Your problem is big. God is bigger.
Your faults are great. God is greater.
It seems impossible. God does the impossible.
Have you forgotten the power which resides within you? You are HIS creation. His spirit lives within you. Through him you ARE capable and you will be MORE THAN a CONQUEROR.
What problem are you facing today? What impossible is knocking on your door? Retreat girls, what reality are you going home to today? This is your battleground. It’s time to boldly proclaim “IT’S GOING DOWN.” Rise up warrior. It’s time to fight for the life you want and the life you were created for. Tap into the inner strength which comes from your God and move forward.
Jeremiah 32:27 – “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind, is anything too hard for me?”
Nothing is too hard for our God. Nothing is beyond his scope. Your impossible is 100% possible with God. God sees it all. He sees your faults. He sees your struggles. He sees your problem. He sees your impossible. AND HE LOVES YOU TOO MUCH TO LEAVE YOU ALONE.
So what will your response be to this amazing, loving God of yours? What will you do with your problems today? Oh there are many options.
You can pile up your problems and take inventory.
You can talk about them.
You can wallow in them.
You can focus on them.
You can work yourself into a full blown anxiety attack.
Those are always popular options.
Or maybe you’re more like me and you tend to do the opposite. You ignore your problems. You try your best to pretend they’re not there, as if your avoidance of the truth will somehow change it. And so the problem grows bigger as we bury our head in the sand and life spirals out of control.
Life is not perfect … let us not live in la la land.
Nor is it hopeless … let us not live in doom and gloom.
Within you is creativity, wisdom and strength and it’s EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TODAY. You can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU. Whatever it is you need to do today, you CAN do it.
I have a theme song for you, it’s called “She Is a Warrior” by Alita. We stood on the beach together at Retreat this weekend and God sure moved a lot of hearts with this one. It says
Ready to battle, gonna take that enemy down
She fears no evil, in holding her ground
She is a warrior
Ain’t nothin’ gonna slow her down
She is a warrior
She’s taking this battleground
The enemy has been trying to take something from you. He’s been trying to take your joy, your passion, your future. It’s time to hold your ground!!!!!
In Judges chapter 6 we read about Gideon. He was a man who felt defeated. A man who’s circumstances caused him to lack faith in himself and in God. He was discouraged and fearful. Then in verse 12 it says “When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, ‘The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.’
God called him a mighty warrior not because he had been winning, not even because of his great faith, but instead because of what was in him. There was a warrior inside of him because that is exactly who he was created to be. He had just forgotten.
You too were created to be a warrior, but perhaps your circumstances have you feeling defeated. It’s time to remember who you are through Christ Jesus, and rise up, sister.
Within Jeremiah 33:3 is a sweet promise from God for you today “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
I don’t know about you, but I have some problems that I don’t know how to navigate through. I’m not sure of the next right move. But God has promised me if I call to him HE WILL tell me great things I do not know.
So that thing you’re facing today where you honestly don’t know what to do … do you stay or do you go, do you do this or do you do that, do you go here or there, do you keep doing what you’ve been doing or try something else?
For this exact thing God says, “call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Yip, the answers you couldn’t find on the Google, those are unsearchable … God has your answers! The next step to pull you forward, God has that. The path to your all-in life is found in God. The way you discover your true, authentic, BA self is already worthy, loved and fully enough. The way you breakthrough and live in your calling. The way you ride the waves, yet live in peace. The way you focus, commit, thrive, and live your story as only you can, God has promised if you call to him he will answer you and tell you the things you can’t find the answers for!
So here’s our action plan this morning girls.
Could it be that simple?
Oh yes, it could be and it really is. The answers you seek are already in you. When you call out to God for help it releases all the creativity, wisdom and strength you need for the next step. Then it’s a matter of REPEAT. Call out again and receive for the step after that.
You don’t have to be discouraged today. You don’t have to be filled with fear. God is ready, willing and able to HELP YOU. Oh how he loves you. His love can move mountains … yes, your mountain.
What’s your impossible today – We boldly proclaim “it’s going down!”
Rise up mighty warrior. Feet on the floor. You’ve got some marching to do today.
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