All of God’s creation (outside of humans), simply does what it’s created to do without thought. The plants and the animals live naturally, just as they were created. There’s no stress. There’s no worry. They represent the perfection in God’s design.
So, why can’t we (God’s greatest creation, the one’s he has called his masterpiece) yes, why can’t we live naturally with no stress and worry? Oh yeah, because unlike all the other creatures, we have the power of choice, and our choices can be wrong and mess things up.
But God says to his most prized creation, “Look. Look at my other creations and see how they do it. See how they just live. See how they naturally do what they were created to do with ease. Now, my masterpiece, do what I’ve created you to do.”
Today, we will look at four creations that show us how to live as we were designed to live.
- Matthew 6: 26-27, “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life.”
Oh yes, we’ve talked about the faith of the mama bird before. She leaves the babies in the nest each morning and goes out to find their daily food. She’s not stressed. She’s not worried. She flies in faith knowing what she needs will be provided.
When she returns to the nest, there her babies wait with wide open mouths to receive everything being given to them. They’re always ready to receive. They are not prideful in being self-sufficient. No, they know everything comes from the one who is over them.
And Jesus tells us LOOK AT THE BIRDS. Do you see how they live naturally without stress and worry? Do you see how they fly in faith and receive in fullness? The birds live in partnership with God. They don’t worry about the provisions, but they also do their part. She flies out of the nest to go get what God is providing! She expectantly goes out to get it.
God does all of this for the birds, and we are so much more valuable than they are. We are the prized masterpiece. Learn to be dependent on God for his divine providence. Only he can make it happen. Only he can provide what is needed. Only he can fill you to overflowing. And he is faithful to do so!
How amazing that our God is so big and so divine, yet he has ordered the universe to depend on him for even the feeding of the birds. All of his creation needs him. So honey, of course you do too! You were not designed to be self-sufficient, capable of doing everything on your own. God designed you to need him most!
- Matthew 6: 28-30, “Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.”
Our worry is rooted in a low understanding of our value to God. When we fail to recognize God’s infinite care over the details of our lives, we turn to worrying over what we cannot control. Honey, if you cannot control it, God does! You need to learn how much God loves you so you can lean into his miraculous workings of providence in your life.
Your worry is accomplishing absolutely nothing. It’s a waste of your energy … energy God has given you to live well, and here you are wasting it over worry. Your worry is not without impact. The stress you are creating within your body is of tremendous negative impact. This is why God is saying, “LOOK AT MY WILDFLOWERS! LOOK HOW I CARE FOR THEM SO WONDERFULLY. WON’T I CARE FOR YOU EVEN MORE?”
Oh how God shows off in his display of the wildflowers. They grow where they grow. They just keep coming back, year after year, multiplying. They show up in their vibrant brilliance, unashamed, just as they were designed. While on my friend’s farm in Kentucky, I saw the wildflowers growing in her fields. The brightest, most magnificent colors of hot pink and yellow, stretching toward the sun. In Colorado, high in the Rocky Mountains, I saw wildflowers growing in the crevices of the rocks. A brilliant purple paints the gray in the way only an artist could do.
Only God cares for them. They’re wild. No one is picking the weeds around them. No one is watering them. That’s God’s job, and he does it faithfully. Now, won’t he do it for you too?
- Jeremiah 8:7, “Even the stork that flies across the sky knows the time of her migration, as do the turledove, the swallow, and the crane. They all return at the proper time each year.”
Did you know the stork (yes the one we have credited for delivering babies on doorsteps in our cartoons) is given it’s name in Hebrew because it is called “the faithful one”. It is known for its early return home each season. It comes in first, knowing it is time to return.
Have you ever thought about the miraculous journey of a bird in migration. How do they know when to go? How in the world do they know where to go? They’re traveling thousands of miles with a very specific destination and seemingly nothing to guide them… BUT GOD.
The birds are divinely directed by their Creator. He has put within them everything they need for their journey. They instinctively know when to go and how to prepare. They naturally find their way to open opportunities, and they go for it!
Maybe God is saying, look at the migration of my birds because he is now telling his prized girls, GO FOR IT! You’ve got what it takes because I’ve put it in you. I’ve equipped you. You don’t think you can, but actually you can. You’ve just got to go.
There are opportunities awaiting you, my friend. Are you going to go for them? Will you trust God’s timing? There’s a purpose for the season of life you’re in. Embrace the purpose of this season and take the opportunities aligned for you here, knowing God is covering what is next.
- Proverbs 6: 6-8, “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from theirs ways and become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for winter.”
Remember how I told you about the same 6 CDs from the motivational speaker Jim Rohn that I used to listen to on replay for years? Jim’s teachings helped me see life differently and dare to believe there was more in me by God’s great design. One of my favorite teachings on those 6 CDs was the lesson of the ants. I can still hear him say, “The ants, the ants, the ants. They don’t wait, they work. They work, they work.”
God’s word is warning us of the price of laziness in our lives. We are given a day of life, and God wants to know what we did with that day. What’s your account for the time you have been given? What have you done with your days?
Is procrastination a problem for you? Do you wait and wait, while the work builds and builds? Well, that’s a real problem. God didn’t design his masterpiece to be a master procratinator. He didn’t design us to constantly need to be told what to do and when to do it. He put that awareness within you.
You know what you need to do. This isn’t a knowing problem, this is a doing problem. We know what we need to do, but we don’t do it when we need to do it. So little tasks pile up and become overwhelming. Then we sit in our overwhelm unsure of where to begin. God says, TAKE A LESSON FROM THE ANTS. The ants work hard when the work is to be done.
Stop doing nothing. Stop saying, “I’ll do it later.” It will only be harder later.
Don’t work out of worry. Don’t work out of frenzy. Work because you have been given energy and energy must be used.
People often ask me where do I get my energy from. Oh, let me tell you the secret. I was faithful with a little energy first. Energy is given where energy is used. It grows when it is worked. Energy is like dough. You have to work the dough for it to evenutally rise. Too many of us are sitting with our little pile of dough, staring at it and complaining how it isn’t growing. Girl, did you knead it? You complain that you NEED it, but you didn’t KNEAD IT.
You’re going to need energy one day, so you better knead the energy you have today. Knead it, work it, use it! God’s word says if you are faithful with little, you will be given more. However if you’re not faithful with little, you can’t expect to be trusted with more. What if that applies to our God given energy supply! If you aren’t faithful to use the little energy you have today to be productive and do what needs to be done, then tomorrow you’ll wake up even lazier than you were today. Why? Because you weren’t faithful with what you had.
But what if you stop procrastinating and stop waiting for someone to tell you what you have to do, and like the ant, you just do everything you can today? You faithfully use all the energy you do have doing everything you know to do. Yes! You know what will happen tomorrow? You will be given more!
Isn’t it crazy how exhausted you can feel laying on the couch watching TV all day? You can barely wait to drag your exhausted butt to bed at night. Let me tell you what that exhaustion really is … that’s boredom. Boredom is an energy suck. Get up! Stop the cycle of procrastination and do what you can today!
So, as God’s greatest and most prized creations, we know everything God created in the animals and the plants, he created even more wonderfully in us. We are divinely covered, divinely protected, divinely provided for, divinely equipped, and divinely called to show up and live well today!
Now, my masterpiece, do what I’ve created you to do.
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