Your problem is big. God is bigger.

Your faults are great. God is greater.

It seems impossible. God does the impossible.

Have you forgotten the power which resides within you? You are HIS creation. His spirit lives within you. Through him you ARE capable and you will be MORE THAN a CONQUEROR.

What problem are you facing on this Wednesday morning? What impossible is knocking on your door? May I remind you of of the words our great big God tucked away in Jeremiah 32:27 – “I am the Lord … is anything too hard for me?”

Nothing is too hard for our God. Nothing is beyond his scope. Your impossible is 100% possible with God.

Why? Because God sees it all. He sees your faults. He sees your struggles. He sees your problem. He sees your impossible. AND HE LOVES YOU TOO MUCH TO LEAVE YOU ALONE.

Hear God speak your name and his power over your problems today. God says: Marisa, your anxiety is not too hard for me. Karla, your finances are not too hard for me. Ellen, your sister’s healing is not too hard for me. Gina, your future is not too hard for me. Mama, your child is not too hard for me. Daughter, your problem is not too hard for me.

So what will your response be to this amazing, loving God of yours? What will you do with your problems today? Oh there are many options.

You can pile up your problems and take inventory. You can talk about them. You can wallow in them. You can magnify them. Those are always popular options.

Or maybe you’re more like me and you tend to do the opposite; you ignore your problems. You try your best to pretend they’re not there, as if your avoidance of the truth will somehow change it. And so the problem grows bigger as we bury our head in the sand and life spirals out of control.

Life is not perfect … let us not live in la la land.
Nor is it hopeless … let us not live in doom and gloom.

Within you is creativity, wisdom and strength and it’s EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TODAY. You can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU. Whatever it is you need to do today, you CAN do it because the spirit of God dwells within you and God has already made it clear, NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR HIM!

Here’s what we’re going to bank on today. A promise from God in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

Do you have a problem you don’t know the answer for? Are you searching for the way, but you don’t know how to navigate this messy and unknown territory? God has promised if you will call to him, he will tell you great things you do not know.

I find that promise to be so perfectly timed. I’m facing things I have no idea how to handle. Messes I don’t know how to clean up. Problems that are way bigger than me. I’ve know for a while now I can’t fix this, but now as the problem grows bigger, the worries threaten to overwhelm my mind. But God says to me, “Pamela, call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

The answers to my problems are unsearchable. They’re not found on the Google. But God has the answers and he promises to answer me when I call on him. Now I know exactly what I need to do.

So here’s our action plan this morning girls:


Could it be that simple?

Oh yes, it could be and it really is.

The answers you seek are already in you. How do I know? Because the Spirit of God dwells within you.
Ephesians 3:16, “I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit”. Then Ephesians 3:20, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

But it’s up to us to seek and consult him for the answers and the help.

When you call out to God for help it releases all the creativity, wisdom and strength you need for the next step. Then it’s a matter of REPEAT. Call out again and receive for the step after that. Never stop calling on God … if you do, that’s when you screw this thing up.

You don’t have to be discouraged today. You don’t have to be filled with fear. God is ready, willing and able to HELP YOU. Oh how he loves you. His love can move mountains … yes, your mountain.

What’s your impossible today?

This isn’t too hard for God, and because he responds to your call and tells you things you otherwise could never know, and strengthens you to do things you could never do on your own, you have no reason to fear. You have every reason to move forward!

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