There’s a difference between a wish and a plan. A wish is a thought without action. A plan puts that wish into motion with a path to make it possible.
God has more than just good wishes for you. He has good PLANS for you. This means he doesn’t just wish goodness for you, he has it in the works. He has it arranged. He has the way made. It’s in store.
You know if you order something today on Amazon Prime and it shows in stock, it’s on it’s way. You expect delivery.
God’s plans for you are in stock and on their way. You can expect delivery my sister.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”
And whatever God plans, HE CAN MAKE HAPPEN. Who can stop the Lord? Who can out power him? Who could possibly get in his way, delay him, detour him, or defeat him? NO ONE.
Isaiah 14:27 “The LORD of Heaven’s Armies has spoken— who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?”
So imagine this, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the one who has angels following his command, the one who controls all of heaven and Earth, has good plans for YOU and his hand is raised over you.
Tell me again why you’re stressed. Tell me again why you are worried. Tell me again why you are overwhelmed. You have a good future ahead of you. There are not plans to harm you honey, there are plans to prosper you.
I have good wishes towards you. I truly wish nothing but the best for you. But honestly, my wishes don’t change your life, do they? I don’t have the power or influence to change your future.
But imagine the president of your company calling you today and saying, “I’ve noticed your work, and I have good plans for you.”
Wow, would you get excited? Immediately you would envision promotion and a window office. A total breakthrough in your career. All because the boss has good plans for you.
Imagine Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon and wealthiest man alive at a worth of 263 billion dollars sending you an email today and saying, “Your name came across my desk, and I have a ridiculously good future for you.”
You would probably pee a little! Oh my goodness, what could this mean? The house on the hill without a single worry again. All because the rich man has good plans for you.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”
So how is it you’ve heart these words of the creator of the Universe, the owner of all that ever existed, the one who holds the whole world in the palm of his hands, the one who makes the sun to rise and the earth to spin, the one who gives you the very breath in your lungs, and you’re not phased?
How has your entire world not been shaken with this word from God? He has good plans for you!
God is the boss. He is the richest of all. Anything he wants to be done, can be done. If he tells a mountain to move, it moves. If he wants the ocean to stand on it’s end, those waters will part. If he wants water to turn to wine, you should get your cup ready. If he wants little to become more, it will be so. If he wants donkeys to talk, their lips start moving. If he wants dead bones to come alive again, they start rattling. If he wants babies to come when all hope is lost, then someone better buy a crib. If he wants prodigals to come home, you better get the party ready. It’s all in scripture. The proof is there.
And HE is the one who has good plans for you!
How has the darkness not lifted? How has your anxiousness not eased? How has your mind still been stuck in the state of worry? Someone who can TRULY make a radical difference in EVERY way, knows your name, knows exactly where you are, knows every detail of your life and he has good plans for you.
Shouldn’t that give you hope for your future?
Yes, it should.
So why didn’t you wake up this morning absolutely moved by his plans of prosperity and goodness for you?
The only possible reason is because you’ve dismissed yourself. You’ve closed yourself off. You’ve decided to not be available for the truth of his promises.
Somehow you’ve heard these words from the Lord, and you’ve assumed that can’t include you. Not here, not now, not in this world.
You think God is limited now for some reason? You think he’s too busy taking care of other problems? Oh, you’ve put God in a box. You’ve limited his power. You’ve assumed he’s running short on time or resources.
He is here and he is working, girl get out of his way!
Here on top of this mountain in Tennessee this week, we learned if you order something on Amazon and they ship it using the US Postal Service, you have to have a mailbox at the address for that delivery. Even if it’s a huge box full of beautiful Retreat dishes and supplies that would never fit in a tiny mail box, you still have to HAVE a mailbox for them to deliver. This mountain house doesn’t have a mailbox, so everything we ordered was returned to sender.
No mailbox of availability, no delivery.
Do you see where I’m going here? When you order from Amazon, you expect delivery, but you have to have a mailbox set up.
God has plans for you, they’re on the way, but if you have no established space of availability for his delivery, it will be returned to sender. Girl, how many of God’s ridiculously good plans for life have been on their way to you, but could never be delivered because you don’t have your mailbox set up.
Your life isn’t available. There’s no space for God. How can he speak when you’re so busy? How can he get your attention when you’re so distracted? How can he show you when you’re so self-focused? You’ve closed your heart off. You’ve limited your own life with your wounds and your worries.
Now, God says, have the courage to seek me, trust me and pursue me. Live your life wide-open to my good, positive plans and believe you’re actually worthy of them. This is how you get your spark back, this is how you find the freedom to be truly happy. Let me cover you in my grace so that you do more than just survive, you thrive. I will give you peace. I will fill you with hope. I will heal your brokenness. I’m working right here, right now, and I’ll do it for you again and again.
Psalm 14:2 MSG “God sticks his head out of heaven. He looks around. He’s looking for someone not stupid – one man, even, God expectant, just one God-ready woman.”
Yes, God is looking for a one girl who is expectant and ready for him. Will that be you?
May you dare to believe just how much he loves you. May your soul hear him and trust him. And may you be so bold as to believe it, and partner with him in those plans.
That’s it, be a partner with God in his great plans. He has plans to prosper you. Plans to give you hope and future. Be his partner and step into those plans, and never dismiss yourself again. You can expect delivery if you have an established space of availability for Him.
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