Today we welcome a new day of life and a new month of life. The ultimate gift has arrived at your front door. The clean slate of a new month is here, welcome to February!

Who gave you this gift and what will your response be?

This day didn’t just show up by accident. You were chosen for this gift. Your creator decided you should receive this new month so here it is with a big bow on it this morning as the sun came up. How will you say thank you?

I want you to imagine you bought me a pair of socks. I received the socks in the mail and to show my appreciation I sent you a thank you letter. Now would you rather receive a thank you letter that said “Hey, I love the socks, thanks” …. or …. would you rather receive a letter that said “Those socks are absolutely perfect, I love them in every way. I’m going to wear those socks for my big run this week. Next week I’m going to wear them on a weekend trip to go hiking in the mountains. They are my favorite pair of socks and I’m going to use them and enjoy them over and over again. I’ll think of you every time. Thank you so much for these amazing socks.”

Now of course you would rather receive the second thank you letter because you know all the ways I’m going to use and enjoy the gift you have given me. And I bet that would make you want to buy me more socks, right? RIGHT!

So with this in mind, think about the gift of this new month of life God has just given you. Do you want to send up a little “hey thanks God, I really like February”, or do you want to give him a detailed list of how you plan to use this month and enjoy it to the fullest? You know the answer here. You know what’s best.

And this, my friends, is what we here in BIG Life call MONTHLY GOALS. Your list of goals for February 2024 are the ultimate thank you letter to the giver of this month of life. So you write that letter. Tell God all the ways you’re going to enjoy this gift and use this gift to live fully and get better. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do when you’re a ridiculously blessed girl. And you are. Goodness gracious you’re blessed. There are countless things that are miraculously right and working in your life, and even more things that are perfectly aligning and coming together that you don’t even know about yet. Showing your gratitude with these written goals is not only the right thing to do, but imagine how it will make God feel.

So few will even recognize today as a gift. Even fewer will write God a thank you letter that includes a list of the ways they’re going to enjoy and use the gift. Be among the few that recognizes the value of what you have been given.

It’s goal writing day. What do you want to do with this month of life? How do you want to spend your days? What do you want to achieve and accomplish? How do you want to grow and get better? It’s not a to-do list, it’s the ultimate thank you letter to God.

What could you do with this new month of life offered to you by your loving Creator? Oh, you could take photos that outlive you, you could create memories that surpass you, you could make shifts that change your entire future. You could … will you?

Just how much living will you do in this month of life? How much will you show up for and how much will you sit out on? You decide because it’s here for the taking.

God has done his part. He’s gone before you, he’s made a way, now his invitation is here for you to move forward. Step into the life available to you and start living up to your potential this month. Here it is, the opportunity of a lifetime is right in front of you.

What are your intentions for this month? How do you plan to live these days? Maybe after the kind of year you had last year, and the way January worked out for you, you’re hesitant to even think about goals. So what do you do? Stop making plans? Stop writing goals? Stop believing in the possibility for change?

Well, that’s an option, and a mighty popular one, but where’s the faith in that? It takes zero faith to lower your expectations and show up for life with no intentions. That’s not who God created you to be. He gave you desires in your heart to boldly chase after. He’s giving you the awareness of a need for change so you can get better and get in alignment with his best plans for you.

So here’s the plan for this month … we will seek God, we will make plans, we will surrender our plans, and we will praise him in advance.


Lord, we are here seeking you. What is it you want of me this month? Where do you want me to change? What do you have available for me? How can I do better? Where have I been settling for less than you created me for? Where are my priorities out of alignment? Where do you want to take me and what is it you want me to do? What do you want me to slow down and enjoy? What awesome things can we do together this month?

Jesus, you instruct us in Matthew 7:7 to ask, seek and try. You said “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.” Here we are asking. Here we are seeking. Here we are ready to try. Will you show us? Will you guide us? Will you help us?

We don’t want to waste this precious month of life in our worthless worries and stresses. We don’t want to miss what you are offering in our busyness. We are here seeking you now.


When you are given a gift, the giver of the gift wants you to use the gift. Enjoy it, otherwise it was a waste. Wouldn’t it make you sad to know the gift you took time picking out and spent your money on is just sitting in the box in someone’s closet now?

Well what about this gift God has given you here? The gift of 29 days in February. (Yes, 29 because God was even so sweet to give you a bonus day in this month! Oh my goodness, I want you to dream of how you will use the extreme gift of Thursday, February 29th, Leap Day. I mean make it ridiculously special!) God wants you to USE the gift of this month. Seize it. Savor it. Do something with it.

This month isn’t yours to just get through, it is yours to live. How will you live it? God’s gift to you is this brand spanking new month. How you live it is your gift to him. Go ahead and make plans to use it. Write down all the ways you will use your days. Create an outline for your hours and how you will fill them, enjoy them, and work with them.

Remember, your goals are your written thank you letter to God. God, you have given me February, now here’s how I will use this gift. It will not sit in the box in my closet … nope, I’m using this for all it’s worth!

This is how we show our appreciation for what we’re given. We make a list of all the ways we’re going to use it, then we honor the giver of the gift by actually using the gift.

Use the gift of February to make the changes you need to make. Use the gift of February to get better. Use the gift of February to do things you’ve always wanted to do. Use the gift of February to create memories with the ones you love.

Make a list of how you will be using this gift … these are your goals. This is how you tell God you really love the gift … use it!

Tomorrow we will discuss surrendering our plans and praising God in advance!

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