How do we expect God to fill what has no space for him? Maybe we don’t leave space for him because we don’t really expect him to show up any way.

Is that where you are? You stopped asking because you’ve been disappointed? The time you’ve made for him didn’t do anything for you and you’re just as confused and overwhelmed as you’ve ever been.

My sister, I’m sorry you’re feeling disappointed. I’m sorry the circumstances of your life have made you feel forgotten by God or continually punished for something you can’t go back and fix. I promise that is not what God is doing. He is a good, good father who wants to bless you and provide for you.

Psalm 81: 10, The Lord says, “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.”

Imagine baby birds awaiting the return of Mama and Papa bird with their regurgitated breakfast. Have you seen how wide a baby bird opens it’s mouth. It’s literally like their jaw is on a hinge and their whole head opens up to receive.

Yes, THIS IS THE IMAGE GOD WANTS YOU TO HAVE. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Open up your whole head to receive.

But we don’t. In our disappointment and fear of being denied again, we don’t open wide to receive. Heck, we hardly even look up. You know what we do … we ask someone ELSE to pray about it for us. Someone else please open your mouth for me. But honey, it doesn’t work that way … It’s really hard for me to be filled by what someone else is receiving while I’m not available to receive the same. If the baby bird won’t open it’s mouth in the nest, it simply will not survive. It is the one who opens his whole head on a hinge that receives.

Gosh, I haven’t been opening my whole head because I’m fearful of disappointment. I’m fearful of being let down. I’m fearful of asking for too much. I’m fearful of being a burden. I’m fearful of being wrong. I’ve been forfeiting God’s filling because this mouth hasn’t been wide open in anticipation. How about you?

Really, are you expecting God to do something about this situation? Are you expecting God to show up with a solution? Are you expecting God to make a way? Are you expecting him to bring healing? Or are you secretly hoping he will, but kinda doubting it would ever really happen, so you’re just being quiet about it.

Let me tell you something, baby birds are NOT quiet about receiving their breakfast! If you’re near a nest with babies, you become aware of their presence the moment their Mama and Papa return to the nest. They go wild! Feed me … I want it … Whatever you went out and found this morning, give it to me … My mouth is wide open to receive.

Yes, and God says, LIKE THAT! Open your mouth to me and I will fill it.

If you will anticipate God’s provision, he will provide. The problem is, you’re not sure he will really show up and provide for you. You’re questioning if God really hears you, really cares about you, and really has the power to do something for you personally. And all that questioning has your mouth shut. God will not fill the closed mouth. If you do not anticipate God’s provision in faith, you will not receive it. What did Jesus say? “You have not because you ask not.”

How many times has he come by with a blessing, and you weren’t ready to receive it? How many times has he had so much more for you, but you couldn’t receive more because you dismissed yourself a long time ago believing you weren’t worthy of more? Again, closed mouths are hard to fill, Sis. Open wide your mouth, and God will fill it.

The thing about those baby birds in the nest is, they are always ready for more. When Mama or Papa show up, those mouths pop wide open. Their hunger is insatiable and they will take everything being given. Their answer is real clear, “Yes, I want more! I’m ready to receive!!!”

What if God has so much more for you, but you’ve just been leaving it on the table. Girl, did you know there are unclaimed blessings on the table for you? While you’re over here busy dismissing yourself from goodness and miraculous breakthroughs, God has been lining it up for you just hoping you would finally dare to believe it’s for you.

Listen to me … God has asked me to tell you something important this morning. “My girl, this is for you. Open up with expectation.”

Psalm 130: 5, “I will wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in his word.” The Hebrew word translated into wait means expect. I’m expecting God. I’m expecting God to show up. I’m expecting God to move. I’m expecting God to provide.

God wants his girls to have a prayerfully expectant heart. Think about that. Is your heart prayerfully expectant? Or are you praying out of obligation? Is it just to check a box? Would you be absolutely shocked if the thing you’ve been bringing to God over and over again actually changed TODAY? I mean would it surprise the heck out of you if the thing you’ve been waiting on actually happened?

It shouldn’t. A prayerfully expectant heart is counting on God. A prayerfully expectant heart brings it to God, then looks up, expecting God to be in action. Psalm 5:3, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice: in the morning I plead my case to you and watch expectantly.” If you’re watching expectantly, you’re really believing God will answer. You’re believing he heard you and he’s doing something about it. You’re believing the solutions, the breakthroughs, the changes, the healing, the provision is already in motion.

Let me tell you something, my mouth is wide open because I’m prayerfully expectant God is answering me. He’s showing up to fill my open, expectant mouth and heart. I won’t be shocked if today is the day everything changes. Why not today? But I’ll be okay if today isn’t the day because I also trust God’s timing. I’m fully expecting when it does happen to be divine timing, and my mouth will be open whenever that is, ready to receive it. And God, if it’s today, your girl is ready. My whole head is open!

Expecting nothing of our great big God is an insult.

Have you put God in a little box, assuming he’s too busy for you? Have you limited our great big God by believing it’s too late, too far gone, and far too hard for him? Have you closed your mouth because you believed the lies that tell you goodness could never come your way?

God desires to bless his girls and do good for them. He has prepared so much more for us. What a tragedy it would be for us to miss what he has for us because we weren’t open to receive it.

Immediately after God tells you to open your mouth wide so he can fill it, he tells what happens if you don’t.

Psalm 81: 11-14, “But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel did not obey me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own plans. If only my people would listen to me and Israel would follow my ways, I would quickly subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.”

When we expect nothing of our great big God, we settle for our own ways and our own plans. If we don’t open our lives to receive what God has for us, we miss it. Unclaimed blessings are left on the table. God wanted to bless you. He wanted to do such good things for you, but honey you stopped believing he would and you decided to do this on your own.

Lord, we come back to the table today. We return and we open everything to you. We expect what we open to you, you will fill. Father, our mouths are open to your offering. We want to be filled by you and your plans. We are prayerfully expectant.

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