At some point, you arrive to a stage in your life when you look back and find the greatest discovery. The discovery that all this time, God was the author of your destiny. That through it all, he was leading you to his good plans, and they are plans you couldn’t dare to dream.
If you’re there, you know. You know the sweetness of looking back and seeing how God’s promise of working all things together for good were absolutely true for you. You see exactly how the hardest of times lead to unexpected growth, and that growth brought you to opportunities you would have totally dismissed yourself from.
I mean really, if you would have known all the details, you would have been too scared to show up, so guess what your loving Creator did just for you … He hid the details and revealed just enough to get you to take the next step. All while having a destiny aligned that you would have never felt worthy enough to pursue. One step at a time, he nearly tricked you into living a life bigger than you ever imagined.
Now, you look back and see all he did to bring you here, and it’s so clear he was always the author of your destiny. He was always writing your story with such beautiful detail, even when it appeared so hopelessly messy.
Some of us are there and we see it. We know it. We live it.
And some of us are still on that journey and we haven’t quite gotten to the reveal.
And most of us are a mixed bag of seeing it and living it in some areas of our lives, and still deep in the messy process in others.
I don’t know where you are, Sis, but I know this one thing is for sure, God is the author of your destiny.
Psalm 139: 16-17 “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!”
Before your very first step, the step you are questioning today was already aligned. Before you ever knew what you were doing, the wisdom for you to do what is next right now was allotted for you.
Every day of your life has been recorded in God’s book, including this day. Including this season of your life. And God’s precious thoughts about you have all of this covered. He knows exactly what you’re facing. He knows every emotion you are feeling and every fear you wrestle with. He’s already thought about all of this, and per-written the way through it to a destiny promised to be good.
Sometimes, that’s exactly what you must cling to. You cling to a destiny promised by God to be good. A destiny that will one day make sense of today’s journey through the wilderness. A destiny that will be more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine, and make it all totally worth it.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Ephesians 3:20 “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”
And honey, if you can’t see it in your life yet, you’re guaranteed it’s coming! How? God’s power working within you to align you with his plans for your future!
Sis, you’ve got to get that down deep in your soul. God’s power is working within you to align you with his ridiculously good plans for your future. Plans that are more than you could ever ask, think or imagine. That’s always been his plan, and his plan hasn’t been cancelled.
Realize God went all in for you. He bet EVERYTHING on you. He gave it all for you, confident that his good plans for your life would be worth it. How could he know? Oh honey, because he’s already written it all. He’s the author of your destiny and every day of your life has already been written in his book.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you’re a puppet on a string, or a robot programmed to take predetermined action. You have a part in this. You accept his invitation, or you don’t. You step into all that God has declared as possible in your life now, or you delay it greatly as you hesitate and question.
This life you are living is a partnership between the creator and his masterpiece. You are the masterpiece, he is the creator with a good plan. The masterpiece has a destiny, and the creator has aligned everything to bring the masterpiece into that destiny.
The masterpiece may get a little broken along the way. The creator is okay with that. He still knows her value.
The masterpiece may get a little lost along the way. The creator will always come looking for her. He’s willing to leave everything to rescue her and bring her back.
The masterpiece may stop feeling like a masterpiece, but that never changes anything. The creator has declared her worth from the very beginning and given his best to rescue her.
Isaiah 43: 1-4
Listen to the Lord who created you.
The one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
3 For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
4 Others were given in exchange for you.
I traded their lives for yours
because you are precious to me.
You are honored, and I love you.”
The same God who created you gave his son Jesus for you, all because you are precious to him and he loves you. All because he will stop at nothing to bring you to the destiny he has planned for you. All because he knows how this story ends, and he will go through anything and everything with you to get you there.
In some areas of my life, I can look back and see everything he brought me through to bring me to the fullness of today. I can see his hand at work in the details. I can see how he had to trick me into the next step, because if I would have known then what I know now, I would have totally dismissed myself from every opportunity because I didn’t feel worthy of these big plans.
I bet you can look back and see the same in your life, can’t you?
There are other areas of my life that are frustrating and confusing and honestly still a hot mess. I don’t see where all this hardship is leading. I don’t know how in the world God is going to work it all together for good. I’ve seen no progress. But in this, I am reminded God will go right through it with me, and he is leading me to a destiny that is more than I could ask, think, or imagine. I’ll get there and I will then see how he was always in every detail. Until then, I choose to trust him in the process.
Won’t you do the same? Won’t you trust him with all you can’t understand right now? Trust he’s done it for you before and he will do it for you again. He’s made a way when there was no way, so he will make a way here too. He’s opened doors before, he will open doors again. He’s turned the enemy’s intended harm and used it for good in your life in the past, he will do it again in your future.
Isn’t it an amazing discovery to realize God has always been the author of your destiny, and he’s still working!
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