We make a massive mistake when we try to clean up our lives, but fail to fill our lives with Jesus. If all you ever do is remove the bad from your life and never refill it with the good, your empty spaces will eventually be refilled with even worse. Every single space of your life needs Jesus … without him, you are not only vulnerable, you are in danger.
Luke 11: 24-26, Jesus says, “When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, searching for rest. But when it finds none, it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from. So it returns and finds that its former home is all swept and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before.”
I promise you this, I have NEVER touched this scripture before. I feel absolutely unqualified for this one. My flesh screams out, “Not it”. But there’s a calling within me that I cannot deny. A calling that I must obey. And that calling tells me to dig deep, seek wisdom, and teach this to God’s girls so we’re not blindly caught in a battle we don’t know how to fight.
You can’t play pretend with nothing but positive thoughts and Pollyana prayers. We’re in a battle, every single one of us. Your family is in a battle, every single one of them. Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty power in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
That’s the truth. That’s the struggle. We’re all fighting against evil. There are literally evil spirits in heavenly places battling you. What are those evil spirits in heavenly places doing to battle you? Revelations 12:10 tells us about the evil one who accuses us day and night before God. Oh yes, my sister, it’s happening. And what does he have to accuse you about? Your sin. Your disobedience. Your guilt.
Your sin is a legal issue. Imagine Heaven is a court and the evil powers of this world have a case against YOU. They have evidence of your failure, proof of your shortcoming, eye witnesses to your sin. And it’s all on display in the courts of Heaven because the enemy of your soul simply will not drop it.
This sin in your life has created a dark place for evil to hide. And where evil hides, it creates absolute destruction. Maybe you’ve seen it in your own life or your own family. It spread like a wildfire and left areas that looked like war zones. Yeah, because it was a war zone, my friend. There was a war going on. A war between Heaven and Hell. A war between good and evil.
What is the answer for this? The dark place created by sin must be brought to the light. Truth must be told. Help must be sought. All evil must be evicted. Ways must be changed.
But that’s not enough. It’s not enough to just clean up your life. It’s not enough to come clean, end the affair, stop lying, get sober, and say you’re sorry. You can do all of this and still be in danger. In fact, even more danger than ever before.
What more could you possibly do? You must fill that once dark space with Jesus. If you don’t, that evil will return and it will return worse than ever.
That’s what Jesus was teaching in Luke 11. He says the evil spirit left this man, and then that spirit went to the desert searching for rest. Do you know what a desert is? A desert is a dry place without water. Jesus tells the sinful woman at the well in John 4: 14, “Those who dink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” Jesus is LIVING WATER. And where he is, there can be no desert.
That evil spirit which comes in and creates absolute disaster in our lives, causing us to live a life far below that which we were created for, it needs a dry desert to live in. A space void of the living water of Jesus.
You better believe there are evil spirits roaming, looking for a desert in your soul. Those dark places hidden in shame because of sin are his playground. As long as you keep living in that shame, sin and disobedience, you literally create space for the evil of the devil and his demons.
I know that’s scary. I know that’s not fun to talk about. But darn it, I wish someone would have helped me understand this better and taught me about the power Jesus has given us to cast out these demons, then the ability to keep them from ever coming back.
Because my sister, they do come back. That’s what Jesus said. Jesus said that evil spirit that has been evicted looks for a desert to find rest, and when he can’t find one, he comes right back to his old home where he was before. And when he returns, if he finds that home swept clean, he brings 7 other spirit more evil than himself and they all enter that person and live there. Then that person is worse off than before.
Now, what we have to understand is how this can happen. Don’t you want to know? Don’t you want to protect your family? I sure do! Maybe no one else is willing to talk about this, but darn it, someone has to take the wisdom God is offering here and fight!
The reason the evil spirit was able to return and bring 7 of his evil spirit friends is because this person had cleaned their life up, but had left it empty. Clean but empty. Changed but not filled. Getting sober without Jesus filling the former space of alcohol or drugs will not last. Ending the affair without Jesus filling the former space of that relationship will not last. Deciding to change your bad habits without filling the space of your bad habits with Jesus will not last. It will all come back, and when it does, it will be worse.
Getting rid of bad things is not enough. Every bad and evil thing must be replaced with good. The space must be filled. And if you fill that space with Jesus, evil has no dark place to go back to when it comes looking.
Evil is looking. It’s looking at you. It’s looking at your marriage. It’s looking at your children. It’s looking at your grandchildren. It’s looking at your hopes and your dreams. It’s looking at your future. It’s looking at your potential. Any desert place without the living water of Jesus will become it’s home. Any dark place hidden in shame, sin and disobedience will become it’s hiding place. And it WILL GET WORSE.
It’s a trick of the enemy to convince you what is bad right now is manageable and you can just live with it. No, honey, IT WILL GET WORSE. You can’t afford for this to get worse. Do you understand what this force of evil will cost you? It will cost you absolutely everything! His goal is to kill, steal and destroy. And that’s exactly what he will do if you give him space.
Satan seeks to dwell in the unclean heart living in disobedience and sin. Don’t let that be your heart!
Jesus, don’t just help me clean up this mess, but please come fill up this space. Fill me to overflowing, leaving absolutely no dark corners for evil to return. Show me what needs to be evicted, what needs to change, what confessions need to be made, what wrongs need to be made right. Strip me of my pride. But don’t let me stop there. Change my desires to align with your will. Create a hunger within me that needs more and more of you. Let me turn to you for everything. You can radically change me and my life. Jesus, I give you full access and permission, holding nothing back.
Remember, anything you hold back from Jesus creates a dry, empty place. Satan and his demons are searching for an empty place. Whatever you’re holding back, it’s soooo not worth it!
With certainty, I say out loud, “Satan, in the name of Jesus, I command you to take your evil spirits of depression, anxiety, worry, fear, addiction, confusion and deception. You GET OUT and do not come back. There is no place for you here. This place is being flooded by the living water of Jesus. By Jesus’ authority and power given to me, I cancel your assignment over me, my family, and God’s girls listening right now. You must go now in Jesus’s name. As believers, we belong to Jesus and we are covered under His blood as a hedge of protection.”
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