Have you ever been on a beach at the end of a busy summer day to see all the footprints, all the mounds of sand piled, and all the deep holes dug? Then what about the next morning? That same beach is fresh and flat, and all the mess of yesterday has been washed away.
My sister, the mess of your yesterday has been washed away. The footprints of where you went off track … gone. Layer upon layer of all you allowed to build up … gone. Deep holes you dug … gone. How? The waves.
The waves come in and wash it all away, leaving a fresh and flat beach where it was once marked with mess. Psalm 42:7 “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” The waves are not here to crush you, they are here to refresh you. The waves are not a punishment. They are provision. Provision of a clean slate, a fresh start, a renewal each morning.
If you woke up feeling defeated, please know the holes of yesterday have been washed over. If you woke up feeling overwhelmed, the mess you created layer by layer has been flattened. The footprints are gone. There’s no record held against you here.
This is the image of God’s new mercies each morning. This is what he wants you to see. When we read in Lamentations 3: 22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”, this is what God meant … that beach is new every morning. The tide came in, the waves rose up, what was is swept away, and what remains is a fresh, merciful new beginning.
When has this not been true? Was there ever a time the waves didn’t come? Was there ever a time the beach wasn’t flattened and restored? Never. Why? Because God is faithful.
And God is faithful to you. Every morning he wakes you with new mercies. A new beginning with yesterday gone. But have we let yesterday go? Have we released what was? Have we gotten over the messes we built, the holes we dug, and the paths we wandered? Have we accepted the mercy offered to us, or have we built walls around our messes to keep the waves out?
Let’s go back to Psalm 42:7 again. It says “your waves and breakers have swept over me.” Waves we’re familiar with. What about these breakers? Breakers sound painful. Breakers sound threatening. Breakers sound like what you’ve been going through, what you’ve been avoiding, what you’ve been wishing away. But understand, breakers are those big waves for the big messes. They reach further. They crash harder. And they wash cleaner.
The word breaker means to break through. Yes, break through hindrances, bondages, and delays. Break through excuses and setbacks. Break through strongholds, chains and generational curses. Break through anything and everything that has been stopping you or holding you back.
Girl, you need the breaker! You don’t need to run from it or hide from it. You certainly don’t need to build walls to protect your mess from it. The waves and the breakers need to wash over it all and wash it away.
Micah 2:13 refers to Jesus as the ‘breaker.” The King James Bible says, “The breaker will go before you.” He is the one who makes a way. He is the one who clears the path. He is the one who levels the mess each morning with new mercies for our breakthrough. Jesus is the big breaker. The big stuff you thought you could never get over … The big stuff you thought you could never get through … The big stuff you thought could never be left behind … The big breaker creates big breakthroughs! He washes over all of it. Sets you free of all of it. Takes it all away.
Check your beach, Sis. It’s all been made new this morning. You don’t have to wallow in your regrets. You don’t have to keep building on old stories and old excuses Jesus the breaker came to wash away. You don’t have to return to the hole you were digging to get down in it again. The breaker has covered that hole. He’s washed over it and he doesn’t want you redigging it.
Psalm 46:5 “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”
Ohhhh, the break of day is proof of the breaker’s presence! What do we find at the break of each new day? We find proof of the clean slate provided by the waves and breakers. We find the holes filled. We find the mess flattened. We find the tracks covered. We find a fresh new start provided by our Jesus, faithfully. And because he is in us, we will not fall. We will not fail. We will not get stuck. We will move forward with no regrets, free of everything that has ever tried to hold us back before. The breaker has broken those chains. The waves have washed us clean.
And today, Jesus asks us what will we do with what he has given us. What will we do with this clean slate? What will we do with the breakthroughs he has provided? What will we do with his mercies that cover us?
Will we live bigger? Will we show up greater? Will we go further? Will we give more? Will we trust deeper? Will we respond to his faithfulness with ours?
Yesterday is gone. All of your yesterdays have been blessed by the waves and washed by the breaker. Welcome to a new day of life with fresh, new mercies from the Almighty. It seems like a perfect day to really live!
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