Sometimes life simply isn’t fair. We can sit and sulk in that and lose all hope, or we can lift our eyes to heaven where our help comes from. Help is here for you today. Hope is here for you in this moment. Strength and courage are here for you, my sister. And although it may not feel like it right now, there’s something else in alignment for you. Something else straight from the hand of an Almighty God who is personally invested in your life.
What is it?
Double for your trouble.
Double blessing.
Double repayment.
Everything that was taken will be restored, double.
Now maybe you’re trying to filter that through your current trouble and you’re having trouble reasoning how that could be possible. How could God repay you double? How could he ever make this right? How in the world will you ever be okay? Well, Sis, this doesn’t require your understanding, it simply requires your availability.
God says in Zechariah 9: 11-12 “Because of the covenant I made with you, sealed with blood, I will free your prisoners from death in a waterless dungeon. Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.”
Bring what little bit of hope you have left, and come to the Father counting on this covenant.
Lord, you promised to repay me two blessings for each of my troubles. Well, here are my troubles. It doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense to me how you will ever be able to make this good again, but I know this much, I can’t. I can’t fix this. I can’t make this okay. So, I turn it over to you and I’m waiting for you to do what you said you would do.
In this surrender, you have become available. Available for the Almighty to work in miraculous ways and do impossible things.
How will he do it? In impossible ways.
When will he do it? In miraculous timing.
Why will he do it? Because he promised he would.
A covenant has been made between us and God. That covenant was sealed with the blood of Jesus. God meant what he said, and he will fulfill every plan he has for us. No matter what has happened. Regardless of how bad things look right now. God plans to restore you and repay you. Not just what you lost, but double!
1 Peter 5:10 “The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ, will have you put together and on your feet for good.”
Can God put you together again? Well, only he could, right? Only he could put your feet on the ground again after this knock down. Only he can turn this suffering into rejoicing again. So our job isn’t to fix this, our job is to be available to the one who can.
But I know what we do after a hard blow. We pull back. We hide. We shut down. We withdraw into darkness where our mind is attacked and our spirit grows heavy. It’s what we do. But God has asked me to share this with you today. Will you receive this?
The Lord says, stay open to me! Stay open to my good plans, even when the unimaginable has happened. Stay open to my power, even when it feels hopeless. Stay open to my guidance, even when you feel like all you do is stumble. Don’t shut down here!
If you’ve been shutting down, if you’ve been hiding, if you’ve been checking out, I have a very simple prayer to pray with you today. Say this with me:
Lord, I won’t shut down here. I won’t build my walls to keep everyone, including you, out. I won’t hide in dark corners where the enemy can whisper his lies. I won’t withdraw. I won’t check out. While I still suffer, I trust this suffering won’t last forever. You are actively in the process of putting me together again, in the name of Jesus.
Did you know God is actively in the process of putting you together again? He is taking these broken pieces and making something new and beautiful with them. Just like Knitsugi. Have you heard of Kintsugi? It’s the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with gold. Now, the pottery, although having gone through breaking, is far more valuable that ever before, because it has been mended with gold.
Honey, you are being mended with God. God is pouring his love, his power, and his strength into every broken area of your life, creating something of unspeakable value. Not despite the breaking, BECAUSE of the breaking. Through the breaking. This is where God is poured in.
We all want to avoid the breaking. Suffering is never a popular choice. I enjoy suffering about as much as I enjoy drinking chocolate milk while car sick. (That’s a true story. I did that once. It didn’t end well. It wasn’t pretty. I give it zero stars, do not recommend.)
But I heard a statement yesterday on the radio that made me stop in my tracks. A statement so powerful I had to whip out my cell phone and open up the note titled “Ideas From God”. (We all need one of those ongoing notes in our phones. If you don’t have one, start one today and start keeping note of every Spirit filled idea that drops into your mind.)
Here’s what I took note of yesterday:
All our problems have an expiration date.
None of your problems will last forever. Every single thing you’re worried about… Every thing that has caused you pain… Every trouble… Every stress… Every heartache… Every setback… Every struggle… Every uncertainty…
All of it has an expiration date. This will not go on forever.
God has declared HE WILL PUT YOU TOGETHER AGAIN. HE WILL PUT YOU ON YOUR FEET AGAIN. This covenant he has made with you, sealed by the blood of Jesus, is to REPAY YOU DOUBLE FOR YOUR TROUBLE.
So Lord, here I am with gaping holes and massive cracks after taking the blows of life. Some things have gone wrong. Some things I treasured have fallen apart. And I don’t possibly know how to make this okay again. And I give you these pieces and trust you to work.
Restore my life. Renew my joy. Refill my cup.
David wrote in Psalm 23:5 that his cup runs over. But first I know God had to restore that cup. God had to pour himself into those spaces between the broken pieces to make it hole again.
Will you surrender to the process of being restored? Will you surrender to God’s healing power, so that he can put these pieces back together again? And when he does, which he has promised he will, then he will pour it out. Double blessings. Double repayment. Double for your trouble.
God will pour out to overflowing, just as he did for David.
Understand, God wants to pour so much into your life that you can’t possibly contain all his blessings. He wants his blessings to not only fill your once broken cup, but he wants those blessings to overflow from you and start filling other once broken cups.
Yip, a double portion. More than you can contain. Overflowing.
So you can’t shut down here. You can’t build those walls. You can’t stay in those dark corners. Surrender these broken pieces to God and he will restore you to a priceless vessel, overflowing with his blessings.
Yeah, this trouble today … you’re going to get double for it!
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