I know you’ve asked God before, and you’re still waiting, but go ahead and ask again. I know you’ve prayed before and you feel like your prayer was unanswered, pray again. I know you’re growing discouraged. I know you feel like this is never going to change and it’s never going to happen. The answer may have been no before. It may have been wait. Or it may have been silent and left you confused. But today, God has prompted me to tell you, ASK AGAIN.
This morning I was led to Luke 18. Jesus was teaching his disciples, telling them stories they could understand. First, a story of a widow who continually asked a judge to be fair to her and give her justice against her enemies. Jesus said this judge neither feared God nor cared about people. Again and again, the widow would ask the judge for justice. Time and time again, the judge would ignore her. But Jesus says eventually the judge, although he didn’t care about this woman or anyone else, grew so tired of her incessant asking, that he eventually gives in. Verse 5 the judge says, “this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!”
Now the teaching from Jesus so that we can understand. Verse 6-8 “Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly!”
Jesus is telling us to always pray and never give up. Maybe you prayed before, but now you’ve given up. Maybe you used to ask, but you grew tired of asking, and you sit in defeat and disappointment. Maybe out of self-protection you don’t talk to God about this anymore. But hear Jesus loud and clear. “God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night.”
Keep asking. Keep praying. Keep coming back and talking to God about this situation over and over again.
Many years ago I read the book “Heaven Is For Real”, before they made the movie. There are a few things I remember most about the account of a 4 year old little boy who died, went to heaven, then came back to share the most amazing details a 4 year old couldn’t possibly make up. I believe it with my whole heart.
He talked about meeting his sibling. Yes, the baby he didn’t even know his mother had lost, yet he met her in Heaven. All those lives gone before they even began, they’re lived fully in Heaven. He talked about the animals in Heaven, which sure makes this dog loving mama’s heart happy. And he talked about his conversation with Jesus where Jesus said the little boy’s daddy just wouldn’t stop bombarding the throne of heaven with his request to bring his son back. So, Jesus was giving him back.
Are you really bombarding the throne of Heaven with your requests, or are you whispering a shallow and distant passing request not really expecting much. Girl, you have the ear of God Almighty. The creator of the Universe is listening to you. What do you want to talk to him about? And what will you keep coming back to talk to him about again and again?
Remember, always pray and never give up. You’re giving up too easily. You’re treating prayer like a one and done. Pray again. Ask again. Don’t you stop bringing this to God.
When I pray about something, I say God is going to know all about it because I’m just not going to stop talking to him in detail about my request. If I’m praying for you, God is going to know your name. He’s going to be like, “here comes my girl Pamela again to talk to me about Bill and Diane and their business.” Yip, it’s me again, God. Let’s do talk about this again!” God knows I’m here again at his throne with my requests for Nicky and Stacey, for Olivia and Lori, for Gail and Heather. He knows I’m coming in again to talk to him about those marriages that are struggling and those kids that have gone astray. I’m just not going to quit. Why? Because Jesus told me to keep praying and don’t give up.
Hey, if God answers my request for you because I’m driving him crazy, cool. If Jesus wasn’t serious about us bombarding the throne with our requests, then he wouldn’t have told us this story of the widow and the judge. I’m getting my butt back to the throne today, how about you?
Luke chapter 18 ends with the detailed account of Jesus responding to a cry others tried to hush. Verses 35-43, “As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind beggar was sitting beside the road. When he heard the noise of a crowd going past, he asked what was happening. They told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by. So he began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
“Be quiet!” the people in front yelled at him.
But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
When Jesus heard him, he stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him. As the man came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
“Lord,” he said, “I want to see!”
And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it praised God, too.”
If someone has told you to quit asking, you just ask again. If someone has shamed you for seeking healing, boldly seek again today. Hey, nobody puts Baby in the corner, and nobody tells me I can’t ask God again.
Your cries bring Jesus close. Now as he draws near today in response to your cries, he is asking, “what do you want me to do for you?” Be ready to tell him. Tell him exactly what you want. Tell him again and again. With boldness, you approach that throne.
Remember, Jesus can do for you in an instant what you could never do in a thousand lifetimes. It doesn’t have to make sense. I doesn’t have to even be possible. With man, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.
Ask again. Ask continually. Bombard the throne of Heaven with your requests, and keep asking.
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