Today’s devotional is for the women who have been hurt. Those who woke up disappointed today. Those who feel overwhelmed. Those who are beginning to believe it’s too late and they’re loosing hope. For you, the one who is disheartened by the journey right now with not a lot left to give.

In Isaiah 61:3 God reminds you He will give a crown of beauty for ashes.

What are your ashes? Ashes are the evidence of a fire that destroyed. The remains of a dream that went up in flames. The remnants of a woman who is burned out. These are ashes.

We all have them. We’ve all been hurt. We’ve all messed up. We’ve all been scorched by the fires of life … but we don’t have to live as women who are just a pile of rubble after the destruction.

No, God promises beauty for ashes.

What does this mean? This means you can take your heaping pile of all you’ve ever given up on in life, all that seems too far gone and hopeless, all that appears to be ruined and EXCHANGE IT FOR BEAUTY. Something magnificent for something malfunctioning. Something beneficial for something broken. Something desirable for something destitute. Something worthy for something worthless.

Beauty for ashes.

A beautiful life for a burned out life. What a deal.

That’s like trading in your 20 year old junker Honda that barely runs for a brand spanking new Range Rover with after effects. If you heard that deal advertised on TV wouldn’t you drop everything you were doing and get yourself to the car dealership? Oh you bet you would. Trade out your old used up car for a beautiful new one.

And listen to me here, God is offering something worth so much more than a car. Imagine the adds, TODAY ONLY YOU CAN TRADE IN YOUR OLD DISAPPOINTMENTS AND FAILURES FOR A BRAND NEW EXCITING PURPOSE FILLED LIFE.

Wouldn’t you find a way to get yourself wherever you needed to be to redeem that offer? Will you today?

The offer is available to you right now. Beauty for ashes.

God does not leave your heartbreak unredeemed! He doesn’t leave your failure unforgiven. He doesn’t leave you! You, he’s coming back for you! You’re not being left behind. He’s coming back to take whatever you have left and create something beautiful, worthy, meaningful, and life changing with it.

Whatever your ashes are, God is offering you beauty in exchange today. But that means you have to GIVE UP the ashes. You have to give up being a victim. You can’t hold on to your ashes and carry them around for everyone to see. You have to make the EXCHANGE. Beauty for ashes. Turn over your heartache. Turn over your failure. Turn over your disappointment. Turn over your hurt. Release it. It no longer belongs to you. And you know what’s really powerful about this. When the pain no longer belongs to you, YOU NO LONGER BELONG TO THE PAIN. And with your release of the ashes, God gives you beauty.

He gives you purpose. He gives you a passion. He sets your feet on a path to use every ounce of struggle for good in this world.

Beauty for ashes. What a deal. Girl, you gotta get in on this. Make that exchange today. God, here’s my pile of ashes. I give them to you and I thank you for giving me beauty in exchange.

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