When you’re facing a troubling situation, what do you do? Jesus is asking you to STOP YIELDING TO YOUR FEAR and instead TRUST HIM.
Is God aware of what you’re going through? Absolutely. He knows every detail of your life. How do I know? His word tells me! Psalm 139: 1-5, “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me.”
But he goes beyond just knowing about every detail of your life. My sister, your God CARES about every detail. Again, how do I know? His word tells me! Psalm 37:23, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” He literally DELIGHTS in the details of your journey. This means he’s not just involved because he has to be, he’s involved in the details of your life because he WANTS to be.
And this God who knows every detail and cares about every detail, holds the divine and unmatched power to do the impossible in your life. Yes, God can make a way through this. God can heal this. God can use this for good. Bring him the worst, ugliest, messiest, most shameful parts of your life and he will do something beautiful with it. Beauty for ashes, Sis, that’s what he gives!
When you understand God’s power matched with God’s awareness, care and involvement in your life, you can truly trust him. You can trust that he has gone before you and made a way for you. You can trust he will strengthen your every step forward with him. You can trust he will be with you and guide you. You can trust he will break chains, he will part seas, he will tear down walls. He’s simply asking you to partner with him!
To partner with God, you must stop yielding to your fear and trust him.
Maybe you’ve been stuck, yielding to your fear. Is that where you are? You’re sitting in the overwhelm of ‘what if’ and ‘what next’, but you’re not moving forward in faith. Let me tell you what happens when you yield to fear … life piles up. Little messes become big messes. Problems don’t just remain, they grow. Soon, you have horns honking at you, pressure is building and you are overwhelmed.
What happened? YOU YIELDED TO FEAR.
Imagine driving your car and you’re going from the access road to the interstate highway. What is there as your lane merges into another lane? A yield sign. So, what do you do, you slow down, you look at what is coming for your chance to proceed. But if you continue yielding, you never move forward. You sit and you look at the cars passing, passing, passing. Then the cars behind you begin building, building, building. What happens next? They start honking, honking, honking. Then you feel anxious. You feel pushed. You feel fearful.
Understand, when you sit and look at your problems, you are yielding. The problems aren’t just going to stop for you. That’s not what problems do. Problems keep on barreling through on their lane whether you do anything or not. As you yield, watching your problems, more problems start building up behind you. The more you do nothing, the more it builds. Then the honking begins. Then the pressure. Then the fear.
Is this where you are? Have you yielded to fear? You’ve been looking at the thing you’re afraid of without moving forward. You’ve been talking about your problem without taking the necessary next steps. You’ve been worrying a whole lot more than you’ve been praying. You’ve taken those promptings from the Holy Spirit, and you’ve pushed them down until they’ve become anxiety. Anxiety builds when you don’t do what God has equipped you to do.
Girl, you have been equipped to move forward! But you yielded to fear. You’ve sat there and gotten yourself overwhelmed. You’re overthinking. Honk honk, girlfriend … it’s time to trust Jesus and take the next positive step.
This week we’ve been studying Luke 8. We’ve seen Jesus go from the boat where he calmed a storm to bring his creation back to order, to then encounter a demon-posessed man who had been tormented for a long time. When he healed the man and cast the demons into a herd of pigs who then plunged down the cliff into the lake to drown, the people of the region begged Jesus to leave. They were afraid of him. They were afraid of what following him might cost them and they had decided the price was too high. So, Jesus gets back in the boat and he crosses the lake and goes back to where he came from.
Now back on the other side of the lake, the crowds had been waiting and they welcomed Jesus. Now, verse 41-42, “A man name Jairus, a leader of the local synagogue, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with him to come home with him. His only daughter, who was about 12 years old, was dying.”
Imagine, this man is watching his daughter die, and he leaves his home in hopes of finding Jesus. He was in the crowd waiting for him to return. Why did Jesus return? Because he had been rejected on the other side of the lake. Let me tell you, wherever Jesus is welcomed he will go and wherever he goes, he will do miraculous work.
Is Jesus welcome in your home? Is he welcome in your mornings? Is he welcome in your work? Really, do you invite him in? Do you wait for him to arrive and make space for him? Or are you still too afraid of the time that may take? Are you still afraid of what he might ask you to give up if he really came into your home, your business, and the details of your life? He will go where he is welcomed. JESUS, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE! I’M WAITING FOR YOU!
The next verse says, “Jesus went with him.”
But there was an interruption. As they’re on the way to Jairus’ dying 12 year old daughter, another daughter of God is in need and she reaches out in the crowd and touches the hem of Jesus’ robe. Jesus felt the healing power go from him, so he stopped. He stopped to personally encounter the woman who had reached out to him in faith. He stopped everything to find her and respond to her faith. Oh how beautiful. I just love that so much.
But here’s the problem, as Jesus is stopping, Jairus’ daughter is dying. Verse 49, “A messenger arrived from the home of Jairus and told him, “Your daughter is dead. There’s no use troubling the teacher now.”
Feel that for a moment. Jesus … why? Why did you wait? Why did you take too long? Now she has died because you stopped along the way. Jesus, I was waiting for you and you helped someone else!
Verse 50, “But when Jesus heard what had happened, he said to Jairus, ‘Don’t be afraid. Just have faith and she will be healed.'”
In the Passion Translation it says, “Don’t yield to your fear.”
There it is … the problems, the problems, the problems. You’re looking and looking and looking. You’re waiting and waiting and waiting. You’re anxious. You’re overwhelmed. And now you’re stuck. Why? You’ve yielded to your fear.
Jesus says don’t fall apart here, Jairus. Take a step of faith here. Stop focusing on the problem that creates such fear in you, and focus on me. I am here. I know. I am working.
Jairus focuses on Jesus and keeps walking with him to his house. And let me tell you what happens, verse 54-55, “Then Jesus took her by the hand and said in a loud voice, ‘My child, get up!’ And at that moment her life returned and she immediately stood up!”
He brought life back to her!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you sit there yielded to your fear, you will miss what Jesus can do. What can he do? Oh girl, he can bring life back to you! He can bring life back to your marriage. He can bring life back to your children. He can bring life back to your business. He can bring life back to your dreams. He can take that which is too far gone and he can restore it and make it new.
That’s what Jesus can do. But what do you have to do? STOP YIELDING TO YOUR FEAR.
Stop looking at everything that is wrong. Stop talking about how bad it is. Stop playing the victim. You have a gas pedal under your foot, now hit it.
Jesus has called you to move forward with him. Won’t you go in faith and dare to see what he can do with this problem?
Just as the little girl’s life returned to her, your life can return to you. Yes, the life you thought you had screwed up. The life you think is damaged beyond repair. The life you’ve started to lose hope for.
God’s plans are bigger and better than you dared to imagine. Partner with him in believing there is life beyond this, he has a future for you! Now do what you’ve been equipped to do, move forward and keep your eyes on Jesus instead of sitting and staring at your problems. Problems don’t just go away. They keep coming. You’ve got to get going. Get in front of them. GO!
Jesus is showing you the way. Go with him.
Fear, yes it’s there … but don’t yield to it. Trust Jesus and go.
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