Psalm 37:23 “The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”

Does the Lord direct the steps of everyone? No, this scripture is very specific. He directs the steps of the godly. So what exactly does being godly look like? How can I be godly today and in exchange, receive God’s divine guidance and supernatural involvement in the details of my life?

A godly life is a life devoted to God. It’s rather easy to see a godly life in motion, you can point those people out, but isn’t it funny how no matter what you do, YOU never feel like a godly person. You know your flaws intimately. You live inside your brain that wanders and thinks ungodly thoughts. Have you disqualified yourself as godly in your head, and therefore disqualified yourself from believing you’re worthy of God’s direction and care of the details of your life?

All God is asking for is your devotion. That’s it. Just your devotion. Not your perfection. Not your understanding. Not even your agreement. Just your devotion. By definition, your devotion is your love, your loyalty and your excitement towards God. I believe you being here today and listening at this moment is a result of your devotion to God. That’s why we call this a devotional. This is the means by which you show your love, loyalty and excitement towards God. You are devoted to him. And it is your devotion that makes you godly, not your perfection. Not your holiness. Not your memorized scriptures, church attendance, or holy track record. Nope, none of that. Just your devotion. That’s your love, your loyalty, and your excitement towards God. You can give God that today!

Do devoted people screw up? BIG TIME! Do devoted people stumble? Abso-freaking-lutely. Do devoted people always find their way back? Yes, and here’s why – because the Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. And this should give you tremendous confidence!

Understand, this is a holy exchange. Your devotion makes you godly and in return, God is directing your steps. He is guiding you. You are receiving the guidance of the one who knows the end from the beginning, the one who makes all things new and works all things together for good.

Today is just another step in the journey of living the life you were created for. Another step towards become the person you can be. Now, I don’t know what your step may look like today. Your journey may look different than mine. But I know this, one day there will be a step that drastically changes everything. That step may be a long time in the making and you may not wake up knowing it’s the day, in fact you will likely feel like it’s just another Tuesday. But that step on that day is what all your other steps have been leading you to.

There’s a very special woman I met at one of our BIG Life Retreats who has struggled for the past 10 years. 10 years of shame, guilt, pain and questioning. 10 year of wandering and hurting. But one night at a retreat, a conversation unfolded that she didn’t plan or prepare for. A conversation of hidden hurt and shame she had been carrying for all those year. A light shinning in the darkness the enemy had kept her stuck in.

That conversation was a touch from a God who loved her wildly and had been relentlessly pursuing her. She didn’t wake up that morning thinking her whole world would change, but indeed God had guided her steps for an encounter with his power that would set her free and begin a deep healing within her.

Today, she’s a different person. She’s a beautiful image of restoration. God is restoring her. And it began with one touch, one prompting of the Holy Spirit in one conversation, and one step responding to that prompting. Now, each step is a step towards a restored, whole, free, BIG life. The life God always wanted for his prized girl.


As she devoted her life to God, seeking him even in her darkest days, God has directed her steps. He has been there for every detail of her life, working even the hardest of things together for good.

Has it been messy? Yes. Has it even appeared hopeless at times? Yes. Was God working through it all? Yes.

The same is happening for you in your darkest of times. God is here working on your behalf. Reaching for you. Calling you in. Setting you up for the next level of living.

The most important spiritual growth doesn’t happen when you’re in church, it happens in the midst of conflict, when you’re frustrated, angry or scared and you’re doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realize that you have a choice to do it different. Girl, you don’t have to keep doing this same old thing over and over again. God is offering a holy exchange here today. Your devotion for his guidance.

God has met you here this morning asking if you will be devoted to him today. Will you give your love, your loyalty and your excitement to him? Will you anticipate with hope what he is going to do in your life? Will you give him time? Will you seek him?

If you will, he will guide your steps.

He will make things happen that you could never make happen on your own. He will change your heart and he will change the hearts of others towards you. Favor will be given. Doors will be opened. Supernatural strength will be provided. He will be in every detail. Healing, restoration, renewal and revival will unfold.

Isn’t it amazing to think God not only knows about every detail of your life, but he cares about every detail. He delights in every detail. He takes great pleasure in you, his dear daughter. And today he is guiding you. He is opening your eyes to the very things you have been missing. He has gone before you, he knows the way because he has made the way, and he says, follow me. Trust me. Lean into me. Let me guide your steps.

And today’s step may just bring you closer to where you’re going. Or today’s step may be the total breakthrough that changes everything. I don’t know which one it will be for you, but I know this, you’ve just gotta take that step. You can’t afford to to not respond to that prompting. You don’t know what today’s step could do in your life. Don’t risk missing it.

You showed up today with your devotion and you’re giving God this time. Now in return, he wants to guide you. He wants to be in the details today. Follow him. With courage and boldness you take the next step in showing up and doing what needs to be done.

You’ve made an exchange here today. Your devotion for his guidance. Your steps are being guided by the almighty today.

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