I wonder how much of the journey you are on is a lesson in trusting God with TODAY? Success is trusting God with this day, and failure is worrying about tomorrow. Is this your journey? Is this what God is teaching you? Can you see the provision of today, enjoy the provision of today, without worrying what will come tomorrow? Or will you miss what you have now, stressed over what may or may not come later?
This is the journey of life. The journey of going from where you are to where you want to be, and not being miserable along the way. Girl, can you choose not to be a miserable cow while your life is still a work in progress? This journey won’t be easy, so will you commit to not giving up? Will you commit to focusing on THIS day and resist the temptation to be overwhelmed with all your tomorrows?
What is between where you once are and where you want to be … it’s the unknown. What will it take to get there? What will be required of you? How will you keep going? Do you really have what it takes?
If these are the questions in your head today on your journey, God wants to remind you of what he did for the Israelites. In Exodus we read of God rescuing these people. Just as God has rescued you, right? He has saved you. He has set you apart. Generations of your family have been victim to the same thing over and over again, and he breaks the cycle with YOU. He’s making a way out for you. He has something more for you. He’s taking you from where you once were, setting your feet on a journey, and asking you to trust him to lead you to where you can be. To reach your full potential of the BIG Life you were created for.
God was leading the Israelites. Their journey was from Egypt to the promised land. But to get from where they were to where they were going, they had to go through the wilderness.
Isn’t the same true for us? To get from where you are to where you are going, it’s a wilderness. A desolate land. It doesn’t happen over night.
You’re trying to lose weight. You left 260 pounds and you’re heading to 160, but this journey isn’t easy. In the beginning you’re like the Isralites leaving Egypt, wooohooooo we’re going on a roadtrip. We’re finally on our way. This is exciting. We’re doing it for real this time. And then shortly into the journey you realize this kinda sucks. You know if you keep going you WILL reach the land of 160 pounds but no one told you how tough it would be between 260 and 160. Maybe like the Israelites you hate the journey so much that you almost wish you could go back to where you were. At least back there you weren’t starving. And maybe that’s what you’ve done in the past. You gave up on the journey and went back to the bondage of being unhealthy and overweight because you hated the wilderness in between so badly.
The Israelites were miserable on the journey through the wilderness. They had no food and they wished they would have never left Egypt. Although they were slaves back there, atleast they weren’t starving.
It’s easy to feel that way in the wilderness … the place between where you were and where you’re going. The place between spending more than you make … and … living completely debt free. Oh you know what I’m talking about. Where are my girls at trying to be financially fierce in 2023 and get out of debt. The journey isn’t quite so easy. You remember the days of walking in the store, buying it because you wanted it and just charging it. You were in bondage back then, but atleast you got what you wanted. Now here you are in the wilderness and you’re growing tired of saying no. You just want to shop. You want to eat out. You want to go to the movies. But no, you’re saving money and it’s plain old no fun. And you know you have 5 more years of this?
What do you do when the journey from where you are to where you want to be seems too long? Will you give up and go back to where you were? Or will you trust God on this journey to provide in the wilderness?
Look what God did for his people. On their journey to the Promised Land there was nothing but wilderness. It was dry desolate ground. There were no plentiful gardens along the way. No meat markets. No fruit trees. No Wal-Mart super centers. There was nothing. And the Israelites had nothing. They were traveling on foot, carrying no food.
So here they were starving trying to get from where they were to where they were going. And in Exodus 16:4 the Lord said to Moses, “Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you. Each day the people can go out and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.”
And so it was, every morning sweet bread called manna fell from the sky onto the ground. And I’m not just talking about a little bit of sweet bread … there was enough for everyone. Upon doing a bit of research I discovered my visual of this story has always been off. I imagined like a hundred people eating this bread which had miraculously fallen from heaven. No, there were a million or more people.
Can you imagine the surprise? The bread must have tasted so good to them, afterall they were starving.
Now, here’s the magic of this story and the lesson for you and I today. God said, go out and pick up as much food as you need for THAT DAY. He was testing them. He only gave them what they needed that day. You know “give us THIS DAY our daily bread”. If they worried about tomorrow and focused on what they would need the next day and stored some away, it would ruin and be covered in maggots.
God gave them exactly what they needed for THAT day and they had to trust him again for tomorrow’s provision.
Now maybe you’re not counting on God for sweet bread today, but maybe you’re counting on him for willpower and strength today. Maybe you’re counting on him for provision today. Maybe you’re counting on him for patience or guidance today. And HE WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU NEED FOR TODAY. But he likely won’t give you what you need for tomorrow and next week and next month on today.
I wonder how much of the journey you are on is a lesson in trusting God with TODAY? And we fail when we worry about tomorrow. We fail when we look ahead and say, “but what about next week – how am I going to handle next month – and look what’s coming in 3 more months.”
Stop worrying about how you can do the right thing again tomorrow, and just do the right thing TODAY. You can do this today. You can.
JUST TODAY my sister. Just today. God has provided for your journey today. Trust he will do the same tomorrow.
You don’t need to run back to where you were just because it’s familiar and comfortable. Continue your journey to where you’re going and know God has given you exactly what you need for TODAY and he will do it again tomorrow.
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Find out more about BIG Life – http://biglifehq.com