.
16 years ago, there was a 5 year old little girl in an orphanage in Mexico. Her birthday was coming soon, and the only thing she had asked for was a family. Well, God had revealed to a family in the US that this little girl and her sister were to be their own. The day came when the family was told they could bring the girls home. They were dressed in their matching little shirts that said “Mommy loves me” and “Daddy loves me”. Photos were taken and everything they had was put into a single black trash bag and loaded into the car. That exciting day quickly turned into a nightmare as they were turned away at the US border, and forced to return the girls to the orphanage.
It was 1 week before the little girl’s birthday, and she was completely crushed. She hyperventilated when she realized the car was driving down the dirt road that returned to the orphanage instead of her new home. All that excitement led to a heartbreaking disappointment.
Why would a good, good Father allow this? What was the purpose in this hardship?
Well, you see, a precious daughter of his had asked for a family for her birthday, and her birthday wasn’t for another week. Birthday surprises come on the actual birthday, don’t you know? 1 week later, September 7th, 2006, it was the day of her 6th birthday. The long awaited call came in that all was aligned for the girls to cross the border and come to their new home in the US.
So, on that day, 16 years ago today, her birthday prayer came true ON HER ACTUAL BIRTHDAY, and she and her sister got their family. I’m just blessed to be called the Mama of that family.
God said wait for it, wait for it, wait for it …. and then he revealed this unimaginable goodness he had been aligning! And it came on the perfect day.
You’re waiting, and while you’re waiting you just can’t even imagine what God is aligning for you, Sis. Instead of losing hope in the wait, go ahead and lean in during the wait. The longer the wait, the bigger the reveal. HE CAN BE TRUSTED WITH THIS.
Isaiah 30:18 “The Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you.”
God isn’t waiting for you around the corner with a loud no and a big stick. He actually longs to be gracious to you. He wants to bless you. Gosh, if we could really get that into our hearts and heads, wouldn’t it relieve so many of our fears? GOD LONGS TO BE GRACIOUS TO YOU!
You know, it’s funny, I’ve been sitting around for the past day with a gift to give. I’m not going to tell you what the gift is, but it’s really really good. And I’m absolutely giddy to give this gift to someone, the right someone. I’ve been seeking that person. Seeking the one who is in a position to accept this gift and be blessed by it. Not just anyone, the right one. No one knows I have this gift to offer, but it’s right here in my hand. Waiting. Waiting for the one who is ready for it. Waiting for the one who would come to me and even ask me for it.
And isn’t that an image of our God. Our God who longs to be gracious to us, holding all things in his hands, waiting and wanting to bless us. Perhaps even just waiting for us to ask for it.
My husband and I coached our kids soccer team when they were little. We were totally not qualified for this position, we were simply the ones suckered into volunteering. I’m quite certain we didn’t teach the kids any good ball skills because we had none to offer, but I assure you there was a whole lot of motivational talking going on in that huddle with 6 year olds!
One day during practice, my husband held up a $20 bill and asked “who wants it?” Of course the kids’ hands shot up in the air. “Me, me, me, I want it!” My husband still stood in the middle of the huddle, holding the money and said, “who wants it”, this time with more passion. The kids grew more excited and began yelling louder, “Me!” “No, no, no, WHO WANTS IT?” Finally, one little boy gets up, walks to the middle of the huddle, and grabs the $20 bill. And my husband says “THAT is who wanted it!”
What if God has been longing to be gracious to you, absolutely desiring to give you something, but girl you haven’t come to him to get it?!!! Get yourself on up to the throne of God and receive what he has for you. You don’t have to clean yourself up first. You don’t have to get your ducks in a row or laminate your 5 year plan. Nope, none of that matters. You just have to come to the Father, seeking what he has for you.
Our God is the one who hears the prayers of a little girl asking for a family for her birthday, and he’s so good that he will stop everything to ensure she gets that family precisely ON her birthday. Sixteen years later, she still knows without a doubt, God cares so much about her that he made that gift perfectly for her when she asked.
Honey, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it …..
God has been longing to be gracious to you. And his graciousness will not be haphazard. He has a divine plan with divine timing, and the moment you come to the throne and ask, the reveal of his answer is being planned. He has reveals planned for every single thing you have asked for, Sis. Nothing has gone overlooked. Every prayer has been heard. Don’t give up on his reveal!
Do you want it? Get yourself to the throne and ask. Show up for it and do your part. Keep being faithful every single day in the wait. Oh how your God longs to be gracious to you!
The MSG translation of Isaiah 30:18 says “God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.”
God is taking the time to do everything right for you. EVERYTHING! Oh how lucky we are to be waiting for God to reveal all he has been aligning for us! And when we do finally receive it, we will certainly see, everything was SO RIGHT!
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