If you were to draw a straight horizontal line and put an arrow on each end, this would show the infinite care and power of God. On the left side of line write: Individual Needs. Now on the right side of the line write: The Entire Universe.

God’s care and power is infinitely intimate and infinitely detailed. At the same time God’s care and power is infinitely massive. It’s just goes deeper and deeper, and on and on, bigger and bigger.

Psalm 147: 3-5 shows us the most perfect image of God’s infinite care and power. It says, “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!”

On one hand we have a God who bends down to bandage our wounds, personally. He comes to our rescue. He tends to our needs. Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Is that you? Has your heart been broken? Has your spirit been crushed? Did you have this picture of what you thought your life would be, and that picture was shattered? What was it that caused this pain in your life? Maybe someone left, someone was taken, or someone really let you down. Maybe you let you down. Maybe you feel like God let you down. Maybe you woke up today to a reality that is a total disappointment and nothing makes sense. My friend, God is drawing close to you. He’s coming in for your rescue.

That’s not just me saying that to make you feel better or help you get out of bed. Those are God’s holy words. These are his promises. He is bending down to pick you up. He will not leave you laying low. He will not forsake you in this place of darkness. That heart of yours will be healed. Those wounds of yours will be bandaged. You will not be broken forever.

Verse 3 in The Passion Translation says it like this: “He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.” EVERY shattered heart. Not some, not just them, no … EVERY shattered heart. Every heart that has been hurt by broken promises and dropped dreams. Every heart that has been hurt by humans doing human things. Every heart that feels an ache from the empty void within. Every shattered heart includes YOUR heart.

God cares about your heart and why it is hurting. No, it’s not foolish and it’s not insignificant. God wants to heal this brokenness for you.

And who better than Jesus to heal your broken heart? Look at his qualifications:

• Jesus personally experienced heartbreak.
I don’t know about you, but I want someone who’s gone through what I’m going through to help me. I don’t want someone who has never personally experienced financial hardship to tell me how to manage my money. I’m not going to read your book on marriage if you’ve never been married. I don’t want someone who is still in the toddler stage with their children to tell me how to touch the heart of my prodigal girl in her 20’s. Show me you have some personal experience, then I will listen. You earn the right to speak into a life through similar experiences.

Jesus had his heart so broken he not only cried tears, he sweat blood. Sweating blood is actually a medical condition where the blood vessels that surround the sweat glands constrict and then dilate to the point of rupture. The cause of this is one thing … extreme anguish. Jesus said, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” (Matthew 26:38)

Jesus has earned the right to speak to us about heartbreak. Isaiah 53: 3 describes Jesus as “a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.” Honey, you can trust him to be gentle with your broken pieces. He understands your brokenness. He understands your grief. He understands your hurt. He understands your disappointment.

• Jesus has 2000+ years of experience in this work.
You never want to be the patient of a doctor’s first surgery. I have friends who get haircuts at the Hair Academy for $5. Now girl, you have no idea what hair you are going to walk out of that place with because the student cutting your hair has no clue what they’re doing! When they’re nervous holding the scissors, I hope you didn’t love your hair.

I once went to a dental school to have a tooth pulled. It was half the price and really, how bad could they possibly screw up pulling a broken tooth. Apparently BAD, REALLY BAD. It turned into weeks of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced and 3 return visits because apparently, my cute little dentist in training really didn’t know what he was doing. In the words of Pretty Woman: Big mistake. Big! Huge!

Jesus is not in training to heal broken hearts. He’s not still learning how to bandage up those wounds. He’s been doing this a long time, my sister. You’re in good hands here. There’s nothing he hasn’t seen before and nothing he hasn’t healed before.

• And finally, Jesus is qualified to heal your broken heart because remember, he is also God, they are one in the same. And because Jesus is also God, this means he is the MAKER of your heart. He holds the trademark on your inner beings and was personally involved in forming every part of you. He knows what makes your heart tick, he knows what makes your heart beat faster, he knows what desires fill your heart, and he knows what breaks it. So, he knows precisely how to heal it.

When your car breaks, it’s best to take it back to the actual manufacturer for repair. They have the exact parts for your specific car. Welp, Jesus is the manufacturer of your heart. He has precisely what is needed to fix you.


Now, remember that horizontal line we drew with an arrow on each end. It represents God’s infinite care and power. We’ve looked at the left side which is his care and power over our individual needs in verse 3, “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” Now, let’s go to the next verse and the other side of the line where the arrow points to infinity the other way. Verse 4, “He counts the stars and calls them all by name.”

I went to the google to understand the infinite power required to count those stars. I discovered there are believed to be over 200 billion trillion stars. My brain can’t even wrap itself around that number. A billion trillion … here’s what that means to me … a ridiculous amount! The google can’t even agree with how many zeros are in a billion trillion. It’s somewhere between 45 and 71 zeros. Let’s just say it’s a LOT.

First dare to understand how great the number of stars there are, now imagine knowing the name of every one of those stars. GOD DOES! That’s infinite care. God cares about every one of those stars because they are his creation. How absolutely magnificent is that?

And now, remember that scripture tells us God looks at you and calls you his masterpiece! You are his favorite creation, the one he is most proud of. So honey, of course he knows your name. Of course he knows your story. Of course he knows your dreams and desires. Of course he knows your worries and fears. AND HE CARES.

We can look at this great big world and know the Creator of it is big and powerful. I’m not surprised to know that God can count and name every one of the stars. We kind of expect that of a big God. But the fact that that same big God would also bend down low to me when I’m hurting absolutely blows my mind! That God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, the one who holds the entire world in the palm of his hand, would be the one to personally tend to my broken heart when I am hurting, and personally bandage my wounds … WOW, his care and power is truly infinite. There’s simply no end! All I can say is WOW!

Now verse 5 in The Passion Translation: “There’s absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything.”

My friend, you don’t have to hide that broken heart of yours … God understands every detail of your hurt and his power can heal that. I just know it!

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