Whatever it is you are going through, God has a blessing right here for you. He’s not waiting to bless you on the other side of this, he’s meeting you right here with overflowing provisions and sweet blessings. Oh how I pray you notice them today. Dare to see what God is offering you here, even in the middle of what you’re trying to get away from.
Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
Within this scripture are three very specific things for you today. Which one do you most need for today?
- You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Yes, exactly where I’m being attacked, God provides for my needs. In the precise area of my life where I am hurting, God brings provisions to strengthen me. Where the enemy is attacking and making my life hard, God has a table set up for me. A table where I can sit. A table where I can rest. A table where everything I need has been provided for me.
Does it mean the enemy just disappears and turns to attack someone else? No. Does it mean all your problems go away? No. But what it does mean is you will be provided for here.
And isn’t this true? Isn’t God being so sweet to personally provide for you while you’re going through this? Don’t you see the table he has prepared here for you? Just when you didn’t think you could get up to walk through this reality for another day, God has given you strength for today. Just when you thought you were completely stuck without any other options, God has shown up and opened another door for you.
One of my best friends recently lost her husband. But, oh how God has been so gracious to prepare a table for her here. He perfectly timed the arrival of their first grandbaby before her husband’s funeral even happened. He provided financially. He has given peace in a time when peace didn’t make sense. And every time there’s an especially hard day for her, she receives a loving call or a text at just the right time. God has prepared this table for her. A table for her battle. A table to give her everything she needs to continue. Because she recognizes the table prepared for her, she has complete confidence in her journey.
Do you see the table God has prepared for you in the past? Look at how he provided. Look at how he strengthened. He got you through, didn’t he? And let me tell you, your enemy saw how God showed up for you! The devil took note that you’re a girl with God going before her. He knows you’re provided for supernaturally. He’s been defeated!
So, won’t God do it again? Won’t he prepare another table for you in this battle? Won’t he go ahead of you and set up provisions precisely where you will need them? Won’t he align everything you need in your toughest of times? Yes he will.
Girl, sit down at the table today. Look what God has done for you here. What you need is here. Today’s table is enough, and tomorrow he will have another table prepared for you as you move forward. God is that good, and he loves you that much.
- You anoint my head with oil.
The author of this Psalm is David. David was a shepherd boy. He professionally cared for sheep. As a shepherd, he carried with him a special jar of oil. This oil was for the head of his sheep to protect them from flies.
In the pastures, the flies were so vicious, it would nearly drive the sheep mad. The flies would fester in the sheep’s eyes and nose and ears. The flies would lay eggs in the sheep’s flesh. Imagine how horrible that felt. To get rid of the annoyance of the flies, the sheep would often beat their head against trees or rocks, even to the point of their own death. So, the shepherd would apply oil to the sheep’s head. This oil would protect them from the flies.
Don’t you see, the shepherd was protecting the sheep’s head from attack.
And this is what God does for us. He anoints our head with oil. He protects our head, our mind. He doesn’t allow the continual annoyance of the buzzing and the picking.
My sister, if you’re struggling with an attack on your mind that steals your peace and drives you crazy, let God anoint your head with oil. He will protect your mind. He will ward off the little demons that prod and poke.
When the shepherd poured out the oil on the sheep’s head, it didn’t make the flies disappear. Oh there were still flies in the pastures. They were all around, but the one with oil was protected from attack.
God is here, offering oil for your head to protect you from this attack on your mind. Ask him to pour out his oil on you now. Father, don’t allow the enemy to get in my head. Don’t allow him to fill my thoughts with those worries and fears. I don’t want to beat my head here anymore. Please cover me so that my mind is at peace. Please protect me from this attack.
If you have a loved one going through a mental battle, pray for God’s anointing oil over their mind. Heck, there’s nothing wrong with a little olive oil from your kitchen used in your prayer over them. I’ve personally experienced this. While I had some massively oily hair afterwards, I will tell you I felt a difference in my head.
Psalm 45:7 refers to God pouring the oil of joy. Is that what you need? You need joy to be poured out over your mind. Joy over your thoughts. My sister, when God has given you joy, the enemy won’t even mess with your head!
- My cup overflows.
When does a cup overflow? When it has been given so much it can’t even hold it all. When there is an abundance, there is an overflow. God wants to pour an excessive amount of love, blessing, and power on those who love and seek him. Honey, God doesn’t just show up with enough, he shows up with far more than enough!
God is not limited in any way. He is the God of more. That’s not some ‘name it and claim it’ overly flamboyant, entitled Christian talk. This is what Jesus said. He said, “I came so that you may have life, and have it to the FULL.” (John 10:10) That’s not just a little life, but a BIG Life. That’s not just dragging your butt through this existence to survive, that’s thriving! This is the life Jesus came to give you. It’s an overflowing life.
Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” More than we could ever ask. That’s not just a full cup, that’s an overflowing cup. His power that works within us is able to do more than we could even imagine. So hey Sis, I think what God is telling us is to TAKE THE LID OFF! I know that’s what he’s telling me. Stop limiting him. Let him out of the darn box. He can do this and wayyyyy more than this. And how he will do it is with his power he has put within us. Show up and let his power flow … overflow! God will blow your mind when you take the lid off.
And because God is the God of more, he has made us more. We are MORE than conquerors through him. We are overcomers, time and time again. We battle and we win. We are champions. We have more strength than our enemy. We have more power than the one who has come against us. We are on the winning side!
Live in this overflow. God is pouring out for you, recognize it, receive it, and be confident in it.
So, what did you most need to hear today? “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
- There are provisions for you here in this battle. God has gone before you and provided for you.
- Your mind is protected from the attacks of the enemy. Joy will be restored to your thoughts.
- Your cup is being filled to overflowing. You can’t even contain all God has for you.
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