There are spiritual solutions for the problems you face. Yes, solutions that are beyond you and above you. And yet, these solutions are within your reach. You access them through prayer.

But isn’t it funny how we often pray as a last resort instead of our greatest resource. Prayer gets put on the back burner as we search for anything else we can do to solve our problems and fix our messes. I do it too. I’ll worry about it, talk about it, lose sleep over it, and try to control it, all while abandoning the spiritual solution to this problem … pray about it!

God’s desire is to help you with this. God’s plan is to guide you through this and reveal his power to do what only he can do in response to your requests. God’s agenda in this is to be with you and fight for you. But there is an enemy to God’s plan. There is a real adversary in this life who wants to distract you from God’s power and overwhelm you with nonsense so you are rendered incapable of your role in this life. That enemy is Satan, and he is the master of distraction.

And isn’t that what you are … you are distracted. Isn’t that what has happened with your good intentions to seek God first … you’ve gotten distracted. There’s so much to do and so much going on inside your head, you can’t possibly be still. Sitting and praying is nearly impossible in your day. So, you go, you do, you rush, you push. And in all your going and doing, rushing and pushing, you miss it. You miss the spiritual solutions to your problems.

There are doors that can only be opened through prayer. Healing that comes only through prayer. Answers that come only through prayer. Peace that comes only through prayer. Divine guidance for the next step that only comes through prayer. But if you don’t pray, you miss it. Girl, what are you leaving on the table here because you’re too busy to pray about it? What spiritual solutions are you missing because you’re caught up in the distractions the enemy placed in your way?

Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Does this mean to sit and do nothing? Does it mean to lay in bed and not get up? Does it mean you should expect God to do everything for you?

No, this is actually more of a wake-up call than a hall pass. This isn’t permission to dismiss yourself from showing up, this is a reminder of HOW you show up. You show up with God! You show up prayed up! You show up with holy confidence knowing you’ve already talked to God about this and he is divinely guiding your steps.

When I’ve already prayed about it, I can show up totally different. I don’t worry about the weather. I don’t worry about the details. I’ve already talked to God about it and placed it in his mighty and capable hands, so I can trust God’s got it and I don’t have to control it. Isn’t that what prayer does? It releases the illusion of control and opens our eyes to God’s involvement in the details.

The context of this scripture is war. There was a battle going on, and God says, “Be still and know that I am God.” It’s an awareness that God is in control, regardless of circumstances. It’s finding peace in the chaos. It’s gratitude for what is good and faith for what is falling apart.

God is saying, “Look around in awe. See me in the details of your life. Know I am with you. Stop freaking out.”

Breaking this verse down into 3 parts, we can apply this wake up call to our lives today.

  1. Be still.
    Stop trying to do this on your own. Pause and consider what God is doing here. You don’t have the answers, but God does, so seek him first. He isn’t your last ditch effort, he is your first call, so make that call. Call on his name. Call on his power. Call on spiritual solutions for the problems you face.

Don’t run from this. Call on God to stand with you and face this. Face the truth. Face the threat. Face the problem.

You’ve been allowing the distractions to keep you from walking in the spiritual solutions available to you. You’re wasting time googling your answers if you haven’t first prayed about it. You’re exhausting yourself trying all you can without first praying all you can.

Be still here. Seek God here. He is here. He’s not distant and he’s not too busy. He’s right here for you with strength and guidance for your next steps. Be in awe of his presence in this storm. This is where Jesus comes walking on the stormy seas to you!

  1. And know.
    God says, “Be still and know”, not “Be still and understand.” It’s not “Be still and figure it out”, or “Be still and get control of this.” Your effort to control it forfeits your opportunity to walk in spiritual solutions that are beyond you.

Our role in this confusion and chaos is to KNOW. Know what? The third part.

  1. That I am God.
    God is above everyone and everything else. He is greater than your problems and bigger than your mistakes. He is higher than the mountains in your way and far beyond the path you cannot see. He is all knowing. He is all powerful. And he is for you, not against you.

He alone is God. He alone holds the entire world in his hand. He alone causes the sun to rise and the stormy seas to calm. And he wants you to remember, HE IS YOUR GOD. He is your Creator. He is your Father. He is your Provider. He is your Defender. He is your Redeemer.

What happens when the first thing you do in your day is to be still and know that he is God? It places your problems under him instead of above him. It opens your eyes to the awe of his presence. When you fail to seek God first, your eyes are opened to your problems and you’re overwhelmed. But when God gets first place, you see your whole world differently. You are in awe of his presence. You receive spiritual solutions that are far greater than your own ideas.

You know what the enemy of your soul desires today? He desires to keep you so distracted that you can’t be still, you forget what you know, and your problems get first place instead of God. That’s what he’s been doing, huh? Well, will you let him do it again today? You’ve got to get a little fired up and maybe a little pissed off. How dare the enemy try to distract you from your mission. How dare he be poking on you. You’re God’s girl! How dare he try to diminish your role in God’s greater purposes. How dare he try to steal those spiritual solutions from you.

Today, we will be still and know that God is God! He is above all of this. He is in control. He is for us, not against us. He is right here with us in this battle. He has spiritual solutions for all our problems. We will be in awe of him. We will remember the truth of what we know. We will trust him, even when we don’t understand.

And it all starts with prayer. What could you pray? Pray this scripture! Lord, I am here before you today, choosing to be still. Choosing to calm the storms in my mind. Choosing to overcome the distractions. I KNOW you are God. You are above this. You are greater than this. You hold all of this. And I thank you!

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