This week, I’m challenging the women I mentor to dream again. To put words to the dreams which flow from their heart and partner with God in the process of creating. Really, isn’t it amazing to think that God, the creator of the entire Universe, created us and put us in the middle of it all, then invited us to create with him. My sister, he has given YOU the power to create within your life. That’s why you have those dreams … do something with them.
I’ve told you about my dreams to have a BIG Life Resort here in the Florida Keys. And I’ve mentioned before my dreams of having a BIG Life Tiki Hut Coffee Shop where you can get a latte and a holy dunk in the turquoise waters. Oh how I would love to share a cup of coffee with you! But have I told you about the dream that really revs my engine? The one that is likely the simpliest and most doable on a 5 year plan is the one that really makes my heart beat fast. I dream of having a turquoise colored vintage VW bus as our mobile podcast studio. I want to travel across the country, setting up in parks and parking lots, gathering our listeners for live podcast broadcasts and local adventures. I want us to whip out lawn chairs under the canopy of my VW bus (I say “my” … I don’t have one, but I dream of one), where we open up our Bibles and we let God’s living word flow.
What are your dreams, my sister? What desires has God whispered into your heart? Don’t you know those are invitations to come create with the Creator? Yesterday, I read of dreams of creating a special RV park, dreams of building a farm for a free farmer’s market food pantry for the community, dreams of running, dreams of a building for foster children, dreams of freedom from addiction. Many had never spoken of these dreams before, now they’re brought to light! It’s absolutely beautiful and invigorating.
Today, as I continue my study in the book of Psalms, I stumble across a scripture which tells us what we should do when we desire life and want to enjoy good things. I believe that’s what our dreams are. We want to live more of this life God created us for. We want to create good things, do good things, and share good things. Fantastic … here’s what we do:
Psalms 34: 12-14, “Who is someone who desires life, loving a long life to enjoy what is good? Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from deceitful speech. Turn away from evil and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it.”
Does this apply to you and I today? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! For those of us who desire the life God is offering us and have dreams of good things, we know what we need to do here.
• Keep your tongue from evil
• Keep your lips from deceitful speech
• Turn away from evil and towards good
• Seek and pursue peace
Have you noticed how it’s harder than ever to keep your mouth from sinning? David said in Psalms 17:3, “I have determined that my mouth will not sin.” How are you doing with that mission? It’s hard, isn’t it? But what if our mouth is limiting us? What if it’s our mouth that cancels out the dreams God is willing to help us create?
Lord, show me where my mouth is sinning and help me regain control! My tongue has been evil. My lips have been deceitful. I have been actively participating in blocking my own potential for good things. I want to change that!
The process of change first begins with awareness. We become aware of what we’re saying (and don’t forget, typing, commenting, liking and sharing is the same as saying.). What is God making you aware of that is not honoring to him. If it is not honoring to him, then it is evil.
Did you know that’s what evil is? Evil is more than just a supernatural force of wickedness. When scripture refers to us doing evil, it means anything we do, say or think that goes against the goodness of God. God is good. All good things flow from him. If it is not good, it is not of God. If it is not of God, then it is evil.
If the words we speak are not from the goodness of God, then they are evil. If the thoughts we think are not from the goodness of God, then they are evil. If the things we do are not from the goodness of God, then they are evil. Anything void of God’s goodness is evil. And God’s word is telling us to TURN AWAY from EVIL and TURN TOWARDS GOOD.
That’s so very practical. Instead, what we often do, is we dive head first into the gossip. We jump right into the drama. We scroll through the comments of the controversial post just to read the word battle unfolding. And every time we do this, we are turn towards evil. This is void of God’s goodness.
And God says, “My girl, turn away from that and turn towards my goodness. I have so much more to give you, but you have to turn from this.”
Did you know this exact scripture from Psalms is quoted in the new testament? It shows up again in 1 Peter 3: 10-12. Let’s read it from the Passion Translation:
For scripture tells us, “Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day must stop speaking evil hurtful words and never deceive in what they say. Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue peace in every relationship, making it your prize. For the eyes of the Lord rest upon the Godly and his heart responds to their prayers.”
Is God convicting you now of anything you have been saying? Is there any wrong you need to turn from? Do it now. Confess that, don’t let it grow. You want true life, right? You want beauty in each and every day? Get rid of those hurtful words. Eliminate that tendency to be deceitful in what you say. Turn away from every little thing that is wrong and intentionally turn towards what is right.
Notice it says to “eagerly purse peace in every relationship.” What would it look like to not just desire peace, but actually pursue it, and pursue it eagerly? Have you asked God what you can do to bring peace to this relationship? In my experience, the way I bring peace is to do the opposite of what I feel like doing. What I feel like doing is screaming. What I feel like doing is throwing a grown woman hissy fit. I feel like showing my hurt in a way that will hurt them. How about you? I realize all the things I feel like doing are the opposite of eagerly pursuing peace. So what God is asking me to do is to lay my feelings aside, and turn toward his goodness. Otherwise, it is evil.
So, this is our focus today. We are girls who want good things. We are girls who have the dreams of God planted within us as seeds to nurture and grow that will one day reap a harvest. If we want those good things in our lives, there are simple things we must do today:
• Keep your tongue from evil
• Keep your lips from deceitful speech
• Turn away from evil and towards good
• Seek and pursue peace
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